A critical element for a teacher who wishes to be proactive in his classroom management is to

A critical element for a teacher who wishes to be proactive in his classroom management is to

    a. frequently monitor the students and hone his multitasking ability.
  b. respond quickly but calmly in each instance of misbehavior.
  c. ignore inappropriate behaviors that are inconsequential in nature.
  d. allow students to reflect frequently on how the classroom management system is working.

Ques. 2

Miss Danielson realizes that Natreifia isn't paying attention to the topic under discussion, which is animal classification, particularly the distinguishing features of birds. Miss Danielson decides to redirect Natreifia's focus by asking her a question. Which question should Miss Danielson avoid asking?

    a. What is an example of a bird that can't fly?
  b. What kind of covering do most birds have on their skin?
  c. What is one way a bird is different than a mammal?
  d. What do you think about what Irina just said?

Ques. 3

Conflict resolution differs from problem solving primarily because it

    a. eliminates the role of the educational context in assessing the misbehavior.
  b. involves the presence of a third party or mediator.
  c. is typically implemented on a whole-school basis rather than in an individual classroom.
  d. is primarily used in situations involving students with major skill deficits or students with special needs.

Ques. 4

When teachers become overtly angry or upset because of student behavior, the students are likely to do any or all of the following EXCEPT

    a. experienceeven more intense emotion/frustration.
  b. reconsider the behavior in which they were engaging.
  c. become withdrawn and stop trusting the teacher.
  d. deflect responsibility for the misbehavior onto the teacher or another student.

Ques. 5

Jon's teacher has tried several interventions that have been ineffective. Based on suggestions from the chapter, what is the most plausible intervention that should be tried based on the functional behavior analysis interview?

    a. having a group reward based on table points
  b. developing a contract with Jon to reduce his calling out and off-task behavior
  c. removing Jon from his audience
  d. moving Jon to a remedial mathematics class

Ques. 6

The intervention section in an individual behavior change plan typically involves

    a. identifying and developing skills the student can use to change the behavior.
  b. identifying classroom environmental factors that may be contributing to the behavior.
  c. identifying ways to enhance student skill development and ways to modify the environment to support behavior change
  d. identifying a set of consequences in the event the student fails to change his/her behavior
  e. all of the above

Ques. 7

Studies indicate that when students exhibit persistent behavior problems, teachers are most likely to interact with them in ways that focus on the student's

    a. positive contributions to the class.
  b. academic progress.
  c. misbehavior.
  d. contributions to group processes.

How can a teacher be proactive in the classroom?

Teachers who utilize these proactive behavior management strategies spend more classroom time on high quality and meaningful instruction rather than constant interruptions due to behaviors that need correcting..
Clean, Organized Classroom. ... .
Individual Greetings and Affirmation Statements. ... .
Relationship Building..

What is a proactive approach to classroom management?

Proactive Classroom Management: Proactive classroom management (PCM) is about classroom organization and teacher behavior that are likely to prevent the occurrence of problem behavior. The components of PCM have been established as evidence-based practices to prevent problem behaviors and improve academic performance.

What is the most critical element to successful as a teacher?

Student engagement and motivation are critical to effective teaching. Successful teachers take a pulse of the class often in order to gauge how interested their students are in the subject matter and whether something needs to be done to increase their participation, interest, or both.

What are the most important elements of classroom management?

Important Elements of Classroom Management.
Accountability. Classroom rules and norms that clearly outline expectations hold students accountable to their behavior. ... .
Environment. ... .
People. ... .
Time. ... .
Post your classroom norms. ... .
Get to know your students. ... .
Determine your reinforcements. ... .
Set the tone for the classroom..