What did Populists set their sights on after achieving some success on a local level in the late 1800s quizlet?

How did the rise of the Knights of Labor impact the Populist movement in the late 1800s?

The rise of the Knights of Labor led to the creation of granges and farmers' alliances in the late 1800s.

The rise of the Knights of Labor led to support for a national populist political party in the late 1800s.

The rise of the Knights of Labor led to the widespread circulation of free silver coinage in the late 1800s.

The rise of the Knights of Labor led to the 1890 election of William Jennings Bryan in the late 1800s.

What happened to the Populist Party in the late 1800s?

In 1900 William McKinley, the Republican candidate for president, received more votes than Wharton Barker, the Populist candidate. For all practical purposes, Populism had died. In the late 19th century, the Populist Party arose out of agrarian economic and political protest, was short lived, and passed into history.

What did the Populist Party accomplish quizlet?

The Populist party. What were the goals of the People's party? Free coinage of silver, end to protective tariffs, end to national banks, tighter regulation of the railroads, and direct election of Senators by voters.

What were the goals that Populists supported in the late 1800s?

They demanded an increase in the circulating currency (to be achieved by the unlimited coinage of silver), a graduated income tax, government ownership of the railroads, a tariff for revenue only, the direct election of U.S. senators, and other measures designed to strengthen political democracy and give farmers ...

How did the rise of the Populist movement in the late 1800s the rise of the Knights of Labor led to the creation of Granges and farmers alliances in the late 1800s?

How did the rise of the Knights of Labor impact the Populist movement in the late 1800s? The rise of the Knights of Labor led to support for a national populist political party in the late 1800s. In the late 1800s, which of the following did the People's Party believe would give the people more political power?


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