According to thamhain and wilemon, what is the legitimate hierarchical right to issue orders?

  • Project Management

According to Thamhain and Wilemon, _____ is the legitimate hierarchical right to issue orders.
a. authority
b. achievement
c. expertise
d. self-actualization

Caren Ambitious Asked on September 13, 2019 in Project Management.

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Which person was best known for developing the hierarchy of needs theory?

Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs was an early and influential model in this field. Published in his 1943 article, "A Theory of Human Motivation," and made popular in his 1954 book, "Motivation and Personality," it can still help us to support and motivate team members today!

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Describe Referent power is based on an individual's personal charisma. People hold someone with referent power in very high regard and will do what they say based on their regard for the person.

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