Hinrich plambeck baustoff- und holzhandel gmbh & co norderstedt schleswig-holstein

Company name

Hinrich Plambeck Baustoff- und Holzhandel GmbH & Co KG

Business Reports

Registration numberHRA 1037 NO
Full nameHinrich Plambeck Baustoff- und Holzhandel GmbH & Co KG
Short nameHinrich Plambeck Baustoff- und Holzhandel GmbH & Co KG
City Norderstedt
Address22848 Norderstedt, Niendorfer Straße 85
Date of establishment21/08/1933

Credit Report

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International Standard Industrial Classification (United Nations industry classification system) (→ ISIC 4.0)


Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the EU (→ NACE Rev. 2)


North American Industry Classification System (classification of business establishments used in Canada, the US and Mexico) (→ NAICS 2017)


UK standard industrial classification of economic activities (→ UKSIC 2007)


German classification system based on the EU NACE Standard (→ WZ 2008)


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Hinrich Plambeck Baustoff- und Holzhandel GmbH & Co. KG



District Court of Kiel HRA 1037 NO








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Hinrich plambeck baustoff- und holzhandel gmbh & co norderstedt schleswig-holstein
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