Which of the following pieces of information is required on a patients prescription?


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Which of the following pieces of information is required on a patients prescription?

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Pharm 100

A pharmacy technician may legally take a prescription from a patient & update a patient's profile
In many instances, it is considered acceptable for a pharmacy technician to take prescription refill information by telephone
The patient's computerized profile may be updated by the technician & pharmacist
Depending on store procedures & on state laws, the medication container label may be affixed to the container by the person generating the label & affixed to the container once checked by the pharmacist
In the process of filling prescriptions, ____ accuracy is expected 100%
As the pharmacy technician prepares to fill a prescription, they should check for accuracy several times
Medical history includes information such as All of the above (insurance provider information; current OTC medications; refill information)
If a patient profile is not complete the technician may ask the patient for the missing information
Why should the pharmacy technician ask about allergies when filling a prescription for an antibiotic All of the above (antibiotics are the most common medication allergic; allergy to antibiotic may develop even after having safely taken it before; the patient may have never reported the allergy)
The DEA # on a prescription authorizes the physician to prescribe controlled substances
A prescription must include the full first name & last name of the patient
Under current law, which of the following is NOT required to be on a prescription disease state being treated
The patient's birth date is helpful to All of the above (distinguish among patients with the same name;process third-party billing; evaluate the appropriateness of the drug & dose
The prescriber's ____ should be included on the prescription... address
A genetic drug is usually All of the above (less expensive than its branded name drug; chemically equivalent to the brand name drug; substituted for an equivalent brand name drug)
Refills for a prescription can be given when the refill space is filled in
"Dispense as written" means... do not substitute a generic
The prescription's SIG refers to the directions for the patient to follow
In general, a prescription refill request more than ____ prior to the next refill date will be rejected by the insurance company one week
A prescription is received for Regular Insulin 4 units SC AC. When should the insulin be given before meals
A prescription is received for Keflex 500 mg q6h. How often should the medication be taken every 6 hours
A prescription is called in for Tobradex eye drops 2 drops OS tid. Where should these drops be administered in the left eye
In which case(s) will refill snot be authorized despite refills being listed on the medication container label Prescription is more than 12 months old & prescription has been transferred to another pharmacy
When can the technician enter a prescription that has been called into the pharmacy once the pharmacist transcribes it to writing
Select the true statement regarding transferring a prescription once a transfer occurs, it is "closed" at the originating pharmacy
Which of the following is true regarding signatures Schedule II prescriptions must be handwritten
Which of the following is true regarding prescriptions for a Schedule II drug all of the above ( a physical address is required; there may be limits on the quantity dispensed; refills are not authorized)
Without consulting with any non-pharmacy personnel, how can a falsified DEA # be recognized follow a step by step mathematical formula
In which of the following case(s) should one be suspicious of a potentially forged prescription missing or incorrect DEA #; misspellings on the prescription
Schedule III & IV prescriptions may be refilled up to five times within 6 months
The ___ reviews the patient profile to make sure a new prescription will not cause any harmful drug interactions pharmacist
What is the purpose of the National Drug Code (NDC) number in preparing a prescription it helps in identifying the exact drug, dose, and package size to be filled
At which point in the prescription filling process should the stock drug label be checked All of the above (when it is pulled from the shelf; at the time of preparation; when is is returned to the self)
If dropped on the counter while being counted, a tablet should be picked up with forceps
Equipment used for counting medications should be cleaned with isopropyl alcohol
A ___ is a fixed number of dose units in a drug stock container unit of use
If a medication is out of stock (OOS), what are some options for filling the prescription All of the above (allow the patient to take the prescription to another pharmacy; borrow the medication from another pharmacy; order the medication from the wholesaler)
Amber vials are named according to __ size dram
Prescription label can be directly applied to metered-dose inhalers
The poison Prevention Packaging Act of 1970 requires that all prescription drugs be packaged in child-resistant containers
Except to the Poison Prevention Packaging Act of 1970 include nitroglycering tablets
The __ contains the dosage directions from the prescriber medication container label
The medication container label must contain the address of the pharmacy
Auxiliary labels are attached to a container label to supplement the information on the container
The ___ contains information on how to safely use a prescribed medication patient information sheet
The purpose of the MedGuide is to warn patients of potential adverse reactions of high-risk medications
As required by law, the pharmacist must check every prescription
The pharmacist's initialing a prescription after the pharmacy technician completes the fill indicates that the pharmacist assumes responsibility for its correctness
A hospital may be classified according to all of the above (the types of services provided; whether it trains healthcare professionals; whether its goal is to make a profit)
The goal length of stay for a short-term care hospital is less than 30 days
Smoking cessations programs, weight loss programs, health screenings, and support groups are examples of what hospital function public health education
Who is responsible for submitting and complying with the hospital pharmacy budget director of pharmacy
In planning patient care initiatives, with whom would a director of pharmacy collaborate director of nursing and chief of the medical staff
A satellite pharmacy is typically located on a nursing unit
when pharmacy technicians are hired on a contingency basis their performance will be evaluated in 3 months
A __ supply of patient medications is typically dispensed in a hospital phayrmacy 24 hour
A function unique to the hospital pharmacy is stock patient care units with medications and supplies
Orders fro stat medications are filled immediately
The pharmacy receives orders for __ as part of the hospital orders medications
By which method to hospital pharmacies typically distribute medications unit dose
A __ is an amount of drug prepackaged for single administration unit of use
The document used to fill doses for each individual patient is a computer-generated fill list
Which of the following is an advantage of the unit dose drug distribution system increased security for medications
Under what circumstance can a unit dose be returned to stock unopened package
Automated robotic systems use __ to identify patients and medications bar codes
What is the primary role of the pharmacy technician in a pharmacy that uses robotic technology to stock the robotic system
Why are medications sometimes repackaged because nonstandard medication doses are ordered & because a medication is not available in unit dose form
The repackaging log must contain which of the following pieces of information all of the above (internal lot #;NDC; manufacturer's lot number)
Medications repackaged by pharmacy technicians must be checked by a pharmacist
Which of the following does the unit dose profile contain that a medication order doesn't contain time of administration
what is a cart fill list a printout of several or all patients' unit dose profiles
In a hospital that does cart fill at 0600, an order is received at 0800 for Pepcid 20 mg po q12h, The standard administration times for q12h at this hospital are 0900 & 2100. How many doses of medication will the patient need until the next cart fill 2
In a hospital that does a 12-- cart fill, an order is received at 1300 for Isordil 20 mg po tid. The standard administration times for tid at this hospital are 0900, 1300, & 1700. How many doses of medication will the patient need until the next cart fill 2
__ in the patient drawer can be used as a quality-assurance tool to determine why a missing dose occured Meds remaining
__ is an inventory of frequently prescribed drugs stored on the nursing unit floor stock
Examples of automated delivery systems include all of the above ( Pyxis; MediTech; AcuDose-Rx)
What are some advantages of an automated dispensing system all of the above (allows for secure, locked storage; captures all charges;can alert the nurse of allergies)
who is responsible for maintaining inventory through a floor stock replacement system the pharmacy department
What are some responsibilities included in a floor stock inspection check for drug interactions
when controlled drugs are delivered to nursing units, whose names must be recorded for each dose of drug delivered pharmacy technician;receiving nurse
An __ compounds medications in a sterile, germ-free work environment intravenous admixture service
A patient receiving __ receives nutrition intravenously TPN
Under special lighting, an IV product can be inspected for particulate matter; physical incompatibility
where does a nurse record that he or she has administered a medication medication administration record
the nurse should record on the MAR the time the medication is given to the patient
The __ committee reviews, approves, and receives the hospital's formulary pharmacy & therapeutics
who usually serves as the secretary of the pharmacy & therapeutics commitee director of pharmacy
A formulary system is based on providing __ medication while limiting ___ effective;costs
responsibilities of the drug information service include all of the above (researching information about medications; evaluating medication errors; evaluating adverse drug reactions)
Any investigational study requires approval by the __ before enrollment can begin institutional review board
An __ drug has not yet been approved by the FDA investigational
When a hospital is awarded accreditation by the Joint Commission, it means the hospital meets specific quality and safety standards
Who may view a hospital's online JCAHO accreditation report any consumer
which of the following is a Joint Commission QUALITY-related standard using aspirin for patients having a heart attack
which of the following is a Joint Commission SAFETY-related standard prevention of medication erros
which of the following is true regarding the sealed bid process it determines the source of drugs listed on the formulary
which of the following is true regarding automation's role in managing inventory all of the above (it reduces inventory cost; it increases the accuracy; inventory data may be pooled using computerized handheld devices)

What information about the patient is required to complete a prescription?

Prescriptions should be written legibly in ink or otherwise so as to be indelible (it is permissible to issue carbon copies of NHS prescriptions as long as they are signed in ink), should be dated, should state the name and address of the patient, the address of the prescriber, an indication of the type of prescriber, ...

Which of the following must be included on a prescription?

The critical elements of a prescription label are: patient name, directions for use by the patient, which directions shall be structured in full sentences, and drug name and strength.

What is the information included in the prescription?

All prescription medicine containers include information on the label including the patient's name, the name of the medicine, dosage and instructions on how often to take the medicine. More detailed printed information about the medication is usually provided by the pharmacy when prescription medicine is dispensed.