Why is it important to use a strong unique passphrase for each of your social networking accounts quizlet?

Do you have your own Spotify radio station, perfectly tuned to your own tastes? Do you spend hours each week reading a Facebook feed with posts from friends with exactly the same political and religious views as yourself? Do you ever read a news article with a viewpoint that you strongly disagree with or do you only visit a news website that matches your political leanings?
Across North America and Europe, political arguments are alive and well. Some political commentators have taken a step back and observed that the number of people in the middle ground between liberal and conservative are disappearing! These days, people seem to be in one camp or another, and strong opinions abound. According to research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal, in the United States in 1960, 5 percent of Republicans and Democrats reported that they would "[feel] 'displeased' if their son or daughter married outside their political party"; by 2010, nearly 50 percent of Republicans and over 30 percent of Democrats "felt somewhat or very unhappy at the prospect of interparty marriage" (Boxell, Gentzkow, & Shapiro, 2017). Of course, lively debate and a diversity of viewpoints are a healthy thing, but is technology changing the political landscape around the world? This is our final fact-or- fiction question of the day. What do you think?

As a programmer, it's your job to make sure that your users' data is not stolen. In some cases, such as the Netflix email scam, it looks like that might be impossible, but there are many measures you can take. One popular approach is to require passwords to access your site. This keeps users' profiles and accounts private but introduces security risks. How many passwords can one person remember!? Users often choose a simple password and use the same password for multiple sites. This means that people with bad intentions can easily use password cracking software to find out passwords and again use them to steal your information. Sometimes, hackers don't even need to 'crack' your password, they can simply intercept it when you ask a company to resend it to you because you have forgotten it.

So, what can you do to stop this? Well, for starters, your software should never, ever, ever send out a password. It is poor practice to send out a user's password and make it susceptible to being stolen. If someone has forgotten their password, secure websites will send an email to their registered email address, with a link asking them to enter a brand-new password. But this still does not safeguard a user's password! When a user enters a new password in their web browser, it is then sent along a computer network to the website's data storage device, or server. Just like a wagon traveling through the Wild West, this data can be hijacked by thieves! To keep it safe along the journey, programmers use techniques called hashing and salting, which means that the password is converted into unintelligible data by having letters and symbols added to it and all its characters jumbled up. It can only be deciphered if you possess the key, which is safely stored at the website's server.

Perhaps you think this is all a bit much. What's wrong with some celebratory pics and showing you have a social life? The truth is, this issue relates not only to the outcome of what you post on social media but to behaving appropriately in the first place.
Most importantly, this means behaving ethically on social media. The anonymity of having a computer between two people makes it easier for kids these days to bully online, or make hurtful, or even prejudiced comments. Over 35 percent of teenagers in the United States say they have been bullied online at some point, including being subject to mean comments online, threats of violence, posting of hurtful pictures, and being impersonated by bullies.
This kind of behavior can be really harmful to teenagers. If you or someone you know are being bullied online, first of all know that the real-world judges a bully pretty harshly and, as you grow up, you're not stuck in a setting with mean people, and you will someday have every choice to live and work where, and with whoever, you like. You should also know that there are ways you can deal with the situation today. The official site of the U.S. government, stopbullying.gov, outlines how to recognize and deal with online bullying. Just as you have a responsibility to fight criminals as a programmer, it's up to you to stop the bullies in your school making your life or the lives of your classmates miserable. Let's look at some of the ways to recognize if someone is being bullied and how to deal with it.

In light of some of the controversy previously discussed surrounding Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, those laws have recently been reviewed, and in some cases made stricter. The European Union (EU), consisting of 28 countries, has led the way with legislating protection of users' personal data. Their General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the most significant recent data privacy legislation to affect businesses across the globe. The regulation imposes a higher standard of personal data protection, with significant penalties for companies from the EU who do not comply. This obligates companies to take some of the measures we learned earlier, such as the encryption of data, and promises all users some fundamental rights—such as the right to know how their data is being used and to erase it at any time if they so wish.

In light of some of the controversy previously discussed surrounding Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, those laws have recently been reviewed, and in some cases made stricter. The European Union (EU), consisting of 28 countries, has led the way with legislating protection of users' personal data. Their General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the most significant recent data privacy legislation to affect businesses across the globe. The regulation imposes a higher standard of personal data protection, with significant penalties for companies from the EU who do not comply. This obligates companies to take some of the measures we learned earlier, such as the encryption of data, and promises all users some fundamental rights—such as the right to know how their data is being used and to erase it at any time if they so wish.

Another way the government protects the rights of individuals to their own ideas is through the law of intellectual property. This means that you can copyright or license your ideas, which means you own them and they cannot be freely used or distributed by other people. Creative Commons is an organization that provides free, easy-to-use copyright licenses that allow artists to give people the desired level of permission to use and even distribute their work while retaining ownership of it.

Companies who own their own software are said to have a proprietary software. Often, they will require you to purchase a license to use it, so they make some money. If it is made available for free, then the software is called freeware. If the software actually has no owner, and even its source code is made publicly available and free to use, it is open source software. Open source software allows whole communities to join together to improve a piece of software, and from speech recognition (CMU Sphinx), to graphic design (GIMP), to web browsing (Mozilla Firefox), open source options provide high quality free options to software developers and users. This ensures better competition and equitable opportunity to everyone, regardless of their personal wealth, or lack thereof!

It's equally important to be truthful in the material you produce. Falsification of information in an essay, or for posting on the internet, is a lie. From a moral standpoint, however, falsification can have a very negative ripple effect far beyond your words. Believe it or not, 2 percent of scientists have admitted to having falsified or willfully modified data. Up to a third admitted other questionable, bordering on illegal, research practices. Such false research wastes other researchers' time, clouds accurate conclusions, and pushes back the advancement of research in all kinds of important areas such as medicine and psychology.

You're probably not a researcher just yet, so let's move this discussion a little closer to home, and talk about fake news, or the intentional posting of false news stories online, particularly on social media. The biggest ever study on fake news, published in the well-respected Science journal, looked at approximately 126,000 stories tweeted by around 3 million people more than 4.5 million times. These stories were identified as true or false by six independent fact-checking organizations. The results? According to an article in Science, falsehoods on Twitter spread "significantly farther, faster, deeper, and more broadly than the truth in all categories of information, and the effects were more pronounced for false political news than for false news about terrorism, natural disasters, science, urban legends, or financial information."

Why is it important to use a strong unique passphrase for each of your social networking accounts?

If the password is reused, they can gain access to further accounts. This is why unique passwords are so important. Additionally, when hackers can't easily find or a guess the password, they may use a technique called brute forcing.

Which of the following is the best way to create a strong password quizlet?

Terms in this set (6).
Never use personal information. Never use personal information such as your name, birthday, or spouse's name. ... .
Use a longer password. Use a longer password. ... .
Don't use the same password for each account. ... .
Keep them in a secure place. ... .
Numbers, symbols, uppercase and lowercase letters. ... .
Weak password..

Why should you not attempt to fix a hacked computer device or work account by yourself?

If the computer you are using was provided to you by your employer or is used for work, do not try to fix your computer yourself and do not turn the computer off. You may cause more harm than good and you could destroy valuable evidence that can be used for an investigation.

How do spear phishing attacks differ from standard phishing attacks quizlet?

Phishing attacks pretends to be from a company the user does business with or from another seemingly trustworthy source. However, it is really an attacker. Spear phishing attacks are when the attacker personalizes the email message to a particular person.