Which organizational pattern addresses each main point and then disproves an opposing claim?

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Terms in this set (71)

In sum, a speaker should practice a speech at least ______ times in its final form.


Dr. Buchanan informed her colleagues about the various intercom systems she had investigated. She then recommended that the university purchase a particular system. What type of presentation did Professor Buchanan give?

sales presentation

______ warrants appeal to the audience's reasoning.


The Chicago Bulls were the best NBA team of the 1990s. This statement is a claim of


Which type of presentation provides evidence that a project, proposal, or design idea is worthy of financial support?

engineering design review

In a group setting, "the harmonizer," "the gatekeeper," and "the sensor" are examples of

interpersonal roles

As a presentation aid, multimedia

combines several media (stills, sound, video, text, and data) into a single production. The idea behind multimedia is that the more senses you evoke, the more memorable the event will be. It is also more time consuming to produce.

Will gave a presentation that attempted to convince stockholders to purchase the new software he had developed. What type of presentation did Will give?

progress report

Although the audience did not pay close attention to Claire's speech message, they were influenced by her professional attire and her reputation as a dedicated social worker. According to the elaboration likelihood model, which of the following swayed the audience to think positively about Claire?

peripheral processing/ establish your credibility with the audience

When designing a presentation aid, the speaker should strive for


Linda's speech focused on the chain of command within her department. To best demonstrate the communication networks among the employees, Linda used which type of chart?


Parallelism can be used by a speaker

to emphasize important ideas in the speech

When the body of a text is being read, which typeface is easiest on the eye?

serif typeface

The literal, dictionary definition of a word is its

denotative meaning

Anniversaries of important events, memorial dedications, and speeches of tribute are examples of special occasion speeches that strive to


In a group setting, "the blocker," "the avoider," "the distracter," and "the dominator" are examples of

counterproductive roles

In his presentation to his co-workers, Kyle encouraged his colleagues to reach their highest potential and take pride in their work. According to Maslow's hierarchy, which need did Kyle appeal to?

self- actualization

The function of a speech of acceptance is to

express gratitude for the honor being bestowed on the speaker

Which of the following types of audience might comprise academic co-workers, managers, project coordinators, or team leaders?


Which of the following PowerPoint options allows the user to decide how to organize points and subpoints while applying a consistent layout to each slide?

Design Template

Which step in Monroe's motivated sequence pattern identifies the proposed solution?

step 3: satisfaction

A claim that addresses issues of judgment is called a

claim of value

In which presentations do audience members usually expect experimental evidence and statistical proofs?


When assigning roles for a group presentation, teams should have weaker speakers

in the middle of the presentation

After Bill practiced his speech in front of his friends, they informed him that he often said "um" and "er." To change this distracting pattern, Bill set a goal for himself to replace his vocal fillers with


The final three steps in Dewey's group decision-making process are

generate solutions, select the best solution, evaluate solutions

The first three steps in Dewey's group decision-making process are

identify the problem, conduct research and analysis, and establish guidelines and criteria

Banquets, awards dinners, and roasts are examples of special occasion speeches that usually strive to

entertain those in attendance

To build a strong case for a claim of ______, the speaker must provide the audience with a three-part justification consisting of a need or problem, a solution, and evidence of the solution's feasibility.


The display of emotions in a speech should be guided by the social rules of


Speakers often use which color to draw attention to important points?

bold bright colors (bright yellow, or warm colors such as yellow, red, orange)

Students who earn an A average on all speech assignments should be exempt from the final exam. This statement is a claim of


Forms of expression that make striking comparisons and help listeners visualize, identify with, and understand the speaker's ideas are called

Figures of speech

A speaker who uses vivid imagery

paints a mental picture for listeners/ involves audience in their message

An argument consists of

claim (states the speaker's conclusion about some state of affairs), evidence (substantiates the claim), and warrants (provides reasons that the evidence is valid or supports the claim)

When a speaker is alert to the audience's ______, he or she can respond to it and make the audience feel respected and recognized.


Of the four styles of leadership possible in groups, the ______ leader is considered most effective.


Speaking from a manuscript

You read a speech verbatim- that is, from prepared written text that contains the entire speech, word for word. As a rule, speaking from manuscript restricts eye contact and body movement, and may also limit expressiveness in vocal variety and quality. Watching a speaker read a speech can be monotonous and boring for the audience.

The word impromptu means

"unpracticed, spontaneous, or improvised."

A speaker who uses the scanning technique often employs the "rule of three," which involves

Picking three audience member to focus on - one in the middle, one on the right, and one on the left of the room; these audience members will be your anchors as you scan the room.

In a group setting, "the information giver," "the moderator," "the elaborator," and "the initiator" are examples of

Task roles

His character plays a rocking, rolling, roaring, raging role. This statement best illustrates which of the following techniques?

Alliteration, or the repetition of the same sounds.
draw attention to key points, set the mood of a presentation, and make things easier to see.

The skillful use of color in presentation aids can be used to

draw attention to key points, set the mood of a presentation, and make things easier to see.

In her speech about divorce rates, Geneva wanted to show a comparison of divorce rates among three states. In order to best illustrate these comparisons, Geneva used a

bar graph

Several of Anne's closest friends celebrated their twenty-year friendship with her by delivering a series of short comical accounts of their relationship with Anne. Which type of special occasion speech did Anne's friends use?


One key to achieving effective vocal variety is


Fund-raisers, campaign banquets, conferences, and conventions are examples of special occasion speeches that strive to

Establish or reinforce goals and values of the group sponsoring the event.

The aural channel, or the vocalizations that form and accompany spoken words, include

Include qualities of volume pitch, rate, punctuation, and articulation

When people disagree about the meaning of a word, they are responding to the word's

- Denotative meaning

People who have little or no public speaking experience will most likely deliver which type of special occasion speech at some point in their lives?


A three-part argument consisting of a general case, a specific case, and a conclusion is called

the syllogism

Warrants that rely on an audience's beliefs about the credibility or acceptability of a source of evidence are termed ______ warrants.


In the arts and humanities, an informative speech of explanation

They explain the relevance of a historical or contemporary person or event

A speaker is more likely to persuade audience members whose position differs _______ from the speaker's.

very little

Which organizational pattern addresses main points and then disproves opposing claims?

Refutation Pattern of Arrangement

Which type of presentation measures the effectiveness of programs?

The evaluation research presentation

Warrants that appeal to the audience's emotions are called ______ warrants.


In Leeza's presentation on her graduate school experiences, she said, "Graduate school is an uphill battle." Leeza used which figure of speech?


In his persuasive speech about why people should buy used instead of new autos, Maverick provided the audience with convincing information because of his knowledge and experience as a used-car salesperson. Maverick employed which type of appeal?

Ethos: proof through speaker character

Which of the following PowerPoint options offers the greatest degree of help?

AutoContent Wizard

The first step of Monroe's motivated sequence pattern is

Attention. Addressing listeners' core concerns, making the speech highly relevant to them.

Speaking from memory

Oratory. Memorization is not a natural way to present a message. It stifles authentic and sincere enthusiasm, and it poses a considerable threat to maintaining a relaxed delivery.

According to Aristotle, rhetorical proof consists of

The nature of the message in a speech, the nature of the audience's feelings, and the qualifications and personality of the speaker (Logos, Pathos, and Ethos).

Boldface, underlining, and italics should

Not be overused. Use them sparingly to call attention to or emphasize the most important points.

His lies are a house of cards. This statement best illustrates which of the following techniques?


The Chicago Bulls were the winningest NBA team of the 1990s. This statement is a claim of


Types of vivid imagery include

"The rain dripped a steady plop plop plop on the metal roof; the bees buzzed through the wood."

The method of speech delivery that is most flexible for the speaker and preferred by listeners is

Speaking extemporaneously.

Buck gave a persuasive speech about why people should assist the homeless in his city in order to prevent crime. According to Maslow, this speech appealed to which basic need?

Safety, because with less crime they would be safer.

Which of the following types of audience is made up of people who possess intimate knowledge of the topic being discussed?

Expert or insider audience

In Russell's speech about his hobby as an amateur taxidermist, he exhibited several mounted animals as his presentation aids. Which type of presentation aid did Russell use?


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Which organizational pattern organizes speech points to demonstrate the nature and significance of a problem and then to provide justification for a proposed solution?

problem-solution pattern of arrangement a pattern of organizing speech points so that they demonstrate the nature and significance of a problem first, and then provide justification for a proposed solution.

What is the refutation organizational pattern?

refutation pattern In a refutation speech, the speaker must anticipate the audience's opposition, then bring attention to the tensions between the two sides, and finally refute them using evidential support.

When arguing a claim of policy it may be important to demonstrate the proposals feasibility?

Used when arguing a claim of policy, it may be important to demonstrate the proposals feasibility. 1) Problem, 2) Reasons for the problem; can offer single or multiple reasons, 3) solution to the problem, 4) Evidence of solution's feasibility.

When addressing whether or not something is true you should frame your argument as a claim of fact?

Appealing to audience emotions make your claims less reputable. According to Aristotle, appealing to the emotions of listeners is ethos. When addressing whether or not something is true, you should frame your argument as a claim of fact.


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