Why is it wrong to ask which theoretical perspective on lifespan development is correct quizlet?

a) The microsystem is the everyday, immediate environment such as homes, caregivers, friends, teachers.
b) The mesosystem connects various aspects of the microsystem, linking children to parents, students to teachers, employees to bosses, friends to friends.
c) The exosystem represents such broad influences as local government, the community, schools, places of worship, and the local media.
d)The macrosystem represents larger cultural influences such as society in general, types of government, religious systems, and political thought.
e)Promixal-interactions between active organism and persons, objects, and symbols in immediate environment--Development
f)Distal-indirect effect between immediate environment and person's interactions
g)Demand Charaterics-behavioral tendencies that encourage and discourage certain kinds of reactions from others

Should a student of lifespan development ask which approach to lifespan development is the right one?

Should a student of lifespan development ask, Which approach to lifespan development is the right one? No, because the perspectives should be regarded as complementary.

Why has the humanistic perspective has such little impact on the field of lifespan development?

(1) The humanistic perspective has not had a major impact on the field of lifespan development. (2) It has not identified any sort of broad developmental change that is the result of age or experience. (3) Some criticize the theory's assumption that people are basically good, which is unverifiable.

Why is it important to consider lifespan perspectives?

Applications of The LifeSpan Perspective Baltes' ideas about development as a lifelong process is beneficial to society because it may help in the identification of qualities or problems that are distinctive in a particular age period.

What are the major theoretical perspectives of lifespan development?

We will consider six major theoretical perspectives used in lifespan development: the psy- chodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic, contextual, and evolutionary perspectives.