Which of the following is a likely public policy result of the data on the line graph quizlet?

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Ideology and Public Opinion, Socialization

Terms in this set (16)

Candidates for political office use public opinion polls for all of the following purposes EXCEPT to
(Ideology and Public Opinion)

bring the opposition's opinions into alignment with those of the candidate

The best way to ensure peace is through military strength. (55% agree, 42% disagree)
Forced Choice
The best way to ensure peace is through military strength (33%)
Diplomacy is the best way to ensure peace (55%)
Source: Pew Research Center, 1999.
Which of the following is the best conclusion a polling group might draw from the results of the two polls?
(Ideology and Public Opinion)

Using an agree-or-disagree format encourages respondents to agree with the position

The best way to ensure peace is through military strength. (55% agree, 42% disagree)
Forced Choice
The best way to ensure peace is through military strength (33%)
Diplomacy is the best way to ensure peace (55%)
Source: Pew Research Center, 1999.
Based on the outcome of the polls, which of the following is likely true about questions that use the agree-disagree format?
(Ideology and Public Opinion)

Questions that use the agree-disagree format increase the percentage of respondents who agree with the primary statement.

Which of the following best explains the data in the line graph?
(Ideology and Public Opinion)

The economy is likely the most important issue because it is a broader category that is more open to individual interpretation than both jobs and the budget deficit.

Which of the following is a likely public policy result of the data on the line graph?
(Ideology and Public Opinion)

Public policies that create jobs but increase the deficit, such as tax cuts or infrastructure spending, will likely be prioritized over paying down the national debt.

The primary responsibility for determining monetary policy in the United States rests with the
(Ideology and Public Opinion)

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Which of the following best describes an exit poll?
(Ideology and Public Opinion)

A poll that asks voters at randomly selected voting places whom they voted for so that election results can be predicted more quickly

Policy that describes the impact of the federal budget (including taxes, spending, and borrowing) on the economy is referred to as which of the following?
(Ideology and Public Opinion)

Fiscal policy

Which of the following statements accurately explains a limitation of the line graph?
(Ideology and Public Opinion)

The line graph does not illustrate differences along party lines regarding the perception of the Federal Reserve.

Which of the following descriptions is the information on the line graph too limited to support?
(Ideology and Public Opinion)

Most who identify as very conservative believe that the Federal Reserve should be abolished.

Which of the following is most important for getting an accurate measure of public opinion in a survey?
(Ideology and Public Opinion)

Selecting a random sample

An important change in political culture since 1950 is that United States citizens have become
(Ideology and Public Opinion)

less trusting of governmental institutions and leaders

Which of the following is NOT a core value of United States political culture?

Economic Equality

Based on the line graph, which of the following statements about church attendance in 1972 is true?

In 1972, more people surveyed reported attending church weekly than reported attending rarely or never.

Which of the following public policies is best supported by the notion of free enterprise?

After a review, the Federal Trade Commission approving a corporate merger of cable providers

Political socialization is the process by which

political values are passed to the next generation

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