Which application would the registered nurse state is related to the trait theory in practice





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Terms in this set (14)

The nurse leader is promoted to nurse manager and has a plan of implementing an effective client counseling center in the outpatient department. The nurse gathers data from different healthcare providers and compares methods. Which type of quality improvement does the nurse implement?


A nurse leader changes the work schedule after a team member asks for more flexibility in the schedule. Which theory outlines this nurse leader's approach?

Herzberg's theory

A nurse leader has resolved a conflict within the team. Which further action of the nurse leader prevents the same conflict in the future?

Working with the team members after the conflict

Which application would the registered nurse state is related to the trait theory in practice?

To develop assertiveness

What are the roles and responsibilities of a senior nurse leader while implementing strategies for improving the quality of the organization? Select all that apply.

Setting priorities for staff effectiveness and client health outcomes

Providing support systems for staff who have been involved in a sentinel event

Building infrastructure, providing resources, and removing barriers for improvement

A team member has asked the nurse leader about changes in the work schedule. What is the accurate action to be taken by the nurse leader in this situation?

Explaining the reason for the change to the team member clearly

Which statement is true regarding leadership theories?

Expectancy theory states that leaders should provide specific feedback about positive performance.

The nurse manager evaluates the performance of a group of nurse leaders on a project. One nurse leader performs exceedingly well by assuring that change happens and is promoted as the leader. Which quality attributes would have been shown by the nurse? Select all that apply.

Taking initiative

Going beyond the role

Thinking outside the box

Which behavior from the nurse leader exhibits charismatic leadership qualities?

Possesses an inspirational quality that makes team members attracted to him or her

The nurse manager evaluates the performance of a group of nurse leaders on a project. One nurse leader performs exceedingly well by assuring that change happens and is promoted as the leader. Which quality attributes would have been shown by the nurse? Select all that apply.

Taking initiative

Going beyond the role

Thinking outside the box

Which behavior from the nurse leader exhibits charismatic leadership qualities?

Possesses an inspirational quality that makes team members attracted to him or her

Which internal factors should be considered while implementing any change in an organization? Select all that apply.

Number of staff

Leader competency

Nurse education level

A nurse manager in a cancer care facility finds that the nursing care team is demotivated due to consecutive deaths of two terminally ill cancer clients. Which action of the nurse manager would help renew the team's energy?

Arranging a notice board in the unit and posting photos or messages reflecting achievements of the team

In an organization, the leader is providing specific feedback regarding positive performance to his or her subordinate. Which leadership theory behavior is being displayed by the leader?

Expectancy theory

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What is trait theory in nursing?

Trait Theory: Just as nurses are often. stereotyped as "born"; not "made," early theorists believed that leaders are born with innate characteristics and abilities that enable them to influence others.

What is trait theory in healthcare?

The Trait Theory of Leadership involves determining the essential characteristics of leaders based on the characteristics of past successful and unsuccessful leaders, and using those findings to predict the effectiveness of leaders.

Which of the following characteristics exemplified by a registered nurse is a leader trait?

Which of the following characteristics exemplified by a registered nurse is a leader trait? Endorsing and thriving on taking risks that bring about change is a leader trait.

Which example would the nurse consider to be a part of systems thinking theory?

Which example would the nurse consider to be a part of systems thinking theory? The systems thinking theory would describe the need to focus on all the residents in a long-term facility care facility. Transformational theory is associated with promoting employee development.