How did the presidents who served in the decades directly after Washington expand the powers of the presidency?

There are many problems with the Electoral College.

-First, small states are over-represented in the Electoral College.

-Second, the state by state set-up of the college, in the modern era, leads to states that are safe wins for one party, leaving a handful of states that get all the attention.

-Finally, its outcomes can differ from the outcome of actual citizen voting (also known as the national popular vote.)

Many at the Continental Congress were skeptical of allowing presidents to be directly elected by the legislature because ________.

  1. they were worried about giving the legislature too much power
  2. they feared the opportunities created for corruption
  3. they knew the weaknesses of an electoral college
  4. they worried about subjecting the commander-in-chief to public scrutiny

Which of the following is a way George Washington expanded the power of the presidency?

  1. He refused to run again after serving two terms.
  2. He appointed the heads of various federal departments as his own advisors.
  3. He worked with the Senate to draft treaties with foreign countries.
  4. He submitted his neutrality proclamation to the Senate for approval.

How did presidents who served in the decades directly after Washington expand the powers of the presidency?


John Adams expanded the war powers by waging undeclared war, Thomas Jefferson negotiated the purchase of Louisiana from France, and James Monroe took direct control of foreign policymaking when he issued the Monroe Doctrine.

What factors contributed to the growth of presidential power in the twentieth century?

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How did George Washington expand the power?

He served two terms, guiding the new government through the organization of the executive branch, founding the nation's capital, Washington, D.C., opening the west for settlement, and establishing precedents that have influenced the conduct of succeeding presidents ever since.

How have presidents used their position to increase the power of the office quizlet?

10. How have presidents used their position to increase the power of the office? Presidents have developed presidential pardons, executive orders, and proclamations. they also retained the power to demand the dismissal of cabinet members.

How have presidents expanded their power over time quizlet?

Correct. Presidents have expanded their power over time through their interpretation of implied powers in the Constitution.

How has presidential power grown over time?

Presidential power has grown significantly over time. One main reason for this is because as the role of the federal government has grown and the country has endured wars and other major crises, citizens have looked to the presidency for leadership.


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