Which of the following statements about using statistics in a speech are true?

Chapter 8 - Supporting Your IdeasAssignmentTerms in this set (79)Which of the followingstatements about usingconcrete examples in a speechare true?They have a strong impact in listeners' beliefs andactions.They can make ideas more personal.In his speech, Joe says,"George Washington Carver,Lonnie G. Johnson, PercyJulian." By reciting a list like thisthat relates to his topic, Joe isusingbrief examples.Illustrations, or narratives, are atype of supporting materialreferred to asextended examples.Chapter 8 - Supporting Your IdeasAssignment

In her speech on how toperform the HeimlichManeuver, Julie began bysaying, "Suppose you arehaving dinner with a friendwhen suddenly your friendcan't seem to catch her breath.When your friend begins toturn blue, you realize she ischoking." This is a type of ______example.Multiple choice question.hypotheticalExamples that make the mostimpact on an audience areusually which of the following?Richly texturedSpecificVividSpeeches without examplesgenerally come off as which ofthe following?ImpersonalVagueIf you are giving a speech withmany abstract ideas that arehard to explain, which of thefollowing would be the bestsupporting material to use?Multiple choice question.ExamplesYou are giving a speech aboutschool violence, and youbriefly mention Columbine,Virginia Tech, and the Amishschool shootings in a sentence.You are usingspecific instances.Chapter 8 - Supporting Your IdeasAssignment

Upgrade to remove adsOnly $3.99/monthIn a speech about childhoodobesity, Terence told the storyof the real-life case of a younggirl who spent her timewatching television and eatingjunk food. He went into detailabout how the young girlended up in this situation. Thistype of supporting material isdefined asMultiple choice question.an extended example.What does it mean to make anexample representative?It does not deal with rare or exceptional cases.It is a typical example that proves a general point.When using a hypotheticalexample in a speech, it is wiseto include which of thefollowing to support theexample?StatisticsTestimonyWhen giving a speech abouthomelessness, Trina describesJules, the youngest child of afamily of four, all of whom havebeen living on the streets forsix months. She talks abouthow Jules has never had abedtime story read to him or awarm breakfast to wake up to.Trina is using this example to______ the ideas in her speech.personalizesupportChapter 8 - Supporting Your IdeasAssignment

Changing the speed and toneof your depending on the typeof example you are giving canaffect how listeners respond toyour speech.voiceExamples put abstract ideasinto ______ terms that listenerscan easily understand.concreteBrief examples are also calledspecific instances.

  1. Which of these is not a demographic factor?

      a. group memberships
      b. age
      c. speech purpose
      d. gender
  2. Which is an effective purpose statement?

      a. The purpose of my speech is to inform.
      b. After my speech, the audience will be able to list four reasons why young people join gangs.
      c. My purpose is to inform you about crime and to persuade you to stay out of gangs.
      d. The purpose is to inform the audience about crime.
  3. Which is true of a purpose statement?

      a. It should be specific.
      b. It should be results oriented.
      c. It should be realistic.
      d. All of these are true.
  4. When you are choosing a topic for a speech, your text suggests it is best to

      a. choose a topic about which you know nothing so your topic will be fresh.
      b. choose a topic in which you are not really interested, so you can empathize with the audience and develop their interest.
      c. delay your choice as long as possible so that you spend as much time as you can searching for a good topic.
      d. choose a topic that interests you so you can make it interesting for others.
  5. With regard to audience purpose, it is generally reasonable to say that

      a. all members are always there for the same purpose.
      b. there may be a variety of purposes for listening within an audience.
      c. gender is generally the best predictor of purpose.
      d. audience demographics have no correlation to audience purpose.
  6. Which of these could be used for research for a speech?

      a. database
      b. periodicals
      c. website
      d. All of these could be used.
  7. Auditory aspects of delivery include all of the following but

      a. volume.
      b. articulation.
      c. pitch.
      d. gestures.
  8. Which is the best thesis statement?

      a. Changing the way we fund campaigns will benefit candidates and voters.
      b. Adapting to a new CEO is like changing a tire.
      c. College students in my audience will know how to use a search engine.
      d. After my speech the officers (audience) will be able to distinguish a bribery overture from innocent small talk.
  9. A predisposition to respond to something in a favorable or unfavorable way is a/an

      a. belief.
      b. demographic.
      c. attitude.
      d. value.
  10. "The group I will be speaking to is composed of mostly Euroamerican, middle-class males who have been successful in business. Most are middle aged and college educated." Those statements are typical of statements from

      a. a specific purpose.
      b. a general purpose.
      c. an audience analysis.
      d. a speaker analysis.
  11. Which is NOT a general purpose?

      a. choose a topic about which you know nothing so your topic will be fresh.
      b. choose a topic in which you are not really interested, so you can empathize with the audience and develop their interest.
      c. delay your choice as long as possible so that you spend as much time as you can searching for a good topic.
      d. choose a topic that interests you so you can make it interesting for others.
  12. A speaker who believes that time should be part of an audience analysis would include which of these considerations?

      a. How much time has been allotted or assigned?
      b. What world or local events might be occurring the same day as the speech?
      c. Whether the speech will be in the morning or after lunch, at the beginning or end of some shared segment of time (semester, retreat), or on a national or religious holiday.
      d. All of these are valid time considerations.
  13. Passerby, captive, and volunteer refer to

      a. types of audiences
      b. types of general purposes
      c. types of speakers
      d. types of occasions
  14. Your text cites five values shared by most U.S. citizens. Which is not one of them?

      a. good citizenship
      b. materialism
      c. tolerance of political views
      d. work ethic
  15. Reviewing your interests is a good step to take when you are

      a. analyzing the audience.
      b. analyzing the speaking situation.
      c. choosing a topic.
      d. organizing your speech.

Which of the following are true when using statistics in a speech quizlet?

Which of the following are true when using statistics in a speech? It is acceptable to round off figures. It is useful to use visual resources to illustrate numbers. It is useful to help the audience interpret the significance of figures.

What are statistics used for in speech?

Using statistics in public speaking is a powerful way to add a quantifiable and persuasive aspect to your message. It provides a basis on which you can build an argument, prove a statement, or support an idea.

What is the main reason to use statistics in a speech?

Using numbers or statistics in a speech gives the message that you are conveying a persuasive element. The data that you provide makes the message quantifiable. The numbers can be used as a part of your argument or used to help support it.

When using statistics in a speech a speaker should ensure?

Therefore, when using statistics in public speaking, a speaker should always be sure that they are presenting accurate information when discussing two variables that may be related.