If suspect computer is running Windows 2000, which of the following can you perform safely

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Corporate investigations are typically easier than law enforcement investigations for which of the following reasons?

a. Most companies keep inventory databases of all hardware and software used.

In the United States, if a company publishes a policy stating that it reserves the right to inspect computing assets at will, a corporate investigator can conduct covert surveillance on an employee with little cause.


If you discover a criminal act, such as murder or child pornography, while investigating a corporate policy abuse, the case becomes a criminal investigation and should be referred to law enforcement.


As a corporate investigator, you can become an agent of law enforcement when which of the following happens? (Choose all that apply.)

a. You begin to take orders from a police detective without a warrant or subpoena.
b. Your internal investigation has concluded, and you have filed a criminal complaint and turned over the evidence to law enforcement.

The plain view doctrine in computer searches is well-established law.


If a suspect computer is located in an area that might have toxic chemicals, you must do which of the following? (Choose all that apply.)

a. Coordinate with the HAZMAT team.
c. Assume the suspect computer is contaminated. Rfer to review sheets

What are the three rules for a forensic hash?

It can't be predicted, no two files can have the same hash value, and if the file changes, the hash value changes.

In forensic hashes, a collision occurs when ________.

two files have the same hash value

three items that should be in an initial-response field kit.

Small computer toolkit, large-capacity drive, IDE ribbon cables, forensic boot media, laptop IDE 40-to-44 pin adapter, laptop or portable computer, FireWire or USB dual write-protect external bay, flashlight, digital camera or 35mm ca

When you arrive at the scene, why should you extract only those items you need to acquire evidence?

to minimize how much you have to keep track of at the scene

Computer peripherals or attachments can contain DNA evidence.


If a suspect computer is running Windows 2000, which of the following can you perform safely?

a. Browsing open applications refer to review sheets

Describe what should be videotaped or sketched at a computer crime scene.

Computers, cable connections, overview of scene—anything that might be of interest to the investigation

Which of the following techniques might be used in covert surveillance?

a. Keylogging
b. Data sniffing refer to review sheets

Commingling evidence means what in a corporate setting?

sensitive corporate information being mixed with data collected as evidence

Identify two hashing algorithms commonly used for forensic purposes.

MD5 and SHA-1

Small companies rarely need investigators


If a company doesn't distribute a computing use policy stating an employer's right to inspect employees' computers freely, including e-mail and Web use, employees have an expectation of privacy.


You have been called to the scene of a fatal car crash where a laptop computer is still running. What type of field kit should you take with you?

initial-response field kit

You should always answer questions from onlookers at a crime scene.


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What do you do to a computer that is turned off in crime scene?

The traditional method for law enforcement when dealing with the search and seizure of computers at a crime scene is to simply unplug the computer and book it into the evidence facility. From there, the investigator requests that the computer be examined by a trained digital evidence examiner.

Which of the following must you do if a suspect's computer is discovered in an area that may contain toxic materials?

If a suspect's computer is found in an area that might have toxic chemicals, you must do which of the following? Coordinate with the HAZMAT team. Determine a way to obtain the suspect's computer.

Which of the following techniques are used during computer forensic investigations?

Some common techniques include the following: Reverse steganography. Steganography is a common tactic used to hide data inside any type of digital file, message or data stream. Computer forensic experts reverse a steganography attempt by analyzing the data hashing that the file in question contains.

Which of the following techniques may be used in covert surveillance?

Covert surveillance can be conducted using a number of techniques which include static surveillance, mobile surveillance, foot surveillance and technical surveillance.