What is the best way to tell if a cr2032 lithium battery has been discharged?

CR2032 is a type of ‘button cell’, commonly referred to as ‘Lithium coin’. It is a tiny flat cylinder-shaped battery often used in portable and small devices. The upper part of the battery is usually an insulator which acts as the negative terminal, while the positive terminal is at the bottom, made up of metal. The terminals of the battery can be identified by looking for the ‘+’ sign which refers to the positive terminal. The button cell battery comes in various sizes, varying from 5 to 25 millimeters in diameter and 1 to 6 millimeters in height. Materials used for the anode part in such cells are usually either lithium or zinc, whereas the cathode part uses compounds from the air such as cupric oxide, manganese oxide, oxygen, etc. For small devices that require more power, small zinc-air batteries (another type of button cells), are used to easily meet the power and area requirements.

Button cells also come in a rechargeable fixed form rather than the disposable form only. They are required for small devices or inside a sealed component where, in case of any power failure, quick power is needed. Such variants of CR2032 have the same code but vary in the initial letters, e.g. LIR2032 is a rechargeable version of CR2032.

The code of the lithium coin battery itself is an International Electro-Chemical (IEC) designation. The name CR2032 can be divided into two codes, the first one is the letter code which tells us the standard case size while the numeral code gives us information about the diameter of the cell followed by the height of the cell. In CR2032’s case, 20 refers to the fact that the cell has a diameter of 20 millimeters while 32 refers to its height of 3.2 millimeters. There are specific plug-in and solder-in CR2032 batteries as well.

What is the best way to tell if a cr2032 lithium battery has been discharged?

6 Properties of CR2032

CR2032 is a lithium battery, manufactured by multiple companies but the specifications still remain the same. We’ll be discussing the battery’s various properties;

1. Voltage of CR2032

The nominal voltage (average voltage a cell can output) of the battery is about 3V and is considered to be quite high for such a battery.

2. Long Shelf Life of CR2032

The battery has a very long shelf life, it can guarantee perfect use up to 10 years. It is said that the perfect combination of Lithium and Manganese Dioxide (Li/MnO2) ensures a long and stable battery life.

3. Temperature Resistance of CR2032

The battery is extremely temperature resistant, it can operate perfectly in a wide range of temperatures from almost -30 degrees Celsius up to 60 degrees Celsius.2 Despite the wide range of temperatures for the use of the battery, the battery can resist a change of 0-30 degrees Celsius when being stored.

4. Self-Discharge Property of CR2032

The battery self-discharges at a rate of 1% per year, i.e. due to internal chemical reactions, the stored charge reduces about 1 percent of the total battery every year, which is fairly reliable and not too much.

5. Amount of Lithium in CR2032

Usually, the battery has about 0.109 grams of Lithium in it, but the amount might vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.

6. Weight and Volume of CR2032

The typical weight of the battery can be about 3.0 grams (0.10 oz.) and the volume would be 1.0 cubic centimeter (0.6 cubic inches).

What is the best way to tell if a cr2032 lithium battery has been discharged?

5 Main CR2032 Lithium Battery Uses

These tiny button-like batteries are found in almost every appliance out there. With the ability to produce an immense voltage supply of 3V, these compact batteries power most of the technological gear out there such as hearing aids, smart watches, and smart spectacles. Moreover, many portable medical devices like the blood-glucose meter and blood-pressure meter are powered by these batteries as well.

Compared to a normal pencil cell, CR2032 lithium batteries are known to produce more efficient and stable power. Although a bit expensive, these batteries take up less volume than a pencil cell which makes them more suitable to be used in small electronic devices. With a life expectancy of more than 10 years, these little powerhouses are the best choice available in the market for all the electronic manufactures out there. Below are some of the common devices where the CR2032 lithium cell is used.

What is the best way to tell if a cr2032 lithium battery has been discharged?

1. CR2032 in Electronic Device Motherboards

A motherboard is one of the most important components of a computer. Many motherboards are equipped with these lithium cells which work as the main source of energy to drive all the electronic components on the motherboard, thus, acting as a vital component for the modern-day computer.

2. CR2032 in Car Remote Controls

All the car-keys nowadays have a built-in remote control which can be used to lock, unlock, open the back trunk of the car and also sound the alarm to indicate the location of the car. CR2032 is the only reason these small remotes are able to work 3-5 years without the battery being replaced.

3. CR2032 in Banking-Card Readers

Electronic devices are getting smaller and smaller day by day. The use of compact architecture is a trend and these CR2032 batteries make that possible. Portable banking-card readers are one example of a huge device that has turned so small that it can fit in your pockets.

4. CR2032 in Medical Devices

Patients sitting at home have to regularly visit the hospital to get a check-up for their blood pressure and glucose level, but with the creation of tiny portable devices that can perform all the services that the doctors have to offer for these problems, life has become easier. Portable medical devices such as a blood-pressure meter and blood-glucose meter use lithium batteries as their main power source. Also, one of the most crucial devices in this day and age, an artificial cardiac pacemaker (helps heart to beat), uses these batteries too, for proper functioning. The batteries allow these devices to operate remotely and enhances their portability.

5. CR2032 in Toys

Toys are the major devices that require CR2032. Most of these play items need a little amount of electricity to function and the CR2032 lithium batteries are best suited for this requirement.

These 5 devices are the main consumers of CR2032. The lithium batteries are perfect for these devices as they have all the necessary qualities to power a portable device. Moreover, these are just a few common uses of CR2032, there are over a thousand devices that use these batteries on a daily basis. The era of large batteries is long-gone. Manufacturers want a reliable energy source that is powerful as well as compact. For all the manufacturers, CR2032 is a win-win product.

What is the best way to tell if a cr2032 lithium battery has been discharged?

Safety and Precautionary Measures

Multiple safety measures can be taken in order to guarantee proper usage of the battery and not let it harm the user in any way. Mostly the safety is threatened when someone accidentally swallows the cells. Regarding that, precautions and preventive measures are stated below;

A Huge Threat to Small Children

The use of such batteries comes as a threat to small children considering that children love putting small objects into their mouths. If improper disposal is made of these batteries by the parent or an adult, the children are at a definite risk of a choking hazard. About 20 cases are reported every year of choking due to these tiny batteries.3 Lithium cells, in particular, are dangerous due to the anode’s current (leading up to necrosis) and can easily get stuck in the esophagus.

Precautionary Measures for Compartment Design

Battery compartments should be designed in a way so that it wouldn’t be easy for small children to open them up and ingest the batteries. There should be proper screws that could only be opened by an adult using a screwdriver.

Keep Batteries Away from Medicinal Tablets

It is common for people to mistake tiny batteries for medicinal tablets. So it is advised that the batteries should be kept away separately, in their own storing area. They should never be put near food or left lying around all over the house.

What to do if someone swallows the battery?

If you or someone in front of you accidentally swallows the cell, you should most definitely not wait for the symptoms to develop. Do not proceed to eat or drink something after you’ve swallowed the battery because we do not know yet what the position of the battery is inside the esophagus.

What is the best way to tell if a cr2032 lithium battery has been discharged?

Immediate Action

Immediate action should be taken without waiting for even a millisecond because a lithium cell can give rise to a life-threatening situation in about 2 hours, which is a really small period of time. Similarly, if batteries are inserted into the nose or ears, they should be removed as soon as possible as well.


Along with a choking hazard, these batteries can cause fire too. Lithium is a highly reactive and flammable material, it can catch fire very easily and can spread it as well. Thus it is suggested that the Lithium batteries should be kept away from fire and shouldn’t be exposed to sunlight in order to prevent fire.

Leakage of Internal Materials of the Battery

In case the internal materials of the cell leak out, quick preventive measures should be taken; In case of inhalation of fumes, breathe in the fresh air. If the chemical touches the skin then quickly wash it off. If the material gets into the eye, carefully wash it out with water and do not rub the eye as it would cause soreness. Do not put the leaked materials in your mouth at all. For all the above cases, consulting a physician as soon as possible is the most important thing to do right after the accident happens.

What is the best way to tell if a cr2032 lithium battery has been discharged?


Thus, it can be concluded that lithium CR2032 batteries are widely used and have various applications starting from the tiniest of toys, down to the most sophisticated appliances ever like a heart pacemaker. Despite the fact that if not handled properly they can cause a lot of harm, the batteries are very important in the world of today as they can power some of the most used appliances on a daily basis. From their long battery life to their highly temperature resistive properties, CR2032 batteries are personally loved and used by many.

12th Jul 2019 Arslan Safder

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