Which of the following are stages that the self develops through according to george herbert mead?

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Terms in this set (59)


people learn the attitudes, values, and behaviors that are appropriate for members of a particular culture.


used to refer to a person's typical patterns of attitudes, needs, characteristics and behavior

Conclusion of Isabelle's case

scientists involved w/ the case concluded that all children need socialization in the form of love, care, and affection

Findings of Harvey Harlow's experiment on monkeys

1-monkeys only went to wire mom for milk
2-monkeys spent more time w/ cloth mom than wire mom
3-monkey's social attachments depended more on warmth and intimacy than getting food

Sociologists consider the transition from student to graduate an example of a

rite of passage

Recent identical twin studies noted that which 3 characteristics appeared to be strikingly similar

2-voice patterns
3-nervous habits

Why do we need to be cautious in reviewing studies of twin pairs and other relevant research

because widely broadcast findings have been often based off preliminary analysis of extremely small samples


a distinct identity that sets us apart from others
-it is not a static phenomenon, but continues to develop and change throughout our lives

What best defines Mead's theory of the self

the self begins at a person's most self-centered point

according to George Herbert Mead, the self is developed through which 3 stages

1-prepatory stage
2-play stage
3-game stage

in George Herbert Mead's ______________ stage children begin to understand not only their own social positions but also others


During the game stage, children begin to do what 3 things

1-grasp their own social position as well as others
2-consider several tasks and relationships simultaneously
3-consider the affect their behavior has on others.

The phrase "looking - glass self" refers to our view of ourselves that comes from what 3 things in order

FIRST, how we imagine we present ourselves to others
THEN, how we imagine others evaluate us (attractive, intelligent, shy, or strange)
FINALLY, we develop some sort of feeling about ourselves (such as respect or shame )

in George Herbert Mead's stages of the self, children become more aware of social relationships and begin to pretend to be other people in the ____________________stage


The debate over how human development is shaped is referred to as

nature vs. nuture

According to George Herbert Mead, children mimic or imitate others during the ________________________stage


According to Mead, the process of mentally assuming the perspective of another and responding from that imagined viewpoint is

role taking

___________________________________ was the 1st of sociologists to analyze the connection between symbols and socialization

George Herbert Mead

According to Mead, when children enter the play stage they begin to

pretend to be other people and engage in role playing

Cooley's phrase "Looking- glass self" was used to emphasize

that the self is the product of our social interactions

________________________________&___________________________________ were the 1st sociologists to pioneer the interactionist approach and further understanding to an individuals sense of self

Charles Horton Cooley & George Herbert Mead

Preparatory Stage

-children merely imitate the people around them, especially family members
-as the grow older, children become more adapt at using symbols, including gestures and words that form the basis of human communications

Understanding when is a good or bad time to ask a question symbolizes you're taking part in _______________________________during the ______________________stage

-role taking
-play stage

Play stage

-as children develop skill in communicating through symbols, they gradually become more aware of social relationships.
-begin to pretend to be other people, like an actor, doctor, parents, super hero

role taking

the process of mentally assuming the perspective of another and responding from the imagined view point

the game stage

the child of about 8-9 y/o no longer just plays roles but begins to consider 7 tasks or relationships simultaneously
-at this point children not only grasp their own social position but those of others around them
- the child can now respond to numerous members of the social environment.

Generalized Other

refers to the attitudes, viewpoints, and expectations of a society as a whole that a child takes into account in his/her behavior

____________________________Others are those who play a crucial role in developing an individual's self


Impression management

altering of the presentation of the self in order to satisfy certain audiences.

Dramaturigal approach

people resemble performers in action

Face Work

maintaining a proper image of the self during social interaction

Piaget developed 4 stages in his __________________________ theory of development


Piagets order of stages of cognitive development

3-concrete operational
4-formal operational


young children use their senses to make discoveries


children begin to use words/symbols to distinguish objects and ideas.

3-Concrete Operational

-children engage in more logical thinking

4- Formal Operational

- adolescents become capable of sophisticated abstract thought and can deal logically with ideas and values

According to Piaget _____________________________________ is the key to development

social interaction

Rites of Passage

or rituals that mark a symbolic transition from one social position to another
-ways of validating and or dramatizing changes in a person's status

Life Course Approach

look closely at the social factors that influence people throughout their lives, from birth to death.

If children hear (-) messages about their race their ____________________ development may be affected


When sociologists use the term agents of socialization, they are referring to

a different social forces that influence our lives and alter our self images

2 types of socialization that occur at many points throughout life are

1-anticipatory socilization

What 3 things would require resocialization

2-moving to a new town
3-becoming a parent

As children grow older , the family becomes ____________________ less important to their social development


What is true about total institutions as defined by Erving Goffman

1- Generally cut off from the rest of society
2-People often loose individuality

Which type of mass media has the most profound affect on childhood socialization in the US


Anticipatory socialization

refers to the process of socialization in which a person rehearses for future positions, occupations, and social relationships.


refers to the process of discarding former behavior patterns and accepting new ones as part of a transition in one's life.

Total Institution

- refers to an institution that regulates all aspects of a person's life under a single authority
EX. Prison, Military, Mental hospital, Covenant

Degradation Ceremony

- a person entering prison may experience the humiliation of this
-stripping of his or her personal clothing, jewelry

Gender Role

-refers to the expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of male and female

____________________________ play a critical role in guiding children into gender roles- can also be influenced by other adults, siblings, madd media, religion, and school


__________________________&___________________________________ have observed, schools in this country foster competition through built-in systems of reward and punishment, such as grades and evaluations by teachers.

Samuel Bowles & Hebert Gintis

Learning to behave appropriately at work represents

a fundamental aspect of occupational socialization

What type of socialization is most intense during the transition from school to the workplace


Children play a ______________________ role in socialization because they influence and alter their family, school, and peers.


The process of socialization begins when children are


Both organized ________________ & _______________________ have impacted the life course hs

Religion & Government

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What are the 3 stages of self development according to Mead?

Sociologist George Mead believed there are three stages to the development of self: Preparatory stage. Play stage. Game stage.

What are the four stages of self According to Mead?

In addition, Mead said that children go through certain stages as they develop a sense of self. The stages of self are imitation, play, game, and generalized other.

What is George Herbert Mead theory of self development?

Mead's Theory of Social Behaviorism Sociologist George Herbert Mead believed that people develop self-images through interactions with other people. He argued that the self, which is the part of a person's personality consisting of self-awareness and self-image, is a product of social experience.