Which of the following would be most appropriate to strengthen automatic word recognition skills?

A second-grade teacher administers spelling inventories periodically to help assess students' phonics knowledge. The following shows one student's performance on a spelling inventory at the beginning of the school year and again several months later.

set set set set
star ster star star
drive driv drive drive
peach pech peach peche
turn tarn turn turn
Join joyn join joyn

The student's performance on the second administration of the spelling inventory indicates that the student made the most improvement in which of the following areas?

A. initial and final consonants
B. short vowels and diphthongs
C. digraphs and blends
D. long and r-controlled vowels

Which of the following strategies would be most effective in promoting second graders Multisyllable words?

Which of the following strategies would be most effective in promoting second graders' decoding of multisyllable words? prompting students to sound out the individual phonemes that compose multisyllable words.

How does phonics instruction help students develop automatic word recognition?

Children take part in phonics lessons and word-recognition strategy instruction. They learn that the sounds in spoken words relate to the patterns of letters in written words in predictable and often generalizable ways.

Which of the following Graphemes would be most appropriate to teach first?

So, which graphemes are taught first? Graphemes that should be taught first are the most common single-letter graphemes (t; a; s; n; p and i) and some digraph (two-letter) graphemes (ch; sh; th; wh and ck).

Which of the following strategies would be most appropriate to use to promote second grade students ability to analyze key ideas and details in a literary text?

which of the following strategies would be most appropriate to use to promote second-grade students' ability to analyze key ideas and details in a literary text? Helping students crate a story map of the main characters in a story and the events with which they are involved.