Healthy intimacy means having a strong enough identity to become emotionally close to someone

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- alternative to hospital care at the end of life that emphasizes the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of dying persons and their families
o Has become increasingly popular in developed countries
o The hospice approach only begins when medical interventions to extend life have ceased and the person is considered to have 6 months or less to live
o Is sometimes implemented at a separate institution devoted to hospice, but more often is applied in the home/nursing home
§ Makes it possible for people to die among family members as they prefer
o It has been shown that dying persons and their families respond much more favorably to it than standard hospital care
§ Hospice care is also much less expensive than hospital care
o Only 40% of deaths in the US involve a hospice program
o Hospice tends to only be applied at the very end of a life, with a median length of 20 days
o Among people who have died using hospice, 46% are white, 37% Latino, 34% African American, 31% Native American, and 28% Asian American
o Some people are against hospice because it means giving up the hope of a cure and acknowledging that death is imminent

o Has prolonged effects on the widowed, but these effects are complex and vary by gender
o Among the widowed spouse, psychological problems are 10x higher than among their married peers, including depression, anxiety, substance use, and cognitive difficulties with memory and concentration
o 80% of women outlive their husbands
§ This pattern is consistent across cultures, nations, and historical periods
§ Widows often struggle financially after their husbands die and are unlikely to remarry
· However, strengthen relationships with children and friends and try to build a new life
o Men are more likely to experience physical and mental health problems following the death of a spouse, and recover more slowly
§ 7x more likely to remarry than women

o Upon death the eyes are clothes, the body is covered and laid on the floor, and candles are lit
o The body is not to be left alone, and eating and drinking in the room is forbidden. Flowers can also not be present
o The body is buried in a grave but not cremated
§ After the burial, family members enter an intense 7 day period called shiva
· During this time they can only sit on the floor, do not work, bathe, cut their hair, wear makeup, or change their clothes
· Following shiva, another period of restriction called schloshim lasts until 30 days after burial
o Mourners may not shave, cut their hair, attend parties, or listen to music
o Upon hearing of the death of a family member or close friend, the tradition is to express grief by tearing one's clothes

Sets with similar terms

Which of the following describes intimacy According to Erikson?

Erikson described intimate relationships as those characterized by closeness, honesty, and love. Romantic and sexual relationships can be an important part of this stage of life, but intimacy is more about having close, loving relationships.

Which statement accurately describes gender differences in relation to identity and intimacy?

Which statement accurately describes gender differences in relation to identity and intimacy? Developmental processes of identity and intimacy take place simultaneously for females.

Which of the following is a positive resolution of the psychological conflict of intimacy versus isolation?

According to Erikson, in old age, the positive resolution of the conflict of intimacy vs. isolation culminates in: a sense of complexity of relationships.

Which of the following Erikson's stages of psychosocial development occurs in middle adulthood?

Generativity vs. stagnation is the seventh stage of Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development. This stage takes place during middle adulthood, between the approximate ages of 40 and 65.


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