Why does a layer 3 device perform the ANDing process on a destination IP address and subnet mask


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Why does a Layer 3 device perform the ANDing process on a destination IP address and subnet mask?

  • to identify the broadcast address of the destination network

  • to identify the host address of the destination host

  • to identify faulty frames

  • to identify the network address of the destination network

133.Why does a Layer 3 device perform the ANDing process on a destination IP address andsubnet mask?oto identify the broadcast address of the destination networkoto identify the host address of the destination hostoto identify faulty framesoto identify the network address of the destination network

CCNA 1 v5.1 Final Exam Answers 2016 100%134.What are the three ranges of IP addresses that are reserved for internal private use?(Choose three.)

Page 29138.Which subnet would include the address as a usable host address?

135.Which three addresses are valid public addresses? (Choose three.)

136.What type of IPv6 address is FE80::1?oloopbackolink-localomulticastoglobal unicast

137.Refer to the exhibit. On the basis of the output, which two statements about networkconnectivity are correct? (Choose two.)CCNA1 Final Exam v5.1 012

CCNA 1 v5.1 Final Exam Answers 2016 100%o192.168.1.32/28o192.168.1.64/29139.How many hosts are addressable on a network that has a mask of

CCNA 5Page 30141.Refer to the exhibit. Consider the IP address of that has been assigned toa high school building. The largest network in this building has 100 devices. If isthe network number for the largest network, what would be the network number for the nextlargest network, which has 40 devices?CCNA1 Final Exam v5.1 009o192.168.10.0o192.168.10.128o192.168.10.192o192.168.10.224o192.168.10.240

140.Which statement is true about variable-length subnet masking?oEach subnet is the same size.oThe size of each subnet may be different, depending on requirements.oSubnets may only be subnetted one additional time.oBits are returned, rather than borrowed, to create additional subnets.

CCNA 1 v5.1 Final Exam Answers 2016 100%142.In what two situations would UDP be the preferred transport protocol over TCP? (Choosetwo.)

Why does Layer 3 device perform the ANDing process on a destination IP address and subnet mask?

Why does a Layer 3 device perform the ANDing process on a destination IP address and subnet mask? ANDing allows us to identify the network address from the IP address and the network mask.

Why it is necessary perform the ANDing process on a destination IP address and subnet mask?

Explanation: Hosts and routers use the "ANDing" process to determine if a destination host is on the same network or not. The ANDing process is done each time a host wants to send a packet to another host on an IP network.

What is one reason for subnetting an IP network?

One goal of a subnet is to split a large network into a grouping of smaller, interconnected networks to help minimize traffic. This way, traffic doesn't have to flow through unnecessary routs, increasing network speeds. Subnetting, the segmentation of a network address space, improves address allocation efficiency.

When IPv4 is configured for a computer on a network what does the subnet mask identify?

The subnet mask is used in IPv4 and IPv6 to show what part of the address is the network portion and what part of the address is the host portion. In IPv4 there are three default subnet masks corresponding to the three classes of IP addresses (as illustrated earlier).


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