Which of the following statements about magazines as an advertising medium is true?

Chapter 11 - Print Advertising7. Regional magazines are simply national publications with a regional focus.

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  • Print Media's Staying Power
  • Advantages of Print Media
  • No Interruptions Here
  • Drawbacks of Print Media
  • Proceed Cautiously with Media Selection
  • Which of the following is an advantage of magazines as an advertising medium?
  • Which statement best explains the popularity of magazines as an advertising medium?
  • Which of the following is an advantage of advertising through newspapers?
  • Which type of advertising media has an advantage of high repeated exposure?

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8. A magazine's ad rates are based on its contents.

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9. Vertical publications cover a specific industry in all of its aspects.True False

10. In controlled circulation, the publisher mails the magazine free to individuals who thepublisher thinks can influence the purchase of advertised products.

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11. Second and third cover rates typically cost less than the fourth cover.

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12. In terms of advertising volume, newspapers are the largest medium.

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13. One of the advantages of using newspapers as the advertising medium of choice isgeographic selectivity.True False

14. The standard advertising unit (SAU) system standardized the newspaper column width,page sizes, and ad sizes.

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Even if you haven't heard it before, your parents, grandparents and great-grandparents have: “Print's time is up.” But as a small business owner, you have to be more than impressed by the staying power of print media; you have to be convinced that it will deliver a return on your investment. Before your marketing team embarks on a price-cost analysis of newspaper and magazine ads, brochures or direct mail, consider the primary advantages and drawbacks of this resilient force.

Back in the 1920s, the naysayers said that print media was finished with the very beginnings of radio, when Americans began to gather around the radio for entertainment. They repeated the death knell in the 1950s, when television topped the allure of radio, with its combined sound and moving pictures. And, at the turn from the 20th to the 21st century, many were sounding the call that the internet would be the death knell of TV, as the internet transformed the way people gather information. But here it is, nearly 100 years after the first obituary was written. Print media is not only alive and well, but many people would say, that it has been reinvigorated by competition from online sources and social media.

Viewed as credible: Research variously shows that print's credibility stems from a favorable impression formed by the very nature of the printed word, as well as by the “halo effect,” or the spillover prestige enjoyed by the publication in which an ad appears. This is not to say that consumers view all print ads as credible all of the time; the content of the ad has significant influence. But overall, consumers view print media as more believable and trustworthy than radio, TV and the internet.

Ability to craft a message with staying power: Write a one-quarter-, half- or full-page ad. Create a full-page or a half-page brochure. Or, send mailers the size of a postcard or a large envelope. Except for your own website, no other medium allows you the “luxury” to create a message that consumers can read, save and then return to later, if they so choose. Media research also has long suggested that print media benefits from “double dipping” or the “pass-along effect” – the propensity of readers to pass along a media piece to others. This phenomenon can make cost analyses difficult, but at least they will skew in your favor.

High recall value: Because they are able to easily recall an ad, consumers are likely to take action – i.e., respond to an ad – after they see it. In fact, a few other dynamics may be at play here, too. Whereas people surfing the web are notoriously impatient – prone to ditch a website if it doesn't fully load in a few seconds – print ads by their nature inspire a more leisurely approach.

No Interruptions Here

Print media also benefits from not being a form of “interruption marketing,” or a brazen interruption that occurs while the consumer is trying to digest information. Rather, he can read a newspaper or magazine ad, thumb through a brochure or make notes on a direct mail piece on his terms and because he wants to spend time doing so. TV commercials are a form of interruption marketing; so are banner ads on the web. (The popularity of ad blockers ought to tell small business owners plenty about how consumers view such intrusions.)

Competition for attention is fierce: Research shows that Americans now engage with seven different types of information sources each day – from print, TV and radio to online videos – while spending one of every four minutes on a social media platform. Rather than fight this trend, savvy business owners work to ensure that their media mix covers all the opportunities available to them.

Print media requires longer lead times: The immediacy of social media has cast a brighter light on the meaning of the word “long.” Even if it's not particularly well done, an ad can be written and posted on a social media platform within minutes. Competition has helped shorten lead times, but print ads must be written, produced and distributed. Knowing this, small business owners should plan accordingly, designating print media for messages that are less time-conscious in nature and are less likely to change at a moment's notice.

Print media requires multiple exposures: Consumers need to see an ad several times before they will take action. Marketing professionals call these exposures “touches.” This is why print ad buys are usually made in bundles – for multiple exposures. Print media can quickly add up to be a costly proposition for the small business owner, which is why it's imperative to select the different media carefully, so that you increase the chance of a return.

Since your hard-earned money is at stake, proceed carefully with newspaper advertising. Industry reports from Pew Research Center reveal a mixed bag, with weekday circulation for U.S. dailies – including both print and digital versions – falling 8 percent in 2016. This marked the 28th straight year of declines. At the same time, some but not all major newspapers, reported that digital subscriptions are soaring – a bright spot for the industry.

But advertising revenue continues to fall, hitting $18 billion in 2016 – about one third of what it was only 10 years ago. This makes it clear that small business owners should insist on seeing current circulation figures for the paper (or papers) in which they seek to advertise. These figures could vary widely among papers, even within the same circulation area.

Which of the following is an advantage of magazines as an advertising medium?

Audience targeting is one of the main advantages of magazine advertising because certain groups of people are often more likely than others to be interested in a particular good or service. If this target audience is known, magazine advertising can provide the best way to reach them.

Which statement best explains the popularity of magazines as an advertising medium?

Which of the following statements best explains the popularity of magazines as an advertising medium? Magazines offer flexibility in both readership and advertising.

Which of the following is an advantage of advertising through newspapers?

Newspaper advertising typically costs less per thousand readers than television, radio, and direct mail advertising. In addition, newspaper staff members will work directly with advertisers to create ads at no additional costs. Newspaper advertising can also be customized to meet any budget.

Which type of advertising media has an advantage of high repeated exposure?

Television Advertising Immediate delivery of message and high frequency of message [you can repeat several times per day]. Very high impact – TV is the best for stimulating the senses. High mass audience coverage, high prestige.

Which is an example of an advertising medium quizlet?

six major advertising media are newspapers, magazines, radio, television, outdoor media, and the Internet.

Which of the following statements is true of consumer magazines quizlet?

Which of the following statements is true of consumer magazines? They are useful for reaching general consumers of services.

Which of the following is an advantage of using magazines as an advertising medium?

Identify an advantage of using magazines as an advertising medium. They help advertisers achieve demographic and geographic selectivity.

Which of the following is an advantage of using magazine ads instead of newspaper ads?

The main advantage of magazines as a media choice is their audience selectivity, which can be based on demographics, lifestyle, or special interests. An advertiser who seeks high reception and voluntary audience exposure for his advertisements, should choose magazines as his advertising medium.