Braun Silk Expert Pro 3 Erfahrung

Top critical review

2.0 out of 5 starsHighly recommend consulting a professional, Too Many Unknown Variables here

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on June 5, 2022

I would highly recommend going to a dermatologist and having them advise on whether this product is okay to use. I was told in the past and even by dermatologists in-office that i am an ideal candidate for lazer hair removal from a professional, which these devices are new within the last few years. Having the shade of skin and hair that has been know in the past to work very well with laser hair removal from a salon, i thought from the product description and having fair skin and darker hair, this would be an economical way to treat for lazer hair removal therapy. this seemed like it worked for the first couple weeks of using it, despite minor discomfort and the occasional shock that hurt more than others! a rubber band snapping on your skin quickly is a great way to describe this treatment, and unsure how the sensitive mode really accomplishes anything. I began to experience itchiness and discomfort from the treatment with a month into using the device and then broke out with rashes and hives where the treatment was performed. I am consulting a doctor before continuing use of this however don't plan on it, and believe it may not be suitable for everyone. I know Braun has said it's tame enough to be considered safe, but considered to be "safe" by meeting certain standards does not necessarily mean the device is the right product for everyone and could be risky depending on many factors. I advise people to proceed with caution on this device. The directions alone are confusing and not clear, and merely summarize how to operate the device but nothing more. Customer Support at Braun will provide you the standard boiler plate reply apologizing for the inconvenience and brush the issue aside, trying to focus on dismissing the customer and hoping that promising a refund gift card will be enough however it simply isn't. Enough would be to address the issue and get to the root of the problem, as well as explain why certain methods aren't recommended and try and provide reasoning rather than stating not to do something simply because it's not advisors to do so. It is hard to gauge a product and whether it is right or not when someone cannot explain how it actually works and the potential dangers of it and why they are considered dangerous. In essence, this product was a flop and could have been a better learning experience with this method of hair removal treatment and more helpful to the user whether it is for them or not. Had the necessary and sufficient amount of support been provided when asked of the manufacturer on several occasions about this device the outcome could have been better and since this is a very complex new technology, accessible support channels are critical to a product and it gaining popularity. When it comes to performing a procedure this in depth portably from the home requires a solid foundation and verified successful results which currently too many variables exist whether this product is safe to use when operating within the manufacturer's guidelines. I think this requires more research and trials in order to safely make a decision on whether to operate this equipment is a good idea or whether this type of procedure is best left to the pros.

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Braun Silk Expert Pro 3 Erfahrung







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Wie gut ist der Braun Laser Haarentfernung?

Dünne Haare gar nicht mehr und bei den dickeren sieht man lediglich noch die Haarwurzeln, aber es wächst auch nichts mehr. Vereinzelt kommen an den Stellen noch Haare, aber dennoch ist das Ergebnis überzeugend. Man muss insgesamt 12 Wochen jede Woche lasern um eine dauerhafte Entfernung zu gewährleisten.

Welches ist der neueste Braun Silk Expert?

"Die neuste Version des Premium Braun Silk Expert Pro 5 IPL Geräts mit 2 Sensitiv Modi ermöglicht eine schnelle Haarentfernung am ganzen Körper und im Gesicht, ist dabei aber schonend zur Haut.

Wann Ergebnisse IPL Braun?

Es ist normal, dass du nach einer ersten Behandlung mit dem IPL-Gerät keine Ergebnisse siehst. Ein glattes Ergebnis erzielt man je nach Person und Körperteil nach ca. 4 bis 12 Wochen. Führe die Behandlung nicht jeden Tag durch, sondern befolge deinen Behandlungsplan.

Wie gut ist der Braun IPL?

Auch bei einer langfristigen Anwendung berichten viele Kunden von positiven Ergebnissen. Das liegt vor allem an der hohen Qualität der IPL Geräte von Braun. Diese führt gleichzeitig zu einer hohen Lebensdauer. Im Vergleich mit anderen IPL Geräten fallen die Modelle von Braun daher sehr gut aus.