Equity is an organizational component of motivation which of the choices below best describe equity

When a manager is thinking about motivating people and is considering the choices available, he/she is considering the element of ________ in motivation.

  • maintenance
  • direction
  • arousal
  • need

In expectancy theory, ________ is the belief that high amounts of effort will lead to a high level of performance.

  • instrumentality
  • expectancy
  • procedural justice
  • valence

The extent to which employees have the freedom and discretion to plan and schedule their jobs as desired is known as:

  • task significance
  • skill variety
  • autonomy
  • task identity

The skill variety, task identity, and task significance together create the critical psychological state of:

  • personal responsibility
  • knowledge of results
  • experienced meaningfullness
  • accountability

experienced meaningfullness

________ describes the duration of motivation, how long people will persist in seeking to meet their goals.

  • drive
  • arousal
  • need
  • maintenance

If a worker believes that his/her effort will result in excellent performance, that the reward is one the worker values, but the worker expects that his/her individual performance will not be rewarded, then according to expectancy theory the worker’s motivation will be:

  • zero
  • low
  • high
  • moderate

The job characteristics model is especially effective in describing the behavior of workers who are high in:

  • instrumentality
  • Self-monitoring
  • growth need strength
  • self-actualizing

In expectancy theory ________ recognizes that employees may perform at low levels if their opportunities for promotion are limited even when they perform well.

  • expectancies
  • valence
  • instrumentality
  • role perceptions

A business owner has offered free lunches if employees work through their lunch hour and has provided a living wage base salary and job security to his employees. Given these two needs are met by the owner, the employees would be predicted to be at what level of Maslow's need hierarchy?

  • Self-actualization needs
  • Self-esteem needs
  • Social needs
  • Physiological needs

According to Maslow, employees are concerned about their social needs only after they have satisfied their

  • self-actualization needs
  • safety needs
  • self-esteem needs
  • physiological needs

Job design involves a number of techniques. If a job is redesigned by adding additional different tasks but not increasing responsibility or the number of skills needed, a job has been

  • vertically loaded
  • psychologically adjusted
  • enlarged
  • enriched

The extent to which a job requires completing a whole piece of work from beginning to end is known as:

  • task identity
  • skill variety
  • autonomy
  • task significance

After an organization has energized its employees to work hard toward attaining a highly valued goal, if the goal is actually accomplished, organizational leaders often report subsequent difficulty in:

  • arousing motivation
  • directing motivation
  • all components of motivation are equally challenging to achieve
  • maintaining motivation

According to Kurt Lewin, behavior is a function of which of the following:

  • a person's ability
  • all of the above
  • a person's motivation
  • characteristics of the situation

Randy, Marvin, and Mary Virginia sell for Made-for-You. As they are having lunch together Randy discovers that he is receiving a higher commission rate than Marvin or Mary Virginia. Further, Randy has higher expenses and has less time with the company compared to Marvin and Mary Virginia. In this case, based on Equity Theory, it appears that Randy is in a state of:

  • underpayment inequity
  • overpayment inequity
  • valence
  • equitable pay

The extent to which a job requires completing a whole piece of work from beginning to end is known as:

  • autonomy
  • task significance
  • skill variety
  • task identity

The concept of motivation is concerned with:

  • all of the above.
  • the drive, or energy behind human behavior.
  • how long people will persist at attempting to meet their goal.
  • the direction behavior takes.

The key to equity theory is the:

  • employee’s perception regarding the balance of outcome to input of self relative to another person
  • employee’s commitment to the job and company
  • outcomes the employee receives for his/her effort
  • employee’s inputs

employee’s perception regarding the balance of outcome to input of self relative to another person

In an effort to apply expectancy theory, a company requires supervisors to orient new employees, set goals with all employees and regularly communicate with employees. This is an example of:

  • a pay-for-performance plan
  • establishing a cafeteria-style benefit plan
  • an opportunity to perform
  • clarifying people's expectancies

clarifying people's expectancies

To enrich a job, an employer might:

  • do all of the above
  • allow employees to decide how to do their jobs
  • increase the number of tasks without increasing responsibilities
  • horizontally load the job

allow employees to decide how to do their jobs

The expectancy theory suggests that motivation may be enhanced by:

  • eliminating instrumentality.
  • implementing a pay for performance plan.
  • using a seniority system
  • administering low-valence rewards to employees.

implementing a pay for performance plan.

Sally's need for friendship and companionship is being fulfilled on her current job. According to Maslow's need hierarchy theory of motivation, Sally is therefore motivated by:

  • A) self-esteem needs
  • B) social needs
  • E) b and d
  • C) self-actualization needs
  • D) relatedness needs

Employee engagement is most closely related to which motivation theory?

  • Reinforcement Theory of Motivation
  • Job Characteristics Theory of Motivation
  • Equity Theory of Motivation
  • Enlargement Theory of Motivation

Job Characteristics Theory of Motivation

The extent to which a job requires doing different activities using several skills and talents is known as:

  • skill variety
  • task identity
  • task significance
  • autonomy

Arousal is critical to the process of motivation because it:

  • is the drive behind our behavior to attain goals.
  • helps one to maintain the behavior needed to reach goals.
  • explains the value of equity theory.
  • defines the direction our actions take.

is the drive behind our behavior to attain goals.

Bill is trying to get his first shift workers to stay on the job an extra two hours in order to meet a production volume goal, because a snow storm has delayed the arrival of second shift. Given there is no overtime pay available, Bill is concerned about the issue of:

  • expectancy
  • motivation
  • needs hierarchy
  • equity

When managers think about motivation there are three keys they should consider, such as:

  • highly motivated workers always also are high performers.
  • employees can have several motives at the same time.
  • money is a key motivator, the primary mover of human behavior.
  • people generally have one simple motive to their behavior.

employees can have several motives at the same time

The addition of extrinsic rewards to employees who are already intrinsically motivated can sometimes reduce overall motivation, especially when employees feels the organization is trying to control them.

  • False
  • True

Sally didn’t receive the promotion she wanted but thought that the process her company used to select the employee that was promoted was very fair. Sally did not experience __________________ justice, but she did experience __________________________ justice.

  • procedural; interactional
  • distributive; interactional
  • distributive; procedural
  • distributive; interpersonal
  • procedural; distributive

Randy, Marvin, and Mary Virginia sell for Made-for-You. As they are having lunch together Randy discovers that he is receiving a higher commission rate than Marvin or Mary Virginia. Further, Randy has higher expenses and has less time with the company compared to Marvin and Mary Virginia. What is Randy’s likely future behavior and feelings based on Equity Theory of motivation?

  • He'll perform at a minimal level to just collect his check.
  • He might be angry.
  • He’ll work less hard seeing there is little connection between performance and pay in his company.
  • All of the above are possible actions and feelings by Randy

All of the above are possible actions and feelings by Randy

In Maslow’s hierarchy once a person’s physiological needs are met, the next need level is:

  • physiological needs.
  • self-actualization needs.
  • self-esteem needs.
  • safety needs.

Managers can increase employee motivation by giving them more responsibility and control. This is done by:

  • C) loading jobs horizontally
  • A) loading jobs vertically
  • B) enlarging jobs
  • D) both a and c

A) loading jobs vertically

Maslow’s ________ need refers to an individual’s need for self-respect and the approval of others.

  • social
  • safety
  • self-esteem
  • self-actualization

Jessica is trying to increase the freedom and discretion that employees have in scheduling and planning their work. In terms of the job characteristics model, Jessica is trying to increase:

  • none of the above
  • responsibility
  • skill variety
  • task identity
  • autonomy

According to the job characteristics model, if an employee perceives that a task is important to the goals of the organization, that task is high in

  • task significance
  • task identity
  • skill identity
  • skill variety

According to the job characteristics model, a task's experienced meaningfulness is determined by

  • feedback
  • skill variety
  • autonomy
  • task significance

Which component of engagement is characterized by high levels of energy and mental resilience and persistence in face of obstacles?

  • dedication
  • absorption
  • vigor
  • self-efficacy

Negative reinforcement consists of _______________________ with the goal of ____________________.

  • taking away something negative; increasing desired behavior
  • adding something negative; decreasing undesired behavior
  • taking away something positive; increasing desired behavior
  • adding something positive; increasing desired behavior
  • taking away something negative; decreasing undesired behavior

taking away something negative; increasing desired behavior

Maslow's __________ need corresponds to Alderfer's __________ need.

  • safety; growth
  • social; relatedness
  • self-actualization; existence
  • physiological; growth

When speaking of motivation, it is apparent that:

  • motivation is neutral regarding the goodness or badness of an action or goal
  • single factors play the most important part in motivating an individual employee.
  • motivation is the main predictor of job performance.
  • the term motivation is synonymous with job performance.

motivation is neutral regarding the goodness or badness of an action or goal

According to equity theory, an underpaid person might do which of the following?

  • Ask for a raise
  • Work less hard
  • Steal from the company
  • All of these

Sally's need for friendship and companionship is being fulfilled on her current job. According to Alderfer's ERG theory of motivation, Sally is therefore motivated by:

  • A) self-esteem needs
  • B) existence needs
  • C) relatedness needs
  • D) a and b

Goal-setting theory is closely tied to the self-management concept of

  • self-monitoring
  • self-efficacy
  • none of the above
  • self-esteem

Fred, a supervisor of salespeople, provides them with information that lets them know how well they are performing. This is an example of:

  • combine tasks
  • establish client relationships
  • open feedback channels
  • load jobs vertically

Which of the following schedules of reinforcement should be used to help maintain productivity?

  • constant ratio
  • constant interval
  • variable ratio
  • variable interval

Research has shown that people will be motivated to work at their highest level of effort when performance goals are:

  • very easy and general in nature
  • easy but very specific
  • moderate in difficulty and specific
  • extremely difficult but general in nature

moderate in difficulty and specific

The extent to which employees have the freedom and discretion to plan and schedule their jobs as desired is known as:

  • task significance
  • autonomy
  • skill variety
  • task identity

Which of the following represents a state of inequity for Person, according to Equity theory of motivation?

  • Person 100:50, Other 200:100
  • Person 50:25, Other 100:50
  • Person 75:100, Other 75:100
  • Person: 50:50, Other 150:100

Person: 50:50, Other 150:100

According to equity theory, if Sam believes that the ratio of his outcomes/inputs is greater than the ratio of Joe's outcomes/inputs, then Sam will:

  • raise his outcomes
  • lower his inputs
  • experience anger
  • experience guilt

The Motivating Potential Score (MPS) is

  • A) predicted from the Job Characteristics Model
  • B) a summary index of a job's potential for motivating people.
  • a and c above are both correct
  • D) a score for how successful a company has been at motivating employees.

a and c above are correct (predicted from the Job Characteristics Model & a summary index of a job's potential for motivating people)

What is equity in organizational behavior?

Equity theory is a theory of motivation that suggests that employee motivation at work is driven largely by their sense of fairness. Employees create a mental ledger of the inputs and outcomes of their job and then use this ledger to compare the ratio of their inputs and outputs to others.

What does the equity theory of motivation say?

The equity theory of motivation is the idea that what an individual receives for their work has a direct effect on their motivation. When applied to the workplace, it means an individual will generally aim to create a balance between what they give to the organization compared to what they get in return.

What are the three components of the equity theory?

The key elements of equity theory are input, outcome, and comparison levels. Input refers to the amount of effort that a person puts into a relationship. Outcome refers to the rewards that a person receives from a relationship. Comparison level refers to the person's ideal level of input and outcome in a relationship.

What is the equity theory quizlet?

Equity theory is an extension of social exchange theory (social interactions are transactions) with the assumption that people strive to achieve fairness in their relationships, and become distressed if they perceive unfairness.