Which complication of decreased mobility would the nurse associate with the bones of older patients

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· 6
The Fulmer SPICES framework was developed as part of the NICHE project and identifies six serious 'marker conditions' that can lead to longer hospital stays, higher medical costs, and even deaths. These conditions are sleep disorders, problems with eating or feeding, incontinence, confusion, evidence of falls, and skin breakdown.
Test-Taking Tip: You have at least a 25% chance of selecting the correct response in multiple-choice items. IN you are uncertain about a question, eliminate the choices that you believe are wrong and then call on your knowledge, skills, and abilities to choose from the remaining responses. P.40

· Physical abuse
Neglect and abuse can be a problem for some vulnerable, older adults. Hitting, burning, pushing, and molesting a patient are examples of physical abuse. The use of physical force may result in bodily injury. When the caregiver fails to provide for the basic needs of the older adult such as food, clothing, and medications, it is considered elder neglect. Financial abuse occurs when there is improper or illegal use of the older adult's funds, property, or assets. Emotional abuse occurs when somebody inflicts mental pain, anguish, or distress on another person through use of threats, intimidation, humiliation, and isolation. p. 39

· A health-protecting behavior
Avoiding OTC medications unless their use is directed by a provider is an example of a health-protecting behavior. It is not an example of a health-enhancing behavior, and health-providing and health-understanding behaviors are not categories of patient behaviors.
Test-Taking Tip: Key words or phrases in the question stem such as first, primal, early, or best are important. Similarly, words such as only, always, never, and all in the alternatives are frequently evidence of a wrong response. No real absolutes exist in life; however, every rule has its exceptions, so answer with care. P.30

Sets with similar terms

Which body part would the nurse associate with loss of elasticity as adults age?

As the body ages, blood vessels, particularly arteries, lose their elasticity and the arterial walls become stiffer and thicker.

Which problem does the nurse identify when an older adult reports being hit by a family caregiver when the patient does not keep the house tidy quizlet?

Neglect occurs when a caregiver fails to provide for an older adult's basic needs and accounts for almost half of all cases of elder abuse. Physical abuse is the use of physical force that results in bodily injury.

What may be the reason for decreased mobility of the ribs?

The effect of age on structural properties of rib bone and costal cartilage also negatively influence rib motion and the mobility of the thorax. The thickness of the cortical bone in the ribs tends to decrease with age, decreasing the cross-sectional area of the rib cortical bone after the age of 25 [23].

Which assessment tool would help a nurse focus on factors that increase an older patients risk for falling select all that apply quizlet?

The Morse Fall Scale has been developed to help the nurse focus on factors that increase an older person's risk for falling.