Was ist der unterschied zwischen holiday und vacation

Was ist der unterschied zwischen holiday und vacation


Gelöschter Nutzer

7 Apr 2015

Both explanations are correct.In US English, holidays are specific days in the year that are set aside for celebrations. For example, Christmas and New Years are holidays. Vacations, on the other hand, are longer periods of time that people usually take off for themselves (usually for traveling).In UK English, you use holidays as well when talking about vacations. "I went on holiday to France" and "Let's go on holiday" would be the same as "I went on vacation to France" and "Let's go on a vacation" in US English.

Was ist der unterschied zwischen holiday und vacation

Both explanations are correct.In US English, holidays are specific days in the year that are set aside for celebrations. For example, Christmas and New Years are holidays. Vacations, on the other hand, are longer periods of time that people usually take off for themselves (usually for traveling).In UK English, you use holidays as well when talking about vacations. "I went on holiday to France" and "Let's go on holiday" would be the same as "I went on vacation to France" and "Let's go on a vacation" in US English.

Was ist der unterschied zwischen holiday und vacation

  • Vereinfachtes Chinesisch (China)

So if I am discussing vacation,holiday does works in UK .but how about US?can I use vacation to represent holiday?thank you!

Was ist der unterschied zwischen holiday und vacation

  • Englisch (US)

Yes, use vacation in the US.I went to Hawaii on vacation.I spent my summer vacation in Colorado.I vacationed at the beach.

Antwortender mit hoher Bewertung

Was ist der unterschied zwischen holiday und vacation

  • Vereinfachtes Chinesisch (China)

Thank you all very much!!!

Was ist der unterschied zwischen holiday und vacation

  • Spanisch (Mexiko)

So, we can say something about the kind when I want to go on vacation I always contact my travel agent at https://hotelesenxilitla.com/

Was ist der unterschied zwischen holiday und vacation

  • Traditionelles Chinesisch (Taiwan)
  • Englisch (UK)
  • Englisch (US)

Holiday is used to describe a shorter period while vacation is used to describe a longer period

Was ist der unterschied zwischen holiday und vacation

  • Englisch (UK)

I guess holidays are for a short period of time..may 1to 3 days or a week but vacations are for a long period of time example..may be of 1 month or 15 days or may be 25-30 days..

Was ist der unterschied zwischen holiday und vacation

  • Englisch (US)

So, I was raised in both the US and UK. In the UK, "holiday" and "vacation" are synonymous. In the US, "holiday" is used to describe celebrations on the yearly calendar; Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Fourth of July (Independence Day), Labor Day, etc. These are all Holidays. "Vacation" is a period of rest, fun and relaxation that people normally spend with their family and friends. These are usually not excused and you have to take off work for it, unless your company gives you "vacation days". Vacations also rarely have a holiday or religious event attached to them.

So, I was raised in both the US and UK. In the UK, "holiday" and "vacation" are synonymous.In the US, "holiday" is used to describe celebrations on the yearly calendar; Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Fourth of July (Independence Day), Labor Day, etc. These are all Holidays. "Vacation" is a period of rest, fun and relaxation that people normally spend with their family and friends. These are usually not excused and you have to take off work for it, unless your company gives you "vacation days".Vacations also rarely have a holiday or religious event attached to them.

Was ist der unterschied zwischen holiday und vacation

  • Portugiesisch (Portugal)

@agui holiday inglês britânico vacation inglês americano Espero ter ajudado

Was ist der unterschied zwischen holiday und vacation

  • Englisch (UK)

Holiday is to British English what Vacation is to American English.

  • Englisch (UK)
  • Englisch (US)
  • Vereinfachtes Chinesisch (China)

It’s basically British and American usage. You don’t really hear British saying vacation. They use public holiday or go on a holiday etc. Americans use vacation pretty exclusively for “personal holiday” and holiday season/period for “public holidays”. But if you tell an American you went on a 2 week holiday to Europe they’d understand. Likewise you tell a brutish you were on a 2 week vacation to Africa they’d understand too.

Was ist der unterschied zwischen holiday und vacation

  • Französisch (Frankreich)
  • Spanisch (Spanien)

@agui exelente question je suis intéressé de savoir aussi la différence d'après ce que j'ai compris holyday en Angleterre et pour petite vacance et vacation aux US pour grande vacance mais je suis pas du tout sur, aplus

  • Englisch (US)

@agui@agui they both mean the same thing. Holiday is British English and vacation is American English.

Was ist der unterschied zwischen holiday und vacation

  • Französisch (Frankreich)

Holiday c’est pas le week-end ?

Was ist der unterschied zwischen holiday und vacation

  • Englisch (UK)

As some have mentioned, the word "holiday" comes from "holy day", and generally means a day set aside for a special celebration of some sort. However, due to these celebrations usually being accompanied by standard periods where employees are given time off from work, and students time off from school, people often engage in recreational travel during these periods. Thus, in the U.K. and Australia, the word "holiday" means both an official celebratory day, and/or a period away from work or school used primarily for recreation. In the U.S.A., the word "holiday" is almost always used to mean an official celebratory day or period, so "vacation" is used to refer to a period of recreational travel instead. In terms of etymology, "vacation" literally means "the leaving of something once occupied", so "going on vacation" effectively means the same as "going away for a while".

As some have mentioned, the word "holiday" comes from "holy day", and generally means a day set aside for a special celebration of some sort. However, due to these celebrations usually being accompanied by standard periods where employees are given time off from work, and students time off from school, people often engage in recreational travel during these periods. Thus, in the U.K. and Australia, the word "holiday" means both an official celebratory day, and/or a period away from work or school used primarily for recreation.In the U.S.A., the word "holiday" is almost always used to mean an official celebratory day or period, so "vacation" is used to refer to a period of recreational travel instead. In terms of etymology, "vacation" literally means "the leaving of something once occupied", so "going on vacation" effectively means the same as "going away for a while".

Was ist der unterschied zwischen holiday und vacation

  • Englisch (US)

Was ist der unterschied zwischen holiday und vacation

@aguiHoliday is given by the government to its citizens. Eg: Republic day, Independence day, Sunday as weekly holiday.Vacation is a long leave taken by an individual to spend time and relax with family and friends either in their country or abroad. This is taken by an individual irrespective of govt. holidays, weekdays or weekends.

Was ist der unterschied zwischen holiday und vacation

  • Englisch (US)

Vacation are places you want to visit to take a Break or Want to Take your Kids to see amazing placesHolidays are events that held once a year to celebrate a certain type of event: Ex. Christmas, Halloween, and Easter

  • Englisch (US)

I'm an American, so it will be different for people of other countries. But in America, we say holidays are public celebrations of no school or work (빨간날), while vacations are personal days you request off (휴가).

Antwortender mit hoher Bewertung

Was ist der unterschied zwischen holiday und vacation

  • Englisch (US)
  • Spanisch (Mexiko)

Vacation: A time off to relax from work or school.Holiday: The time off when there is a festive date coming upBut still, you can go on vacation during the holidays

Was ist der unterschied zwischen holiday und vacation

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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen holiday und holidays?

"Holiday" is singular, and "holidays" is plural. Christmas is a holiday, and Easter is a holiday. Christmas and Easter are holidays. The days around and between Christmas and New Years Day are "the holidays".

Was meinen Amerikaner Wenn Sie holiday sagen?

(„Holiday“ im amerikanischen Englisch ist ein Feiertag wie Weihnachten, Neujahr oder Thanksgiving, das amerikanische Erntedankfest. Ein Feiertag im britischen Englisch ist „bank holiday“.)

Ist Vacation britisch oder amerikanisch?

Amerikanisches – Britisches Englisch – Vokabelliste – N – Z.

Hat holiday eine Mehrzahl?

holiday (Englisch) Worttrennung: hol·i·day, Plural: hol·i·days.