The ________ html5 element is used to configure the top logo area on a web page.

QuestionAnswer Select the item below that lists the top level domain name for the URL .com A ________ can be configured to house a separate website located at the same domain subdomain A network that is geographically dispersed and may use some form of public or commercial communications network is called a(n): WAN A ________ is a type of ________. URL, URI Select the main reason for the initial development of the World Wide Web from the list below. to allow communication between researchers and links between research papers The ________ protocol is a set of rules that controls how data is sent between computers on the Internet IP A language using a text-based syntax intended to extend the power of HTML by separating data from presentation is called ________. XML The on-demand use of software and other computing resources hosted at a remote data center (including servers, storage, services, and applications) over the Internet. Cloud Computing The purpose of the ________ protocol is to ensure the integrity of the communication. TCP New Top Level Domains (TLDs) are coordinated by ICANN The first widely used graphical web browser was developed at: NCSA Select protocols that are used for e-mail processing. SMTP, POP3, IMAP A domain name is a unique text-based Internet address corresponding to a unique ________ IP address Choose the organization listed below that takes a proactive role in developing recommendations and prototype technologies related to the Web. W3C ________ is a set of rules for exchanging files such as text, graphic images, sound, video, and other multimedia files on the Web. HTTP ________ combines the formatting strengths of HTML 4.0 and the data structure and extensibility strengths of XML. XHTML What tag pair contains the items in an ordered or unordered list?Which tag is used to force the browser to display the next text or element on a new line?
function of an e-mail link Launch the default e-mail application for the visitor's browser with your e-mail address as the recipient. Choose the preferred tag pair to use when displaying important text in bold font weight … When do you need to use a fully qualified URL in a hyperlink? when linking to a page on an external website Choose the tag pair configures text to be indented from both the left and right margins
What tag pair is used to create the largest heading?The purpose of the ________ element is to contain the main content of a web page document. main Choose the special character that is used to indicate a blank space      t/f The title element configures large, bold text at the beginning of the web page document. false Which of the following tags should not be located in the head section?What type of HTML list will automatically place a bullet point indicator in front of each item? unordered list t/f Web pages have two sections: a head and a body true Choose the tag pair that is use to link web page documents to each other tag The purpose of the ________ element is used to configure the main navigation area on a web page nav Choose the preferred tag pair to use when emphasizing text that is displayed in italic font style. … What type of HTML list will automatically place a number in front of the items? ordered list Which of the following tags does not require a closing tag?
The purpose of the ________ element is to configure the footer information on a web page document. footer Thetag is coded in the ________ section of a web page document header Choose the best-designed link from below. Important News The text contained between title tags is: displayed in the title bar of the browser window t/f The content that displays in the browser is contained in the body section. True Which of the following attributes would configure an ordered list to display uppercase letters? Correct type="A" What type of HTML list would be good to use to display a list of terms and their definitions? description list What tag pair is used to create a new paragraph?The ________ property configures a shadow effect on the text displayed within an element. text-shadow Select the items below that can be used as a CSS Selector. All of these An External Style Sheet uses the ________ file extension. css Which CSS property configures the size of text? font-size Select the code below that uses CSS to configure a id named "footer" that configures small, italic text. #footer { font-size: small; font-style: italic;} Which CSS property configures the capitalization of text? text-transform Use the ________ tag to configure a generic area on a web page that is embedded within a paragraph or other block display element. Cascading Style Sheet rules are comprised of: selectors and declarations When CSS is coded in the body of the web page as an attribute of an HTML tag it is called ________. inline Use the ________ property to configure bold text using CSS. font-weight The declaration property used to set the text color on a web page is: color Which CSS property configures the color of text? color Use the ________ tag to code embedded styles on a web page.Use the ________ tag to associate a web page with an External Style Sheet.Which CSS property can be used to configure italic text? font-style Which CSS property configures the font typeface? font-family To apply a style to a certain group of elements on a web page, configure a CSS ________. class Use the ________ tag to configure a section of a web page that is physically separated from others.

To associate an external style sheet with a web page, code: a link element in the head section of the web page Select the code below that uses CSS to configure a background color of #eaeaea for a web page. body {background-color:#eaeaea; } Select the code below that will configure a background image called parchment.gif for a web page using CSS. body {background-image:url(parchment.gif); } The tag used to create a horizontal line on a web page is:
Choose the attribute used to provide accessibility by configuring a text alternative that is available to browsers and other user agents that do not support graphics. alt Use the ________ property to confine the display of the background image. background-clip Choose the color below that is considered a Web Safe Color: #33FF99 Select the code below that configures a background image to repeat horizontally across a web page. background-repeat: repeat-x; Select the browser's action when you configure BOTH a background color and background image for the body selector. Display the background color while the background image loads and before the background image is displayed. The CSS3 ________ property configures the transparency of an element. opacity Select the code below that uses CSS to eliminate the default border on an image configured as an image. img {border: 0; } Select the code below that associates a favorites icon named favicon.ico with a web page document.Use the ________ property to resize or scale the background image. background-size Choose the item below that describes the process of creating an image with the lowest file size that still renders a good quality image. optimization Use the ________ attribute to display an image to the right of a block of text. align A smaller version of a larger image that usually links to the larger image is called a: thumbnail image The letters in the acronym HSLA indicate: hue, saturation, lightness, alpha The ________ is the area between the content and the border. padding A type of graphic that can be made transparent and is commonly used on the Web is: gif Choose recommended methods to obtain graphics for your website. both Purchase a CD of graphics and Use a graphics application and create your own The process of ensuring that web pages coded with new or advanced techniques still are usable in browsers that do not offer support for the newer features is called: progressive enhancement A ________ is a smooth blending of shades from one color to another. gradient When a web page uses graphics for the main navigation links, provide accessibility by: both using alt attributes and providing text links on the bottom of the page Select the best reason to include height and width attributes on an
The ________ html5 element is used to configure the top logo area on a web page.
The Web Safe Color Palette is a collection of 216 colors that display the most similar on both the Mac and PC platforms You should code width and height dimensions for images because: the browser will be more efficient and the page will load faster A type of graphic that is best-suited to photographs is: jpg The ________ element displays a visual gauge of a numeric value within a known range. meter Use the ________ property to configure rounded corners with CSS. border-radius Select the tag used to place an image on a web page. The HTML5 ________ element visually displays a bar that depicts a numeric value within a specified range. progress A(n) ________ is an image that is configured so that parts of the image can be used as one or more hyperlinks. image map Use the ________ property to configure multiple backgrounds on an element. background A ________ color scheme consists of shades, tints, or tones of the same color. monochromatic A ________ is a sketch or blueprint of a web page that shows the structure (but not the detailed design) of basic page elements such as the logo, navigation, content, and footer. wireframe A ________ of a color is darker than the original color and is created by mixing the color with black. shade A ________color scheme consists of three colors that are equidistant on the color wheel. triadic A page layout technique that often uses a percentage value for width is called ________. flexible Applying the design principle of ________ serves to add visual interest and draw attention. contrast Consider ________ when designing for display on a mobile device. all choices Different browsers and even different browser versions will display your web page ________. in different ways Progressively enhancing a web page for different viewing contexts (such as smartphones and tablets) through the use of coding techniques is called ________. responsive web design Select a good design recommendation for text hyperlinks. Use a key phrase as a hyperlink. Select the best description of "white space." empty screen area around blocks of text and images Select the group whose mission is to create guidelines and standards for web accessibility Web Accessibility Initiative Select the item below that does not belong in a consistent website design a different background color on each page Select the items below that can help to appeal to the intended or target audience of a site. all choices Select the most commonly used site organization for commercial websites. hierarchical Select the most popular screen resolution from those listed below. 1024 by 768 Select the recommended design practice that applies to a website using images for main site navigation both Provide alternative text for the images and Place text links at the bottom of the page Select the three most common methods of organizing websites. hierarchical, linear, and random t/f Placing white space around graphics and headings helps them to stand out. true t/f Animation should be used only if it enhances your website. true The concept of ________ relates to providing a single resource that is configured for optimal display on multiple types of devices. one web The four principles of WCAG 2.0 are as follows: perceivable, operable, understandable, robust the main site navigation or a section offering navigation choices should contain: visually grouped sections of hyperlinks When applying the design principle of ________ related items are grouped together proximity Which of the following is not a web design recommended practice? Use frames whenever possible.

Which of the following is an HTML5 element used to indicate navigational content?

Nav. The nav element is used to indicate areas of the page used for primary navigation.

What tag pair is used to create the largest heading?

Correct HTML tag for the largest heading is <h1>. In an HTML page, the <h1> to <h6> tags are used to define headers. HTML header tags distinguish a page's headers (h1) and sub-headings (h2-h6) from the rest of the content.

Which type of CSS is coded in the body of the web page as an attribute of an HTML tag?

Inline CSS: Inline CSS contains the CSS property in the body section attached with element is known as inline CSS. This kind of style is specified within an HTML tag using the style attribute.

What type of HTML list would be good to use to display a list of terms and their definitions?

There are three list types in HTML:.
unordered list — used to group a set of related items in no particular order..
ordered list — used to group a set of related items in a specific order..
description list — used to display name/value pairs such as terms and definitions..