Which of the following would not increase in response to a decrease in the price of ironing boards?

93.Suppose the number of buyers in a market increases and a technological advancement occursalso.What would we expect to happen in the market?

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94. Suppose the incomes of buyers in a market for a particular normal good decrease and thereis also a reduction in input prices. What would we expect to occur in this market?

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95. What would happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of coffee if the wages of coffee-bean pickers fell and the price of tea fell?a.Price would fall, and the effect on quantity would be ambiguous.b.Price would rise, and the effect on quantity would be ambiguous.c.Quantity would fall, and the effect on price would be ambiguous.d.Quantity would rise, and the effect on price would be ambiguous.ANS: A

96. Which of the following events would cause both the equilibrium price and equilibriumquantity of number two grade potatoes to increase if number two grade potatoes are aninferior good?

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Which of the following would increase in response to a decrease in the price of ironing boards?   a.  the quantity of irons demanded at each possible price of irons     b.  the equilibrium quantity of irons     c.  the equilibrium price of irons     d.  All of the above are correct.

Which of the following would increase in response to a decrease in the price of ironing boards?


the quantity of irons demanded at each possible price of irons


the equilibrium quantity of irons


the equilibrium price of irons


All of the above are correct.

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Which of the following would not increase in response to a decrease in the price of ironing boards?

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