Which of the following is not an area of study for communication scholars quizlet

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Test 1- Dr. Elizabeth Larson

Terms in this set (49)

A. A theory applies in all situations

Which of the following is NOT true about theories?
A. A theory applies in all situations
B. A theory offers some sort of explanation.
C. Theories always involve an element of speculation.
D. If a theory is a set of hunches, it means we aren't sure we have the answer yet.
E. Good theories define their key terms.
F. A theory is not just one inspired thought or an isolated idea.

B. All answers are correct.

Hunches that communication theories are based upon should be:
A. Plural
B. All answers are correct.
C. Informed
D. Systematic

D. Theories are informed by the theorist's personal opinions.

Which of the following is NOT an explanation of why theories are informed hunches?
A. Theorists should be aware of other alternative explanations for what they are studying.
B. Theorists should base their theories on existing information and data.
C. Theories are educated guesses.
D. Theories are informed by the theorist's personal opinions.

B. A theory is not one isolated idea, it must involve multiple ideas working together.

Why does a theory need to be a set of hunches?
A. By definition, all theories must have at least three concepts in them.
B. A theory is not one isolated idea, it must involve multiple ideas working together.
C. Because the textbook says so.
D. Theories are harder to disprove if they have multiple ideas.

D. conscious

When people create messages, they usually make a _____ choice about the message's form and substance.
A. unconscious
B. thoughtful
C. informed
D. conscious

C. go beyond accepted wisdom

A. usually violate or contradict accepted wisdom
B. alter what we already believe in
C. go beyond accepted wisdom
D. should reflect commonly held beliefs

D. Many other disciplines also study human symbolic activity and intersect with the field of communication.

Why is communication called a crossroads discipline?
A. Communication is not as legitimate as other areas of study.
B. Communication scholars pass through communication on their way to other destinations.
C. Communication is a newer discipline.
D. Many other disciplines also study human symbolic activity and intersect with the field of communication.

C. So that people can become more mindful and better communicators.

Why are many communication theories concerned with raising people's consciousness?
A. So that people will use preprogrammed responses more often.
B. So that people can become more politically engaged.
C. So that people can become more mindful and better communicators.
D. So that people will be able to better criticize others' commmunication.

C. "words don't mean things, people mean things."

In the context of the interpretation of messages, many communication scholars believe that:
A. anyone can step into the same river twice.
B. the only "failure in communicating" is not communicating.
C. "words don't mean things, people mean things."
D. "communication is irreversible."

A. Judee Burgoon

Who defined theory as "a set of systematic hunches about the way things operate"?
A. Judee Burgoon
B. Karl Popper
C. Em Griffin
D. Ernest Bormann

C. Nets

Which metaphor of theory was described by Karl Popper?
A. Books
B. Lenses
C. Nets
D. Maps


T/F: All communication scholars agree on a shared definition of communication.

D. 120+

How many definitions of communication did Frank Dance catalog?
A. 50
B. One
C. 12
D. 120+


T/F: Behavioral scientists are likely to describe human conduct using phrases such as "in order to" and "so that," whereas interpretive scholars describe events using the phrase "because of."


T/F: Interpretive scholars are uncomfortable with there are multiple ways to understand a text.

D. because of forces outside an individual's awareness; as a result of conscious intent

Behavioral scientists see people acting ______, while interpretive scholars see people acting ______.
A. as a result of conscious intent; because of forces outside an B. individual's awareness
C.rationally; rationally
D. because of forces outside an individual's awareness; as a result of conscious intent
E. through free will; through determinism

C. theory about theory.

Metatheory is:
A. the difference between interpretive and objective research.
B. a waste of time.
C. theory about theory.
D. another word for epistemology.

D. predictability increases

Human choice is problematic for the behavioral scientist because as individual freedom goes up, ________.
A. predictability of behavior goes down
B. predictability remains the same
C. outside factors start affecting predictability
D. predictability increases


T/F: Ethnography is a good method for determining cause/effect relationships.

B. experiment

If a researcher tries to establish a cause-and-effect relationship by systematically manipulating one factor, the independent variable, in a tightly controlled situation to learn its effect on another factor, the dependent variable, he or she is conducting a(n):
A. textual analysis.
B. experiment.
C. All of the answers are correct.
D. survey


T/F: Practical utility is rarely a goal for objective theory.

A. Aesthetic appeal

Which of the following is least important for an objective theory?
A. Aesthetic appeal
B. Relative simplicity
C. Practical utility
D. Prediction of future events

D. The theorist tries to identify the ideology underlying a message they are studying

Which of the following is NOT a way that interpretive scholars seek to clarify values?
A. The theorist cares about the political implications of their work.
B. The theorist maintains objectivity and avoids acknowledging their role in the research.
C. The theorist recognizes the potential moral implications of their research.
D. The theorist tries to identify the ideology underlying a message they are studying.


T/F: Interpretive scholars aim to leave their beliefs, convictions, and ideals at the door when they conduct research.

B. Objective

What type of scholar sees truth as singular and accessible through the senses?
A. Interpretive
B. Objective
C. Rhetorical
D. Phenomenological


T/F: Behavioral scientists are likely to describe human conduct using phrases such as "in order to" and "so that," whereas interpretive scholars describe events using the phrase "because of."

C. empiricist

A behavioral scientist is often labeled as a(n) ________.
A. phenomenologist
B. rhetorician
C. empiricist
D. poststructuralist

C. data collected through direct observation

Which of the following best describes empirical evidence?
A. exploration of meaning or context
B. examples of social injustice
C. data collected through direct observation
D. claims based on personally held ideology


T/F: All theories can meet every standard of quality equally welL.

C. Explanation of data

Which of the following is NOT important for an interpretive scholar?
A. Aesthetic appeal
B. Community of agreement
C. Explanation of data
D. Reform of society


T/F: There is no universally approved model; rhetoricians, critical theorists, and other interpreters repeatedly urge that interpretive theories should accomplish some functions.


T/F: A good objective theory is testable.

C. predictability increases

Human choice is problematic for the behavioral scientist because as individual freedom goes up, ________.
A. predictability of behavior goes down
B. outside factors start affecting predictability
C. predictability increases
D. predictability remains the same

C. behavior is caused by heredity and environment.

Determinism refers to the assumption that:
A. heredity accounts for everything a person does.
B. environmental factors are usually irrelevant to human behavior.
C. behavior is caused by heredity and environment.
D. every human act is ultimately voluntary.

A. Truths are fixed principles across time.

Which of the following is NOT true about how interpretive scholars understand truth?
A. Truths are fixed principles across time.
B. Truth is an interpretive process.
C. Multiple truths can exist together.
D. Truth is socially constructed through communication.


T/F: Objective theorists focus on participation and downplay effectiveness, whereas interpretive theorists foreground effectiveness and relegate participation to the background.


T/F: It is important for objective and interpretive scholars to be able to appreciate each others' work.


T/F: Interpretive and objective scholars always have a friendly relationship.


T/F: A good interpretive theory can be identified by the amount of support it generates within a community of scholars who are interested and knowledgeable about the same type of communication.


T/F: A Rube Goldberg machine is an excellent example of the standard of relative simplicity.

A. web of meaning

Which of the following does an interpretive scholar explore that constitutes human existence?
A. web of meaning
B. All of the answers are correct.
C. control
D. prediction


T/F: Scholars who label themselves as social constructionists, post-structuralists, and critical theorists are all interpretive scholars.


T/F: For objective theories, the reason something happens is just as important as the fact that it does.


T/F: The theories presented in the textbook perfectly meet all of the requirements for good theory.

B. rule of parsimony

The ________ states that given two plausible explanations for the same event, one should accept the less complex version.
A. criterion of practical utility
B. rule of parsimony
C. requirement of falsifiability
D. scope of a theory

B. Falsifiability

________ is defined as the requirement that a scientific theory be stated in such a way that it can be tested and disproved if it is indeed wrong.
A. Predictability
B. Falsifiability
C. Practical utility
D. Relative simplicity

D. Simplicity means that theories are easy to understand.

Which of the following is NOT true about the standard of relative simplicity?
A. A good theory gets rid of any extra variables or concepts.
B. Occam's razor explains the standard of simplicity.
C. The less complex explanation for something should be accepted.
D. Simplicity means that theories are easy to understand.


T/F: Objective theorists focus on participation and downplay effectiveness, whereas interpretive theorists foreground effectiveness and relegate participation to the background.

A. data collected through direct observation

Which of the following best describes empirical evidence?
A. data collected through direct observation
B. claims based on personally held ideology
C. exploration of meaning or context
D. examples of social injustice

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