All costs that are incurred between the split-off point and the point of sale are known as

Chapter 11 - Allocation of Joint Costs and Accounting For By-Products

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joint and by product accounting testbank. RAIBORN.

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Chapter 11- joint and by product


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Chapter 11 - Allocation of Joint Costs and Accounting For By-Products

Original Title:

Chapter 11- joint and by product



AY 2020-2021


1.The characteristic which is most often used to distinguish a product as either a joint product

or a by-product is the

A.Amount of labor used in processing the product.

B.Amount of separable product costs that are incurred in processing.

C.Amount (i.e., weight, inches, etc.) of the product produced in the manufacturing process.

D. Relative sales value of the products produced in the process.

2.Which of the following components of production are allocable as joint costs when a single

manufacturing process produces several salable products?

A.Materials, labor and overhead

B.Materials and labor only

C.Labor and overhead only

D.Overhead and materials only

3.Joint costs are used for:

A.Setting the selling price of a product.

B.Determining whether to continue producing an item.

C.Controlling costs

D.Determining inventory costs for accounting purposes

4.Which of the following statements about joint-cost allocation is false?

A.Joint-cost allocation is useful in deciding whether to further process a product after split-


B.Joint-cost allocation is useful in making a profit determination about individual

C.Joint-cost allocation is helpful in inventory valuation.

D.Joint-cost allocation can be based on the number of units produced.

5.The joint-cost allocation method that recognizes the revenues at split-off but does not

consider any further processing costs is the:

A. Relative-sales-value method

B.Net-realizable-value method

C.Physical-units method

D.Reciprocal-accounting method

6.For purposes of allocating joint costs to joint products using the relative sales value of split-

off method, the costs beyond split-off.

A.Are allocated in the same manner as the joint costs.

B.Are deducted from the relative sales value at split-off.

C.Are deducted from the sales value at the point of sale.

D.Do not affect the allocation of the joint costs.

7.The method of pricing by products/scrap where no value is assigned to these items until they

are sold is known as the

A.Net realizable value at split-off point method.

B.Sales value at split-off method.

C.Realized value approach.

D.Approximated net realizable value at split-off method.

8. All costs that are incurred between the split-off point and the point of sale are known as

a.Sunk costs

b.Split-off point

c.Transfer to finished goods inventory

Which costs are incurred after split

Separable costs are those costs incurred after the split-off point; they can be easily traced to individual products. 1. The distinction between joint products and by-products rests solely on the relative importance of their sales value.

What is meant by split

A split-off point is the point of production at which joint products appear in the production process. For example, when a company was preparing its financial statements, it realized that because it showed no profit or loss, it was unattractive to investors.

What is sales value at split off?

2. Sales Value at Split-off Point Method: If a market price can be estab- lished for the (intermediate) products at the split-off point, the joint costs can be allocated in proportion to the sales value of the products.

Is costs incurred beyond the split

Separable costs are all costs that are incurred beyond the split-off point that can be assigned to each of the products that are identified at the split-off point.