As the price of a product increases the amount of the product that consumers purchase increases

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Chapter 3

Terms in this set (45)

A market is any arrangement that brings together the buyers and sellers of a particular good or service.


Demand is the amount of a good or service that a buyer will purchase at a particular price.


The law of demand states that as price increases, other things being equal, the quantity of the product
demanded increases.


The law of diminishing marginal utility is one explanation of why there is an inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded.


The substitution effect suggests that, at a lower price, you have the incentive to substitute the more expensive product for similar products that are relatively less expensive.


There is no difference between individual demand schedules and the market demand schedule for a product.


In graphing supply and demand schedules, supply is put on the horizontal axis and demand on the vertical axis.


If price falls, there will be an increase in demand.


If consumer tastes or preferences for a product decrease, the demand for the product will tend to decrease.


An increase in income will tend to increase the demand for a product.


When two products are substitute goods, the price of one and the demand for the other will tend to move in the same direction.


If two goods are complementary, an increase in the price of one will tend to increase the demand for the other.


A change in the quantity demanded means that there
has been a change in demand.


Supply is a schedule that shows the amounts of a product a producer can make in a limited time period.


An increase in resource prices will tend to decrease supply.


A government subsidy for the production of a product will tend to decrease supply.


An increase in the prices of other goods that could be made by producers will tend to decrease the supply of the current good that the producer is making.


A change in supply means that there is a movement along an existing supply curve.


A surplus indicates that the quantity demanded is less
than the quantity supplied at that price.


If the market price of a product is below its equilibrium
price, the market price will tend to rise because demand
will decrease and supply will increase.


The rationing function of prices is the elimination of shortages and surpluses.


Allocative efficiency means that goods and services are being produced by society in the least costly way.


If the supply of a product increases and demand decreases, the equilibrium price and quantity will increase.


If the demand for a product increases and the supply of the product decreases, the equilibrium price will increase and equilibrium quantity will be indeterminate.


A price ceiling set by government below the competitive market price of a product will result in a surplus.


A schedule that shows the various amounts of a product consumers are willing and able to purchase at each price in a series of possible prices during a specified period of time is called
(a) supply
(b) demand
(c) quantity supplied
(d) quantity demanded

(b) demand

The reason for the law of demand can best be explained in terms of
(a) supply
(b) complementary goods
(c) the rationing function of prices
(d) diminishing marginal utility

(d) diminishing marginal utility

Assume that the price of video game players falls. What
will most likely happen to the equilibrium price and quantity
of video games, assuming this market is competitive?
(a) Price will increase; quantity will decrease.
(b) Price will decrease; quantity will increase.
(c) Price will decrease; quantity will decrease.
(d) Price will increase; quantity will increase.

(d) Price will increase; quantity will increase.

Which change will decrease the demand for a product?
(a) a favorable change in consumer tastes
(b) an increase in the price of a substitute good
(c) a decrease in the price of a complementary good
(d) a decrease in the number of buyers

(d) a decrease in the number of buyers

The income of a consumer decreases and the consumer's demand for a particular good increases. It can be
concluded that the good is
(a) normal
(b) inferior
(c) a substitute
(d) a complement

(a) normal

Which of the following could cause a decrease in
consumer demand for product X?
(a) a decrease in consumer income
(b) an increase in the prices of goods that are good
substitutes for product X
(c) an increase in the price that consumers expect will
prevail for product X in the future
(d) a decrease in the supply of product X

(b) an increase in the prices of goods that are good

If two goods are substitutes for each other, an increase
in the price of one will necessarily
(a) decrease the demand for the other
(b) increase the demand for the other
(c) decrease the quantity demanded of the other
(d) increase the quantity demanded of the other

(b) increase the demand for the other

If two products, A and B, are complements, then
(a) an increase in the price of A will decrease the demand for B
(b) an increase in the price of A will increase the demand for B
(c) an increase in the price of A will have no significant effect on the price of B
(d) a decrease in the price of A will decrease the demand for B

(a) an increase in the price of A will decrease the demand for B

If two products, X and Y, are independent goods, then
(a) an increase in the price of X will significantly increase the demand for Y
(b) an increase in the price of Y will significantly increase the demand for X
(c) an increase in the price of Y will have no significant effect on the demand for X
(d) a decrease in the price of X will significantly increase the demand for Y

(c) an increase in the price of Y will have no significant effect on the demand for X

The law of supply states that, other things being constant, as price increases
(a) supply increases
(b) supply decreases
(c) quantity supplied increases
(d) quantity supplied

(c) quantity supplied increases

A decrease in the supply of a product would most likely be caused by
(a) an increase in business taxes
(b) an increase in consumer incomes
(c) a decrease in resource costs for production
(d) a decrease in the price of a complementary good

(a) an increase in business taxes

if the quantity supplied of a product is greater than
the quantity demanded for a product, then
(a) there is a shortage of the product
(b) there is a surplus of the product
(c) the product is a normal good
(d) the product is an inferior good

(b) there is a surplus of the product

If the price of a product is below the equilibrium price,
the result will be
(a) a surplus of the good
(b) a shortage of the good
(c) a decrease in the supply of the good
(d) an increase in the demand for the good

(b) a shortage of the good

Which would be the best example of allocative efficiency? When society devoted resources to the production
(a) slide rules instead of handheld calculators
(b)horse-drawn carriages instead of automobiles
(c) computers with word processors instead of typewriters
(d) long-playing records instead of compact discs

(c) computers with word processors instead of typewriters

A decrease in supply and a decrease in demand will
(a) increase price and decrease the quantity exchanged
(b) decrease price and increase the quantity exchanged
(c) increase price and affect the quantity exchanged
in an indeterminate way
(d) affect price in an indeterminate way and decrease
the quantity exchanged

(d) affect price in an indeterminate way and decrease the quantity exchanged

A decrease in supply and a decrease in demand will
(a) increase price and decrease the quantity exchanged
(b) decrease price and increases the quantity exchanged
(c) increase price and affect the quantity exchanged in an indeterminate way
(d) affect price in an indeterminate way and decrease the quantity exchanged

(c) increase price and affect the quantity exchanged in an indeterminate way

An increase in demand and a decrease in supply will
(a) increase price and increase the quantity exchanged
(b) decrease price and decrease the quantity exchanged
(c) increase price and the effect upon quantity exchanged will be indeterminate
(d) decrease price and the effect upon quantity exchanged will be indeterminate

(d) decrease price and the effect upon quantity exchanged will be indeterminate

An increase in supply and an increase in demand will
(a) increase price and increase the quantity exchanged
(b) decrease price and increase the quantity exchanged
(c) affect price in an indeterminate way and decrease
the quantity exchanged
(d) affect price in an indeterminate way and increase the quantity exchanged

(d) affect price in an indeterminate way and increase the quantity exchanged

A cold spell in Florida devastates the orange crop.
As a result, California oranges command a higher price. Which of the following statements best explains the
(a) The supply of Florida oranges decreases, causing
the supply of California oranges to increase and their
price to increase.
(b) The supply of Florida oranges decreases causing their price to increase and the demand for California oranges to increase.
(c) The supply of Florida oranges decreases, causing the supply of California oranges to decrease and their price to increase
(d) The demand for Florida oranges decreases, causing a greater demand for California oranges and an increase in their price.

(b) The supply of Florida oranges decreases causing their price to increase and the demand for California oranges to increase.

28. A maximum price set by the government that is designed to help consumers is a
(a) price ceiling
(b) price floor
(c) shortage
(d) surplus

(a) price ceiling

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What happens when the price of a product increases?

An increase in price almost always leads to an increase in the quantity supplied of that good or service, while a decrease in price will decrease the quantity supplied.

When the price of a product increases a consumer?

When the price of a product increases, a consumer is able to buy less of it with a given money income. This describes the: income effect.

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The substitution effect occurs when consumers react to an increase in a good's price by consuming less of that good and more of other goods.

What causes the price of a product to increase in a market?

a. Excess demand will cause the price to rise, and as price rises producers are willing to sell more, thereby increasing output.