Rewards work best when they are valued which reward below would an employee most likely value

Students' answers will vary. Almost every organization rewards employees to some extent on the basis of the status worth of the jobs they occupy. In some parts of the world, companies measure job worth through job evaluations. Most job evaluation methods give higher value to jobs that require more skill and effort, have more responsibility, and have more difficult working conditions. Along with receiving higher pay, employees with more valued jobs sometimes receive larger offices, company-paid vehicles, and other perks. Job status-based rewards try to improve feelings of fairness, such that people in higher valued jobs should get higher pay. These rewards also motivate employees to compete for promotions. However, job status-based rewards can result in three potential problems. First, job status-based rewards potentially encourage bureaucratic hierarchy rather than market responsiveness. Second, these rewards reinforce a status mentality, whereas Generation-X and Generation-Y employees expect a more egalitarian workplace. Third, status-based pay potentially motivates employees to compete with each other for higher status jobs and to raise the value of their own jobs by exaggerating job duties and hoarding resources.

Some of the important strategies for improving reward effectiveness are:

Link rewards to performance: Inconsistencies and bias can be minimized through gainsharing, ESOPs, and other plans that use objective performance measures. Where subjective measures of performance are necessary, companies should rely on multiple sources of information. Companies also need to apply rewards soon after the performance occurs, and in a large-enough dose (such as a bonus rather than a pay increase) so that employees experience positive emotions when they receive the reward.
Ensure that rewards are relevant: Companies need to align rewards with performance within the employees control. The more employees see a "line of sight" between their daily actions and the reward, the more they are motivated to improve performance. Reward systems also need to correct for situational factors. Salespeople in one region may have higher sales because the economy is stronger there than elsewhere, so sales bonuses need to be adjusted for such economic factors.
Use team rewards for interdependent jobs: Team rewards are better than individual rewards when employees work in highly interdependent jobs, because it is difficult to measure individual performance in these situations. Team rewards also encourage cooperation, which is more important when work is highly interdependent. They also tend to support employee preferences for team-based work.
Ensure that rewards are valued: It seems obvious that rewards work best when they are valued. Yet companies sometimes make false assumptions about what employees want, with unfortunate consequences. The solution, of course, is to ask employees what they value.
Watch out for unintended consequences: Performance-based reward systems sometimes have an unexpected—and undesirable—effect on employee behaviors. The solution here is to carefully think through the consequences of rewards and, where possible, test incentives in a pilot project before applying them across the organization.

Job specialization potentially improves work efficiency. One reason for this higher efficiency is that employees spend less time changing activities because they have fewer tasks to juggle. Even when people can change tasks quickly, their mental attention lingers on the previous task, which slows down performance on the new task. A second reason for increased work efficiency is that specialized jobs, require fewer physical and mental skills to accomplish the assigned work, so less time and fewer resources are needed for training. A third reason is that shorter work cycles give employees more frequent practice with the task, so jobs are mastered more quickly. A fourth reason specialization tends to increase work efficiency is that employees with specific aptitudes or skills can be matched more precisely to the jobs for which they are best suited. On the other hand, too much specialization will reduce employee performance because it begins to have a negative effect on employee motivation. Job specialization often reduces work quality because employees see only a small part of the process. At extreme levels of specialization, employees are bored with their work, are more likely to quit or be absent from their jobs, and are less likely to care about product/service quality. The company may have more difficulty hiring people for the job or may face unionization, both of which may increase wage rates. These problems offset the efficiency gains from specialization.

Self-leadership refers to the process of influencing oneself to establish the self-direction and self-motivation needed to perform a task. This differs from other applied motivation practices because it recognizes that employees motivate themselves, whereas the other concepts assume that companies must do things to motivate employees. There are five elements in the self-leadership model. Students can fully describe any three of these.

1. Personal goal setting: Effective organizations establish norms whereby employees have a natural tendency to set their own goals to motivate themselves. This applies the ideas on goal setting, such as identifying goals that are specific, relevant, and challenging. Goals are set alone, rather than being assigned by or jointly decided with a supervisor.
2. Constructive thought patterns: This includes both self-talk and mental imagery. Self-talk refers to any situation in which a person talks to him- or herself about his or her own thoughts or actions. The statements that we make to ourselves affect our self-efficacy, which, in turn, can influence our behavior and performance in a particular situation. Self-talk also affects how well we figure out the best way to accomplish new or complex tasks. Mental imagery involves mentally practicing a task and imagining successfully performing it beforehand. By mentally walking through the activities required to accomplish the task, we begin to see problems that may occur. Imagining successful performance of the task beforehand increases goal commitment and motivates us to complete the task effectively.
3. Designing natural rewards: Employees can find ways to make the job itself more motivating. One way to build natural rewards into the job is to alter the way a task is accomplished. People often have enough discretion in their jobs to make slight changes to suit their needs and preferences.
4. Self-monitoring: This is the process of keeping track of one's progress toward a goal. It includes the notion of consciously checking naturally occurring feedback at regular intervals. Self-monitoring also includes designing artificial feedback (e.g., computer printouts, instrument dials, etc.) where natural feedback does not occur.
5. Self-reinforcement: Self-reinforcement occurs whenever an employee has control over a reinforcer but doesn't "take" the reinforcer until completing a self-set goal. This might involve taking a break after completing a task to a preset goal, or it may involve changing to a more interesting task after completing a boring task.

What type of reward system used job evaluation?

Which of the following type of reward systems uses job evaluations? Feedback: Job status reward systems use job evaluations to measure job worth.

Which is the most commonly used rewards in organizations?

What is the most commonly used reward in organizations? Money because it can help needs get met.

Which one of the following rewards represents the largest part of most paychecks quizlet?

Feedback: Membership-based and seniority-based rewards (sometimes called "pay for pulse") represent the largest part of most paychecks. Some employee benefits, such as free or discounted meals in the company cafeteria, remain the same for everyone, whereas others increase with seniority. 2.

What are the reward systems that can be used to motivate employees?

Reward systems that include a combination of cash and non-monetary rewards as well as social awards (e.g. recognition and praise) have the greatest impact on employee performance. Pay cash bonuses in a lump sum to maximize their effect as money only motivates when it is a significant amount.