Which of the following statements about the motion picture patents company (the trust) are correct?

  • Came up with the concept of celluloid film
  • Invents the celluloid film that makes the long continuous reel of film possible in 1889

Claims credit for celluloid film

  • First practical motion picture camera viewing device (U.S.)
  • Credited for inventing the movie projector

  • Continuous loop of film fed by sprockets in a camera
  • Drives the film through the camera and projector

  • The first theatres
  • Holland brothers open first parlor in 1894

  • Edison's projector (1896)
  • Film projection is now possible
  • First used at Koster & Bailes Music Hall, New York (1896)
  • Film was our first form of mass entertainment through the media

  • Combination of projection and coin-operated machines
  • Cost a nickel
  • Popular with lower class
  • Movies were a sort of "white trash" medium at first
  • "Low culture" stigma against film actors

  • Creates the film narrative
  • Life of an American Fireman (1902) - First American film narrative
  • The Great Train Robbery (1903) - Featured more editing techniques, chase scene

  • Full-length features - "The Birth of a Nation"
  • Created the movie star
    • Mary Pickford & Lillian Gish

  • First talkie was the Jazz Singer
    • Warner Brothers, end of some actor's and musicians careers, higher production costs: audio specialists, audio experience changed

  • Movie stars became "idols of consumption"
  • "Consumer culture"
  • Movie magazine, star magazine

Television (Film's potential death blow)

  • Fight to retain audiences
  • Refused to advertise film on TV or release old films to TV
  • Film stars weren't permitted to appear on TV

  • Independent films are less formulaic, promote greater diversity of story lines
  • 2/3 of all movies are now produced by independent filmmakers

Movie attendance is down...

  • Problems with the movie going experience (noise)
  • Declining quality of movies
  • Rising prices in a bad economy
  • Technical competition (big screen TVs, Netflix, video games)
  • Baby boomers have the biggest drop

What was NOT involved in developing a system of projecting movie images?

Louis and Auguste Lumiere developed a 

One of the early versions of the movie camera was the...

The Life of an American Fireman is considered the...

First American narrative film

The very first movie theaters were known as 

Started by Edison, the first film monopoly was known as the...

The three basic divisions withint he film industry are production, distribution, and 

All of the following are among the Big Five studios EXCEPT....

How did Adolph Zukor seek to control production?

By signing actors to exclusive contracts.

The practice of loaning out movies for a share in box-office revenue is known as 

The first blockbuster produced in the silent film era was the controversial _____.

The first full-length talkie was ____.

Which statement best reflects Hollywood's place in the global film industry?

Its movies play on the most screens and draw the biggest box office receipts around the world.

Cinema verite is a style of filmmaking that 

Shows events in a gritty, realistic manner

Which of the following best describes the term genre?

A category of film in which certain types of plots and characters appear over and over

Which of the following affected movie ticket sales?

The Hollywood Ten was a name for the 

Ten filmmakers who were jailed in the late 1940s

The Paramount decision called for an end to 

Today, box-office receipts generally make up ____ percent of total film revenue.

What does your text book mean by "home entertainment is also getting smaller?"

That more people are watching movies on the smaller screens of portable devices.

Which of the following best describes synergy?

Promotional tie-ins within a corporation's own companies

How many major studio films turn a profit at the box office?

Which of the following has digital filmmaking made possible?

Lower production costs, opportunities for independent filmmakers, easy distribution of film via the internet, the ability to see camera work instantly. (All the options are correct.)

Which of the following statements about today's major U.S. film studios is true?

They are so dominant worldwide that some fear they stifle local cultures and film industries

The first comprehensive video streaming site for movie and television distribution was ____.

Edison invented a projection camera called the...

Who opened the first public movie theater?

Early silent films most appealed to...

Immigrants, because silent films transcended language barriers

Edwin S. Porter is known for...

Experimenting with film editing and narrative film

The Great Train Robbery featured the first

The Motion Picture Patents Company was ___

The first attempt at a movie industry monopoly

What are the three basic divisions of the film industry?

Production, distribution, exhibition

Adolph Zuker took his experience fighting against an attempted movie industry monopoly and _____.

Spent years developing his own methods for controlling the film industry.

Much as it does today, the film industry operated as a(n) _____ in the early days.

The term vertical integration refers to

Controlling the production, distribution, and exhibition of films

The ____ system recorded sound on film and became the talkie standard.

A narrative film has a set ______. 

What was a reason for the decline of the release of foreign films between 1966 and 1990?

Multiplex owners didn't want to screen them because they have smaller profit margins than mainstream U.S. films

The ___ is typically considered the author of a film.

Which is NOT true of a documentary film?

It is limited to newsreels

Hollywood makes almost ____ of its domestic revenue from sales and rentals of videos and DVDs.

Movie theaters in the 1940s and 1950s lost many audience members to 

In 1948, studios lost the right to 

The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) did which of the following?

Jailed the Hollywood Ten for refusing to cooperate with a communist witch-hunt

In an effort to win back audiences in the 1940s and 1950s, studios _____. 

Dealt with more serious subjects, improved the quality of the picture and sound, experimented with gimmicky promotions, challenged Motion Picture Production code regularly. (All the options are correct)

About ____ of Hollywood films fail at the box office.

Provided another route for film distribution, become an indispensable tool for marketing films, made online music and merchandise retailers like Apple prime sites for movie rentals, allowed for the creation of new video-streaming devices like the Roku. (All the options are correct)

The majority of Hollywood studios today are owned by 

Large global corporations

Which of the following is NOT a way studios make money?

The production and marketing of a soundtrack by a studio-owned record label is an example of ____

Which of the following best describes the Motion Picture Patents Company MPPC )?

Which of the following best describes the goals of the Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC)? Seeking control of the motion picture industry by removing competitors. As a studio producer seeking the largest possible audience for your film, which of the following movie ratings is least beneficial for you? NC-17.

Why did the Motion Picture Patents Company fail?

The reasons for the MPPC's decline are manifold. The first blow came in 1911 when Eastman Kodak modified its exclusive contract with the MPPC to allow Kodak, which led the industry in quality and price, to sell its raw film stock to unlicensed independents.

Who are the Motion Picture Patents Company and what is their significance?

Motion Picture Patents Company, also called Movie Trust, Edison Trust, or The Trust, trust of 10 film producers and distributors who attempted to gain complete control of the motion-picture industry in the United States from 1908 to 1912.

Why was the Motion Picture Patents Company created?

In December 1908, the motion picture inventors and industry leaders organized the first great film trust called the Motion Picture Patents Company, designed to bring stability to the chaotic early film years characterized by patent wars and litigation.