Which emotional term is defined as a persons immediate physiological response to a stimulus quizlet?

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Which emotional term is defined as a persons immediate physiological response to a stimulus quizlet?

A Concise Introduction to Logic

13th EditionLori Watson, Patrick J. Hurley

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Which emotional term is defined as a persons immediate physiological response to a stimulus quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for AP

2nd EditionDavid G Myers

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Which emotional term is defined as a persons immediate physiological response to a stimulus quizlet?

Psychology: Principles in Practice

1st EditionSpencer A. Rathus

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Which emotional term is defined as a persons immediate physiological response to a stimulus quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for AP

1st EditionDavid G Myers

313 solutions

Which emotional term is defined as a person's immediate physiological response to a stimulus quizlet?

- affect is a component of emotion; emotion is a more specific version of mood. - a person's immediate, physiological response to a stimulus; typically based on an underlying sense of arousal. - involves the appraisal of an event as painful or pleasurable (its valence) and the experience of autonomic arousal.

Which term is defined as a person's immediate physiological response to a stimulus?

Affect. A person's immediate physiological response to a stimulus--typically based on an underlying sense of arousal. It is a component of emotion, and the valence refers to the appraisal of an event as either painful or pleasurable. Emotion.

Which term is often used for emotional well being or happiness in the psychology literature?

The scientific term “subjective well-being” introduced by Diener (1984) is often used interchangeably with, or in order to avoid the ambiguous meaning of, the term “happiness.” The SWB literature covers studies that have used such diverse terms as happiness, hedonic level, satisfaction with life, moral, and positive ...

How might positive emotions have an undoing potential for negative emotions?

First, the undoing effect occurs when the initial negative emotion generates a clear pattern of heightened sympathetic cardiovascular reactivity that is typical of anxiety, fear, and other health-damaging negative emotions. Second, the undoing effect is not limited to women, but occurs for men as well.