What is the immediate progression of the two-arm ball squat, curl to press exercise?

How to Do

How to Do Stability Ball Squat Curl to Press


    The stability ball squat curl to press should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

    If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the stability ball squat curl to press.


    Beginning Ball Squat Curl to Press

    1. Start standing straight up with your feet shoulder width apart and the weights in each hand on the side of your torso.

    2. Drop into a squat and curl the dumbbells to your shoulders as you rise from the squat.

    3. With your palms facing front, press the weight over your head. Regain control of your weight by lowering it to your waste. This brings us to the end of one repetition.


    Ball Squat Curl to Press Movement

    1. Hold two dumbbells in each hand, let them to hang down at your sides with your palms facing inward.

    2. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and pointed straight ahead. Perform a three-quarter squat by contracting your glutes.

    3. Curl the dumbbells to your chest while standing tall and pressing through your heels.

    4. Then, with both arms fully extended and palms turned away from your body, press the dumbbells overhead.


    Ball Squat Curl to Press Benefits

    The dumbbell squat to curl to press is a total-body workout that primarily focuses the glutes, but also works the biceps, calves, hamstrings, hip flexors, outer thighs, quads, shoulders, and traps to a lesser extent.

    Exercise Aliases

    Ball Squat Curl, Stability Ball Squat Curl.

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