How do only children compare with other children emotionally and academically?

Families are shrinking. Fifty years ago, shows like The Waltons depicted large families with more than half a dozen kids. According to the Pew Research Center, the average American family downsized from 3.7 children in 1960 to 1.9 currently, and about 20 percent of households with children are one-child families. The single-child configuration is the fastest growing family unit. The reasons for the only-child family are many and varied: they include finances, infertility, age of parent, medical concerns, and the plain desire to have only one. Given the stresses of modern marriage, job pressures, the cost of raising children, the increase in one-child families is understandable.

The Trend Toward the Only-Child Family

How do only children compare with other children emotionally and academically?

Psychologist Susan Newman offers some reasons for the trend toward only children: Women, who are marrying and starting families later in life, have fewer years for childbearing. The divorce rate is still high, which affects the timeline of having subsequent children. The cost of raising and educating children is high. Adoption regulations have tightened. More women are in the workforce with young children, and managing large families is difficult.

Who are the parents of only children?

Many only children are being raised by parents who choose to have a child on their own. These women are in large part educated, responsible, emotionally mature, and fiscally able to support their offspring. Many of them are in their thirties and forties and embrace advances such as sperm donation and in-vitro fertilization to become mothers.

Do only children do well in school?

It’s not surprising that only children get more attention from parents. One study found that only children enjoy parents who read often to them, which promotes higher performance academically as well as greater verbal skills than children with siblings.

Are parents happier with only one child?

A Danish study of 35,000 adult identical twins found that couples are happier with children, but women feel happiest with having only one child. Research from the University of Pennsylvania, found that people with children are happier than people without children. However, having a second or third child doesn't increase parents' happiness.

What is "only-child syndrome?"

More than a hundred years ago, psychologist G. Stanley Hall, the first president of the American Psychological Association, wrote that “being an only child is a disease in itself.” He described only children as spoiled, selfish, self-absorbed, lonely, antisocial, maladjusted, and bossy. At the time, people bought into these stereotypes because of the impression that only children get all the attention as well as everything that they want. While Hall's theories have been abandoned, stereotypes still remain.

Raising One Child

How do only children compare with other children emotionally and academically?

With or without siblings, depending on the child himself, a parent may be called on to help orchestrate his time. But no parent should feel that they need to fill their child’s time. For only children, they are largely fine with being independent. He is the child able to amuse himself and is perfectly content when left to his own devices.

Will my only child be lonely and bored?

Without constant parental input, only children are good at utilizing the extra time they have. When you worry that your child may be bored or lonely without a sibling, consider there is a significant and useful upside of alone time. It fosters creativity, which also encourages a child’s independence and ability to entertain herself.

Do only children have more imaginary friends?

One would think that more alone time would result in having more pretend friends. Research from the University of Oregon shows that about 65 percent of all children have make-believe friendships. While only children might be imaginative, they do not own this territory.

Does being an only child affect creativity?

Only children may show signs of having greater language perception and processing skills, which may affect the way they think, they appear to be flexible thinkers as well as creative thinkers. And recent research suggests that these differences might be reflected in the development of the brain.

Can a parent become too close to an only child?

Only children tend to be closer to their parents than children with siblings. Because of this parent-only child tight bond, many only children are alert to and sensitive to their parents’ feelings and moods. There are no siblings to divert or diffuse household worries, which may lead to an only absorbing the troubles of a parent.

Will I be a burden to my only child when I am elderly and need care?

Understandably, parents of only children, especially in some cultures, do not want to burden their one child when they reach old age. But it is not uncommon for siblings to disappoint when parents need elderly care. What matters is the family—both biological and non-biological— that one cultivates throughout life and calls on in times of need. Many people can and do step in to help—including cousins, close friends, aunts, uncles, and partners past and present.

How do only children compare with other children emotionally and academically?

Without understanding the reason for a cutoff, shunned siblings feel their reality and emotions are invalidated. They are rendered voiceless.

How do only children compare with other children emotionally and academically?

What do you do when family rituals are not working out?

How do only children compare with other children emotionally and academically?

Do you often feel let down by your parents? It may be a sign that you grew up in an emotionally neglectful family and that now you need to protect yourself.

How do only children compare with other children emotionally and academically?

Decades of unacknowledged feelings make the holidays hard for emotionally neglectful families. Follow these five tips to protect and care for yourself.

How do only children compare with other children emotionally and academically?

Donor conception is a discipline of medicine where the legacy of secrecy remains in current practice. Donor families can respect others' privacy while not carrying secrets.

How do only children compare with other children emotionally and academically?

Preparing for the holidays and anticipating complicated or strained family dynamics? Here are some things to consider.

How do only children compare with other children emotionally and academically?

Emotionally neglectful families are defined not by their actions but by their inaction. It's what they fail to ask, fail to notice, and fail to discuss.

How do only children compare with other children emotionally and academically?

After discovering a fake account following my private feed, I was deeply upset that an estranged family member could be viewing my personal photos. Here's why it matters.

How do only children compare with other children emotionally and academically?

Dreading the holidays due to problem relatives, overwhelming expectations, or clashing celebration styles? This year can be different.

How do only children compare with other children emotionally and academically?

To avoid permanently straining your relationship with your children, it might help to let them pay their dues.

How do only children compare with other children emotionally and academically?

Every marriage is a bait and switch. When you open yourself to the meaning of the changes in your partner, you will learn to celebrate them rather than complain about them.

How do only children compare with other children emotionally and academically?

The grandmother in the film models what a common but costly trauma response can look like. Those who come from trauma backgrounds can relate.

How do only children compare with other children emotionally and academically?

Are you experiencing stress as we head into the holidays? Here are some tips for how to take care of yourself and manage that stress in healthy ways.

How do only children compare with other children emotionally and academically?

Boundaries between parents and children change as kids mature; if they don't, conflict is inevitable as children seek the separation and individuation necessary to development.

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A major predictor of decreased marital stability is partner dissimilarity; US longitudinal studies indicate that marriages that cross age, social, religious or educational boundaries (heterogamous marriages) are at greater risk of dissolution than similarly defined homogamous marriages (Bumpass and Sweet 1972; Tzeng ...

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What is the name of the theory that explains quality and stability of human relationships in terms of bargaining and resources? social exchange theory.

Which of the following reasons is espoused by your textbook as a good reason for ending a relationship?

Which of the following reasons is espoused by your textbook as a good reason for ending a relationship? When the relationship is characterized by violence or consistent verbal abuse.