What is word processing What are the steps for creating editing and formatting a document?

What is word processing What are the steps for creating editing and formatting a document?

What is word processing What are the steps for creating editing and formatting a document?
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What is word processing What are the steps for creating editing and formatting a document?
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What is word processing What are the steps for creating editing and formatting a document?
Anin Girls High > Subjects > Computer Studies > FORM 2 > WORD PROCESSOR




    Is an application software that enables the user to create, save, edit,format and print a document.

    Example of word processors

    • Microsoft Word
    • Word star
    • Word perfect
    • Corel
    • Lotus
    • Word pro
    • K Word
    • Abiword
    • PC-Write

    Advantages of using a word processor over a manual type writer

    1. A document can be stored in a computer for future reference
    2. Have special editing tools eg spelling and grammar checkers
    3. One can easily insert or replace a word or phrase without affecting the neatness of a document
    4. One can easily produce many copies using a printer without retyping

    Features of a word processors

    • A word wrap which automatically starts a new line if there is insufficient room at the hand margin
    • Availability of different fonts, character sizes and styles
    • Text paragraph and page formatting eg text alignment, indenting, page number etc
    • Search and replace command which allow replacement of every incidence of a certain combination of characters with a set of characters
    • Undo which allows action that have been performed to be reversed
    • Printing of documents single or multiple choices
    • Mail merging that is very essential while similar letters have to be sent
    • Ability to create and import tables, text and graphics from other programs

    Factors to consider when selecting a word processor

    1. The type of operating system installed
    2. Its user friendliness
    3. Its formatting and editing features
    4. Whether it is commercial or open source software

    Parts of a Microsoft word window

    1. Title bar

    It a bar at the top of a the window and it displays the titile currently running application at task
    2. Menu Bar

    It contains menus that provides lists of commands

    3. Status bar

    It is an interactive strip at the bottom of the screen that acts as a communication link between the user and the program.

    What is word processing What are the steps for creating editing and formatting a document?

    Editing – Its is making necessary changes in a document


    Insert Mode – When text is typed between the existing words or characters it pushes the existing text forward without replacing them

    Type over mode – When text is typed between words or characters the new text automatically replaces the existing text by deleting it.

    Formatting - Applying various styles or features in order to enhance the document appearance

    Text Formatting Features

    • Changing font type, size style
    • Changing font colour
    • Underlining – Placing a line at the bottom of a text
    • Bolding – Making the text appear more darker than the rest
    • Italicizing –making the text slant forward
    • Superscript and subscript
    • Strikethrough

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                Create a document in Word

                Word for Microsoft 365 Word 2021 Word 2019 Word 2016 More...Less

                What is word processing What are the steps for creating editing and formatting a document?

                With Word on your PC, Mac, or mobile device, you can:

                • Create documents from scratch, or a template.

                • Add text, images, art, and videos.

                • Research a topic and find credible sources.

                • Access your documents from a computer, tablet, or phone with OneDrive.

                • Share your documents and work with others.

                • Track and review changes.

                Create a document

                1. On the File tab, click New.

                2. In the Search for online templates box, enter the type of document you want to create and press ENTER.

                Tip: To start from scratch, select Blank document. Or, for practice using Word features, try a learning guide like Welcome to Word, Insert your first table of contents, and more.

                What is word processing What are the steps for creating editing and formatting a document?

                Add and format text

                1. Place the cursor and type some text.

                2. To format, select the text and then select an option: Bold, Italic, Bullets, Numbering, and more.

                What is word processing What are the steps for creating editing and formatting a document?

                Add Pictures, Shapes, SmartArt, Chart, and more

                1. Select the Insert tab.

                2. Select what you want to add:

                  • Tables - select Table, hover over the size you want, and select it.

                  • Pictures - select Pictures, browse for pictures from your computer, select a stock image, or even search Bing.

                    Note:  Older versions of Word may have Online Pictures on the ribbon next to Pictures.

                  • Shapes - select Shapes, and choose a shape from the drop-down.

                  • Icons - select Icons, pick the one you want, and select Insert.

                  • 3D Models - select 3D Models, choose from a file or online source, go to the image you want, and select Insert.

                  • SmartArt - select SmartArt, choose a SmartArt Graphic, and select OK.

                  • Chart - select Chart, select the chart you want, and select OK.

                  • Screenshot - select Screenshot and select one from the drop-down.

                What is word processing What are the steps for creating editing and formatting a document?

                Next:     Save your document to OneDrive in Word

                Need more help?

                What are the steps for creating editing and formatting a document?

                Steps to Create and Format new document in MS Word.
                Open and save a new Word file. ... .
                Set the page margins. ... .
                Specify the page layout. ... .
                Modify the normal text font. ... .
                Create your custom headings. ... .
                Add a cover page. ... .
                Add page numbers. ... .
                Type in your main headings..

                What is word processor What are its steps?

                Word Processing refers to the act of using a computer to create, edit, save and print documents. In order to perform word processing, specialized software (known as a Word Processor) is needed. One example of a Word Processor is Microsoft Word, but other word processing applications are also widely used.

                What is a word processing document?

                Word-processing: Used to create documents that include mainly text, like reports or letters. These documents have a body text area where you type, and the text flows from one page to the next, with new pages created automatically when you reach the end of the page.

                What do you know about editing and formatting in word processing?

                The word processor is application software which defines features to create, edit, view, format, store, retrieve and print documents such as letters, reports, books, etc. The process of changing the content of a text, deleting some portion of text, moving or copying text is called editing the text.