This method assumes that the loss in value is directly proportional to the age of the property

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This method assumes that the loss in value is directly proportional to the age of the property

Engineering Economy



This module deals with depreciation and the different methods of

solving depreciation charges.

At the end of this module, the learner should be able to:

1.Calculate the depreciation charge for any particular year using the

different methods.

2.Compute for the book value for any particular year using any

depreciation method.

Definition of Terms

1.Depreciation is the decrease in the value of physical property with the

passage of time.

2. Value present worth of all future profits that are to be received

through ownership of a particular property.

3.Market Value- the amount which a willing buyer will pay to willing

seller for the property each has equal advantage and is under no

compulsion to buy or sell.

4.Utility/Use Value is what the property is worth to the owner as an

operating unit.

5.Fair Value- is the value which is usually determined by a disinterested

third party in order to establish a price that is fair to both seller and


6. Book Value sometimes called depreciated book value, it is worth of a

property as shown on the accounting records of an enterprise.

7.Salvage or Resale Value- is the price that can be obtained from the sale

of the property after it has been used.

8.Scrap Value- is the amount of property would sell for if disposed off as


9.Straight Line Method this method assumes that the loss in value is

directly proportional to the age of property.

10. Sinking Fund Method this method assumes that a sinking fund is

established in which funds will accumulate for replacement.

11. Declining Balance method (Matheson Formula) also called the

constant percentage method it is assumed that the annual cost of

depreciation is a fixed percentage of the salvage value of the beginning

of the year.

Which is NOT an essential element of an ordinary annuity ?

A. The amounts of all payments are equal.

B. The payments are made at equal interval of time.

C. The first payment is made at the beginning of the first period.

D. Compound interest is paid on all amounts in the annuity.

Engineering Economy Mcqs

  • Home >> Category >> Civil Engineering Mcqs >> Engineering Economy Mcqs >> In what method of computing depreciation where it assumes that the loss in value is directly proport...

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Q.  In what method of computing depreciation where it assumes that the loss in value is directly proportional to the age of the equipment or asset ?

a. Straight line method

b. Sinking fund method

c. Sum-of-year digit method

d. Declining balance method

MCQs:  The process of determining the value or worth of a physical property for specific reason is called ____________________?

Category: Civil Engineering Mcqs,   Published by: teswesm

MCQs:  The unrecovered depreciation which results due to poor estimates as to the life of the equipment is called _____________________?

Category: Civil Engineering Mcqs,   Published by: teswesm

MCQs:  What refers to the present worth of cost associated with an asset for an infinite period of time ?

Category: Civil Engineering Mcqs,   Published by: teswesm

MCQs:  Capitalized cost of a project is also known as ____________________?

Category: Civil Engineering Mcqs,   Published by: teswesm

MCQs:  What is normally used to compare alternatives that accomplish the same purpose but have unequal lives ?

Category: Civil Engineering Mcqs,   Published by: teswesm

MCQs:  What method is often used in municipal project evaluations where benefits and costs accrue to different segments of the community ?

Category: Civil Engineering Mcqs,   Published by: teswesm

MCQs:  What refers to an imaginary cost representing what will not be received if a particular strategy is rejected ?

Category: Civil Engineering Mcqs,   Published by: teswesm

MCQs:  What is the main reason why the sinking fund method of computing depreciation is seldom used in the industry ?

Category: Civil Engineering Mcqs,   Published by: teswesm

MCQs:  What is the factor name of the formula (1+i)^-n ?

Category: Civil Engineering Mcqs,   Published by: teswesm

MCQs:  What is the factor name of the formula [i(1+i)^n]/[((1+i)^n)-1] ?

Category: Civil Engineering Mcqs,   Published by: teswesm

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Category: Civil Engineering Mcqs,   Published by: teswesm

MCQs:  Is an artificial being created by operation of law, having the right of succession and the process, attributes and properties expressly authorized by the law or incident to its existence ?

Category: Civil Engineering Mcqs,   Published by: teswesm

MCQs:  What is the simplest form of business organization ?

Category: Civil Engineering Mcqs,   Published by: teswesm

MCQs:  Double taxation is a disadvantage of which business organization ?

Category: Civil Engineering Mcqs,   Published by: teswesm

MCQs:  In case of bankruptcy of a partnership________________?

Category: Civil Engineering Mcqs,   Published by: teswesm

MCQs:  Which is true about partnership ?

Category: Civil Engineering Mcqs,   Published by: teswesm

MCQs:  Which is true about corporation ?

Category: Civil Engineering Mcqs,   Published by: teswesm

MCQs:  An association of two or more persons for the purpose of engaging into a business for profit is called ____________________?

Category: Civil Engineering Mcqs,   Published by: teswesm

MCQs:  Aggregation of individuals formed for the purpose of conducting a business and recognized by law as a fictitious person is called ________________________?

Category: Civil Engineering Mcqs,   Published by: teswesm

MCQs:  What represents the ownership of stockholders who have a residual claim on the assets of the corporation after all other claims have been settled ?

Category: Civil Engineering Mcqs,   Published by: teswesm

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In what method of computing depreciation where it assumes that the loss in value is directly proportional to the age of the equipment or assets?

The Straight Line Method : States that the loss in value is considered to be directly proportional to the age of the assets.

Is the decrease in value of physical properties with the passage of time and use?

Depreciation is defined as decrease in the value of a physical property or asset with the passage of time.

In what method of computing depreciation where it assumes that a sinking fund is established in which funds will accumulate for replacement purposes?

Sinking fund method is a method of calculating depreciation for an asset in which apart from calculating depreciation, it also keeps aside a fund for replacing the asset at the end of its useful life. This method is used when the assets that need to be replaced are of high cost.

Which of the following is due to the decrease in the value of a property due to the gradual extraction of its contents?

Depletion refers to the decrease in the value of a property due to the gradual extraction of its contents.