How many stages are there in the conventional morality level of Kohlbergs stages of moral development quizlet?





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Human Development Life university

Terms in this set (10)

Level 1: Preconventional Moraltiy

9 years old or younger- no personal code of morality. our moral code is shaped by stanards of adults and the consequences of breaking or following their rules.

*broken down to two stages
A. Obedience and punishment
B. Individualism and exchange

Obedience and Punishment (stage I of Preconventional Morality)

behaves only in order to avoid punishment. rules are absolute things and we must follow them.

Indivualism and Exchange (stage II PCM)

- realize that there are many different view points, and that adults can pursue their life based upon their own individual interests.

Level 2: Conventional Morality

(adolsencents and adults)- internalization of moral standards of valued adult role models.

Stage 3: Good interpersonal Relationship

individual is good or adopt "good" behavior in order to seen as a good person by others.

Stage 4: maintaining social order

obey rules in order to uphold law and avioi guilt. moral reasoning is beyond the need for individual approval.

Level 3- Post Conventional morality

what is right is defined by broad principles of justice that have validity apart from the views of particular authority figures. - *realization that some rules may violate basic morals".

Stage 5- Social Contract and individuals' rights

compare human rights to the law in very theoretical way and about the way the world should be. In favor of breaking the law if one thing is more important than the other.

Heinz Dilemma

Live vs. Property

Stage 6- Universal Principles

moral action is determined by our inner conscience and may or may not be in agreement with public opinion or society's laws.

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How many stages are in Kohlberg's stages of moral development?

Theoretical framework. The framework of Kohlberg's theory consists of six stages arranged sequentially in successive tiers of complexity. He organized his six stages into three general levels of moral development.

How many main stages of moral development are there quizlet?

Kohlberg's six stages of moral development.

What are the 6 stages of Kohlberg?

Kohlberg's 6 Stages of Moral Development.
The full story. ... .
Stage 1: Obedience and punishment. ... .
Stage 2: Self-interest. ... .
Stage 3: Interpersonal accord and conformity. ... .
Stage 4: Authority and maintaining social order. ... .
Stage 5: Social contract. ... .
Stage 6: Universal ethical principles. ... .
Pre-conventional level..

What are Kohlberg's 3 stages of moral development?

Kohlberg identified three distinct levels of moral reasoning: preconventional, conventional, and postconventional. Each level has two sub-stages.