In problem-solving tasks, groups usually develop more and better solutions than do individuals.

In problem-solving tasks, groups usually develop more and better solutions than do individuals.


True / False

1. Decision making is choosing one alternative from among several.

a. True

b. False


2. Nonprogrammed decisions require problem solving that identifies answers to unique questions or issues.

a. True

b. False


3. Programmed decisions are common at the higher levels of the organization.

a. True

b. False


4. Decisions in organizations can be classified according to their frequency and information conditions.

a. True

b. False


5. Decision rules are used to make programmed decisions.

a. True

b. False


6. Susan's recent decision about which company her conglomerate should buy was a programmed decision.

a. True

b. False


7. A nonprogrammed decision usually recurs often enough for decision rules to be developed.

a. True

b. False


8. The decision maker who lacks enough information to estimate the probability of outcomes faces a condition of


a. True

b. False


9. The rational decision-making process begins with the identification of a problem.

a. True

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Which of the following groups is formed to solve problems or promote a cause or generate ideas or information?

Task-oriented groups are formed to solve a problem, promote a cause, or generate ideas or information (McKay, Davis, & Fanning, 1995). In such groups, like a committee or study group, interactions and decisions are primarily evaluated based on the quality of the final product or output.

Which group problem solving technique that promotes creativity and encouraging idea generation would you suggest?

Brainstorming is a group problem-solving technique that promotes creativity by encouraging idea generation through non-critical discussion.

Which characteristic is the most important when using brainstorming as a problem solving and decision making technique?

The most important characteristic of brainstorming is that it is defined as a creative activity that encourages creative thinking from all participants. On the other side, other brainstorming techniques can limit this process and result with presenting uninspiring solutions and ideas.

In which scenario is brainstorming appropriate and most likely to be effective?

Individual brainstorming is most effective when you need to solve a simple problem, generate a list of ideas, or focus on a broad issue. Group brainstorming is often more effective for solving complex problems.