When a patient says one thing but exhibits a different response through body language this is known as?

  • School Hunter Business School
  • Course Title NSG 100
  • Pages 3

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Chapter 4: The Art of Communication Review1.The majority of human messages are communicated bynonverbal communication. 1. Bodylanguage 2. Tonality 3. Spoken word2.Give an example of an open-ended question:What is the name of the physician referring you?3.A safe environment and a feeling of security aresafety needs4.The value we place on ourselves and the need to be respected areEsteem Needs –Recognition/acceptance/status/appreciation5.Avoidance, displacement, projection, and rationalization are examples ofDefensive mechanisms6.A patient who is visually impaired may need help doing what?Communicating using verbaldescriptions/ may need help filling out forms7.Individuals who have an impaired level of understanding –are developmentally isabled, emotionallydisturbed, have suffered a tramatic brain injury or are suffering from senility of alzheimers.Beaware of each patients limitations.8.When dealing with an anxious patientrealize that she or he may need help focusing and assumethat he or she will not be able to remember all the details of the conversation.Speak at a slowerpace and validate the patients concern. / acknowledge the patients feelings of anxiety

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What is it called when a person says one thing verbally but conveys the opposite in nonverbal behavior?

A person says one thing verbally, but conveys the opposite in nonverbal behavior. This is called a double message or mixed message. As in the saying, “actions speak louder than words,” actions are often interpreted as the true meaning of a person's intent, whether that intent is conscious or unconscious.

When listening to a speech impaired patient it is OK to pretend to understand?

Do not ignore a person with a speech impairment because of your concern that you will not understand them. 5. Do not pretend you understand what is being said if you do not. Instead, repeat what you have understood and allow the person to respond.

When interviewing a patient what is the key to obtaining accurate information and what should you avoid?

When interviewing a patient, what is the key to obtaining accurate information and what should you avoid? KEY : Ask Open Ended questions. What is the number one reason for the failure in a relationship? When does trust begin to develop between the physician and the patient?

Is nonverbal communication usually conscious and intentional?

Verbal communication is precise and intentional, while nonverbal communication is often spontaneous and much of it is not intentionally communicated. Often, we are not even consciously aware of many of our nonverbal behaviors.


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