Which of the following is a difference between the garbage can model and the incremental and Carnegie model?



Models of Organizational Decision Making – Compare And Contrast Essay

December 20, 2017 Uncategorized

Compare and contrast the key features of the following features of the following models of decision making: the Rational Model, the Carnegie Model, the Incrementalist model, the Unstructured Model, and the Garbage- Can Model.

In the rational model, the decision makers is rational and when faced with a problem, chose the solution that best advances the decision maker’s interests, and explore all possible solutions. The eight steps as noted by Draft  in the bid to break the model include the following respectively; monitoring the decision environment, defining the decision problem, specifying decision outcomes, diagnosing the problem, developing alternative solutions, evaluating alternative, choosing the best alternative and implementing the chosen alternative ( Draft,1989)

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The bounded rationality of individuals and the political aspect of the organizations are taken in to account when defining the Carnegie model. In his description of the model, Allison has included the following: political in the sense that the activity from which the outcomes emerge is best characterized as bargaining, the technique employed in  this process often resemble those in legislative assemblies, though outcomes in the sense that what happens is not chosen as a solution to a problem but results from coalition, compromise, confusion among government officials who see different faces of an issue, and competition(Allison, 1986). Draft points out that Carnegie model is associated with top management. One of the major part of the organizational decision making in Carnegie model is building agreement through a managerial coalition

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Incremental decision process model stresses on the fact that many major decisions are made through a series of small decisions. Unwillingness to radically deviate from established patterns, previous decisions, or established procedures often constrains decision makers. Decision makers often go back through a previous decision and try something new if they run in to a barrier, or failure (Draft,1989).

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In the bid to explain the pattern of decision making in organizations that experience extremely high uncertainty such as change and growth required in learning organization, the garbage can model was developed. The originators of garbage model referred to these uncertain conditions as organized anarchy. The model combines the Carnegie model and the incremental models, and deals with the pattern of flow of multiple decisions within the organization whereas; the Carnegie and incremental models focus on how a single decision is made. It helps the decision maker in the frequent decisions being made and to think about the whole organization. It was originated by Michael Cohen, James March and Johan Olsen.

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Un structured decision making model defines decision processes that have not been encountered in the same form and for which no explicit and predetermined set of ordered responses exist in the organization(Mintzberg, Raisinghani, and Theoret,1976)

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What is organizational decision making?

The process of identifying and solving problems

What are programmed decisions?

Programmed decisions are well structured and defined. They will generally be successful as the procedures are clear and concise.

What are nonprogrammed decisions?

Nonprogrammed decisions are unstructured decisions that are used when a problem is completely new. It is unclear if the decision will actually solve the problem.

What is the difference between the rational approach and the bounded rationality perspective?

The rational approach is how managers should try to make decisions. The bounded rationality perspective is how decisions are actually made due to time and resource constraints.

What is intuitive decision making?

Intuitive decision making is when experience and judgement play a larger role than logic or reasoning.

What are the four primary types of decision making processes?

-Management science approach -Carnegie model -Incremental decision process model -Garbage can model

What is the management science approach?

When mathematical and statistical models are applied to a problem in order to come up with a solution.

What is the Carnegie model of organizational decision making?

Organizational decisions involve many managers and the final choice is usually decided upon as a whole.

A coalition is an alliance among several managers

What is the incremental decision making model?

It is based more on the sequence of activities from problem identification to problem solution. It included three phases: identification (recognition and diagnosis), development (search and design), and selection (judgement, bargaining, and authorization)

Why is it a good idea to combine both the carnegie model and the incremental decision making process?

The carnegie model works to identify the problem in a group setting, and the incremental decision making process lays out the steps to reaching a solution

What is the garbage can model?

The garbage can model allows managers to consider multiple problems as well as the entire organization at the same time. There are four 'streams' that get combined into one large 'garbage can'. The four streams are problems, potential solutions, participants, and choice opportunities. This process may or may not result in a solution. There are four potential consequences as well: solutions to problems that don't exist, choices made do not solve problems, problems do not get solved, and only a few of the problems are solved.

What is problem consensus?

Agreement among managers regarding the nature of the problem or opportunity and how to best deal with it.

What is the contingency decision-making framework?

Brings together the two dimensions of problem consensus and technical knowledge to determine the best process to deal with a problem. 

Define both inspiration and imitation

Inspiration is when an innovative and creative solution that is not reached by logical means. Imitation is when a decision is adopted with the hope that it will work in the situation.

What are high-velocity environments?

Environments in which the rate of competitive and technological change is so extreme that there is no market data available. Strategic windows open and close very quickly in this type of environment

What is the point-counterpoint technique?

Divides decision makers into two groups and assigns them different, often competing responsibilities. When the two groups come together, they debate until they can come up with a set of recommendations.

What is decision learning?

Decision learning refers to the fact that managers and organizations need to make mistakes in order to learn and gain experience.

What does escalating commitment refer to?

Investing additional time and money into a solution that shows strong evidence of not working.

In which of the following is a difference between the garbage can model and the incremental and?

Which of the following is a difference between the garbage can model and the incremental and Carnegie models? a. Unlike the incremental and Carnegie models, the garbage can model is only applicable at the problem solution stage of decision making.

What does the incremental decision process model emphasize?

Incremental Decision Process Model The incremental decision process model emphasizes the structured sequence of activities leading to the solution to a problem. Major decisions are broken down in small steps taking place in three major phases: the identification, development, & selection phases.

Which stage of the organizational decision making process occurs when alternative courses of action are considered and one alternative is selected and implemented?

The stage in which alternative courses of action are considered and one is chosen and implemented is: the last 4 steps of the rational approach, called problem solution. 10.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of Nonprogrammed decisions quizlet?

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a nonprogrammed​ decision? It is routine.


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