At which stage of development would the nurse anticipate that pediatric clients will begin to show differences?

  1. Social Science
  2. Psychology
  3. Developmental Psychology

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The male child is tall, with deficient secondary sex characteristics and hypogenitalism, indicating Klinefelter syndrome. The chromosomal abnormality present in the child is denoted as 48,XXXY. The chromosomal complement 45,XO is seen in children with Turner syndrome. A child with Turner syndrome will have short stature and a webbed neck. The 47,XXX chromosomal complement indicates that the child has triple X, or superfemale, chromosomal abnormality. This condition is associated with impaired language and mental capacity. A child with the chromosomal complement 47,XYY has Jacobs XYY chromosomal abnormality, which is associated with normal sexual development and aggressive sexual tendencies.

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At which stage of development would the nurse anticipate that pediatric clients will begin to show differences?

At which stage of development would the nurse anticipate that pediatric clients will begin to show differences?

At which stage of development would the nurse anticipate that pediatric clients will begin to show differences?

At which stage of development would the nurse anticipate that pediatric clients will begin to show differences?

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