Which of the following is a characteristic of good testing in any life cycle model

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Terms in this set (40)

25. You are testing a machine that scores exam papers and assigns grades. Based on the score achieved the grades are as follows: 0-39=D-, 40-44=D, 45-49=D+, 50-54=C-, 55-59=C, 60-64=C+, 65-69=B-, 70-74=B, 75-79=B+, 80-84=A-, 85-89=A, 90-100=A+ If you apply equivalence partitioning, how many test cases will you need to achieve minimum test coverage? [K3]

26. You are testing a machine that scores exam papers and assigns grades. Based on the score achieved the grades are as follows: 0-39=D-, 40-44=D, 45-49=D+, 50-54=C-, 55-59=C, 60-64=C+, 65-69=B-, 70-74=B, 75-79=B+, 80-84=A-, 85-89=A, 90-100=A+ If you apply boundary value analysis, how many test cases will you need to achieve minimum test coverage? [K3]

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Which of the following is a characteristic of good testing in any life cycle model

Which of the following is a characteristic of good testing in any life cycle model

Which of the following is a characteristic of good testing in any life cycle model

Which of the following is a characteristic of good testing in any life cycle model

  1. Science
  2. Computer Science
  3. Software Engineering

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Terms in this set (30)

Q. 490: Given the following specification, which of the following values for age are in the SAME equivalence partition?
If you are less than 18, you are too young to be insured. Between 18 and 30 inclusive, you will receive a 20% discount. Anyone over 30 is not eligible for a discount.
A. 17, 18, 19.
B. 29, 30, 31.
C. 18, 29, 30.
D. 17, 29, 31.

Q. 516: In which of the following orders would the phases of a formal review usually occur?
A. Planning, preparation, kick off, meeting, rework, follow up.
B. Kick off, planning, preparation, meeting, rework, follow up.
C. Preparation, planning, kick off, meeting, rework, follow up.
D. Planning, kick off, preparation, meeting, rework, follow up.

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Which of the following is a characteristic of good testing in any life cycle model

Which of the following is a characteristic of good testing in any life cycle model

Which of the following is a characteristic of good testing in any life cycle model

Which of the following is a characteristic of good testing in any life cycle model

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Which of the following is a characteristic of good testing in any life cycle model

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Which of the following is the characteristics of good testing in any life cycle model?

Which of the following is a characteristic of good testing in any life cycle model? Some, but not all, development activities have corresponding test activities. Analysis and design of tests begins as soon as development is complete. All document reviews involve the development team.

Which of the following is a characteristic of good testing?

Hence, it could be concluded that all of the above i.e. validity, reliability, and usability are the characteristic of a good test.

Which of the following is a characteristic of good testing and applies to any software development life cycle model?

Which of the following is a characteristic of good testing and applies to any software development life cycle model? Answer Set: a) Acceptance testing is always the final test level to be applied.

Which option best describes objectives for test levels with a life cycle model?

650: Which option best describes objectives for test levels with a life cycle model? A. Objectives should be generic for any test level.