The fundamental difference between older mass media and newer social media is that social media

  • School Southwest Tennessee Community College
  • Course Title SOCIOLOGY 1010
  • Pages 3

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Soci Quiz 51)About what year in human history did mass communication first exist?

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2)An increasing share of U.S. employersmonitor the social media postedby their employees.3)By 1955, half of all U.S. householdsowned at least 1 television.4)Feminist theory makes the claim thatmass media & social mediasupport the domination of males over females.5)For the world as a whole, about what share of men and women use theinternet?51 % of men & 45 % of women6)If you were marketing products effectively by using sociological data, youwoulduse older technology such as cable and satellite technology tosell to older people and newer, internet-based media to sell toyounger people. **7)In 2015, about ________ of U.S. adults reported that they had used an onlinedating site.15%8)In general, people using social media presentIdealizedimages ofthemselves.9)One effective strategy to advance our capacity for media literacy is toassume that there is no "truth" at all10)Perhaps the most important consequence of the development ofmass media and social media has beenexpanding people’s access toinfo.11)President Franklin D. Roosevelt gained public support with his"fireside chats," which made use of theradio.

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What is another fundamental difference between traditional media and social media?

The main difference between social media and traditional media is that social media offers two-way communication, whereas traditional media offers one-way communication. Media broadly refers to forms of mass communication.

What is another fundamental difference between traditional media and social media quizlet?

What are the fundamental differences between traditional media and social media? Traditional media use a broadcast, or monologic, model of one-to-many communication, whereas social media employ a more dialogic model of many-to-many communication.

What is the difference between mass communication and mass media quizlet?

Mass communication refers to the act of disseminating information to the masses/public. Mass media refers to the medium/methodemployed to disseminate this information.

Do US military supported the development of the internet because?

As a military venture, Arpa had a specifically military motivation for creating the internet: it offered a way to bring computing to the front lines. In 1969, Arpa had built a computer network called Arpanet, which linked mainframes at universities, government agencies, and defense contractors around the country.