Manufacturers of branded products are concerned about gray market activity because it can lead to

Question 80

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Manufacturers of branded products are concerned about gray market activity because it can lead to
Question 80

Manufacturers of branded products are concerned about gray market activity because it can lead to ________.

A)a tarnished brand image
B)empowerment of distributors
C)lower quality outputs
D)decreased productivity

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    What are the causes of gray market?

    The gray market has many causes, such as unauthorized dealers obtaining discounted products from OEMs due to price arbitrage and transferring those products to another country for resale, and other misuses of incentive programs.

    What is the gray market in business?

    The gray market (sometimes spelled as "grey market") is the collective system of unauthorized sales channels for products. Gray market products may be less expensive than those bought through official distribution channels but are sometimes inferior.

    What is the best way to compete with the gray market?

    Not surprisingly, companies are more tolerant of gray market activity when such benefits are present..

    How do you stop gray markets?

    How to Stop Grey Market Sellers.
    Identify Unauthorized Sellers. You can't stop the grey market if you don't know where—and what—it is first. ... .
    Educate Your Consumers. Next up is good ol' consumer education. ... .
    Send Cease-and-Desist Letters. ... .
    Take Them to Court..