What color code is used in the qualys KnowledgeBase to identify QIDs that exhibit predictable results in the presence or absence of authentication?

Thousands of IT organizations across the world use vulnerability scanners to perform unauthenticated scans and find threats within their network. These scans find basic weaknesses and detect issues within operating systems, open network ports, services listening on open ports, and data leaked by services. This gives companies the ability to see their network from the eyes of an attacker. Is performing unauthenticated scans enough?

Unauthenticated vs. Authenticated Scans

Unauthenticated testing alone will not fully simulate targeted attacks on your application or system. Although unauthenticated scans will show weaknesses in your perimeter, they will not show you what the attacker will exploit once breaching your perimeter: weaknesses within your network. Authenticated scans allow vulnerability scanners to use privileged credentials to dig deeper into a network and detect threats around weak passwords, malware, installed applications, and configuration issues. They are able to simulate what a user of the system can actually do. By finding and fixing internal security holes, you can prevent an attacker who breached your perimeter defenses from moving deeper within your network.

Though authenticated scans are valuable, they require privileged accounts so the scanner can access the network. This can be a cause for concern. What happens to these credentials after they are used, and what happens if they are not stored securely and an attacker gets ahold of them?

The solution is to store privileged account credentials in an on-premise vault, which controls access, changes their passwords regularly, and provides secure, audited access to your vulnerability scanning tool.

Secret Server and Qualys

Secret Server integrates with Qualys to act as a secure vault for the credentials used for authenticated scans. Qualys retrieves credentials from Secret Server and then performs the authenticated scan to detect inside vulnerabilities. Once the scan is complete, Secret Server can automatically change those credentials and ensure they are correct across the network, preventing outside attackers from getting ahold of them.

What color code is used in the qualys KnowledgeBase to identify QIDs that exhibit predictable results in the presence or absence of authentication?

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What color code is used in the qualys KnowledgeBase to identify QIDs that exhibit predictable results in the presence or absence of authentication?

What color code is used in the Qualys KnowledgeBase to identify QIDs that exhibit predictable?

Blue is the color code that is used inside the Qualys KnowledgeBase to identify QIDs that show predictable results in the absence or presence of authentication.

What are the different types of vulnerability identifiers found in the Qualys KnowledgeBase?

Vulnerability Title. Search for a specific vulnerability by entering the title..
Category. Search for vulnerabilities by the category that the vulnerability is assigned to. ... .
Vendor. ... .
Vendor Reference. ... .
Product. ... .
List Inclusion. ... .
CVE ID. ... .
BugTraq ID..

When a blue key icon is associated with a Qid in the Qualys KnowledgeBase?

The Authenticated Only search filter lists al the QIDs/vulnerabilities detected by an Authenticated scan, with the help of an authentication record. Notice that the vulnerability that requires an Authenticated Scan is indicated by a blue key icon.

Which display option in a scan report template identifies the data or evidence collected from a host that produces a specific vulnerability finding?

In your scan report template, go to the Filter section and select Custom under Selective Vulnerability Reporting.