What are strategies that are used by teachers in order to manage the classroom effectively?

    As any experienced teacher knows, there is more to managing a classroom than simply standing in front of students and telling them what they will be learning on that particular day. You probably know that good classroom management starts with organization and communication. These five crucial tips can help you organize and manage your classroom more efficiently and effectively.

    1. Establish clear expectations

    At the beginning of the year, establish a set of classroom rules and norms. When this is outlined clearly, standards are set and students know how they should behave during the school day.


    • 8 Strategies to Manage the 21st Century Classroom
    • Behavior Expectations and How to Teach Them
    • Designing Effective Classroom Management
    • Starting the Year with Rules and Expectations

    2. Create an organized place to learn

    The first step toward a well-managed classroom is having an organized place for students to learn. An organized classroom helps students develop a routine, which ultimately can make them more successful throughout the school year. At the end of each year, evaluate how your organizational system worked and make adjustments for the next school year.


    • Create a Makerspace for Your School in 5 Easy Steps
    • How to Arrange Your Classroom to Maximize Creativity
    • Your Ultimate Classroom Prep Checklist for the New School Year

    3. Plan each lesson with your students in mind 

    Lesson plans should be designed to accommodate a variety of different learning styles. The same lesson or unit you carefully planned and successfully executed with one class won’t necessarily work in the same way with another. Tailor your plans to fit your students’ needs and interests.


    • Creating Lessons for Different Learning Styles from Citizen Schools
    • The i5 Approach: Lesson Planning for a 21st Century Education
    • What is Differentiated Instruction? Examples of How to Differentiate Instruction in the Classroom

    4. Find opportunities to advance and improve your practice

    Participate in professional development opportunities and professional learning groups to continue to grow as an educator. These groups allow you to share ideas, strategies, and techniques and keep you up on all the latest in the educational world. And, if you’re really looking to advance as a teacher leader, consider earning your MEd.


    • Education Conferences in 2018 That You Should Consider Attending
    • Innovations in Education: Professional Development for Teachers
    • Leadership and Professional Learning: Webinar for Teachers
    • Quality Professional Development: How to Really Grow in Your Teaching Practice
    • Rethinking PD: Self-Care & Mindfulness for Teachers
    • Teachers, Take the Lead!

    5. Communicate clearly and regularly

    Effective communication is essential to keeping a classroom functioning. Frequent conversations and meetings should occur with other teachers, as well as with school administrators. Communicate regularly with parents in order to be sure educational goals are being met at home. This also helps you better understand your students’ backgrounds and struggles so that you can find opportunities to connect with them in meaningful ways and support them as individuals.

    What are strategies that are used by teachers in order to manage the classroom effectively?

    • Building Parent-Teacher Relationships
    • Engaging families in Social-Emotional Learning
    • Parent Communication Toolbox
    • School Leaders: Tips for Improving Effective Communication
    • The 6 Phases of a Difficult Conversation: A Strategy Guide for Teachers
    • The Key to Effective Teams in Schools: Emotional Intelligence
    • Why Teachers Need to Write a Summer Letter to Their Incoming Students

    Managing a well-run classroom is not an easy task but it’s a worthwhile endeavor. It will help you create a positive classroom culture with engaged students who are invested in their learning and improving in measurable ways. You’ll be more excited to get to work if you set and communicate clear goals for yourself and your students. And, every step you take to improve and advance will benefit each student who walks through your door.

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    Tags: Back to School Season, Curriculum and Instruction, MEd, New Teacher, Professional Development, Teacher-Parent Relationships

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