Which two Validities are the most important to establish for an association claim?

Chapter 8Which two validities are the most important to establish for an association claim?

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Bar graphs do not show the data points for each participant.

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Bar graphs are often used to graph the relationship between a categorical and quantitative variable.

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Effect size describes the strength of an association between variables, and in correlations it is typicallycaptured by an r value. The precision of the correlation estimate is captured by a 95% CI.

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Restriction of range occurs when all possible scores on a variable are not present, which can ofteninaccurately decrease an effect size.

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INTRODUCING BIVARIATE CORRELATIONSA bivariate correlation or bivariate association, is an association that involves exactly two variables. The nature of the association can be described with scatterplots and the correlation coefficient. Associations between categorical variables are usually presented in a bar graph.INTERROGATING ASSOCIATION CLAIMSThe two most important validities to interrogate are construct validity and statistical validity with an association claim. The construct validity checks how well each variable was measured. The statistical validity checks how well the data supports the conclusion. There are five questions that can be asked in order to interrogate the statistical validity:What is the effect size?The effect size is the strength of a relationship between two or more variables. Larger effect sizes allow more accurate predictions and large effect sizes are usually more important. Exceptions on this second rule depend on the context Is the correlation statistically significant?Statistical significance refers to the conclusion a researcher reaches regarding the likelihood of getting a correlation of that size just by chance, assuming there is no correlation in the real world. Statistical significance calculations depend on effect size and sample size. Could outliers be affecting the association?Outliers are extreme scores. Outliers matter the most when a sample is small.Is there restriction of range?If there is not a full range of scores on one of the variables in the association, it can make the correlation appear smaller than it really is. One of the solutions for this is the statistical technique called correction for restriction of range.Is the association curvilinear?A curvilinear association is an association in which the relationship between two variables is positive or negative up to some point and then changes.INTERNAL VALIDITY: CAN WE MAKE A CAUSAL INFERENCE FROM AN ASSOCIATION?The three...

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What Validities are important for association claims?

INTERROGATING ASSOCIATION CLAIMSThe two most important validities to interrogate are construct validity and statistical validity with an association claim. The construct validity checks how well each variable was measured. The statistical validity checks how well the data supports the conclusion.

Which Validities are most important for frequency claims?

External validity is extremely important with frequency claims — studies that conclude how frequent or common something is. For example, “14% of College Students Consider Suicide” is a frequency claim.

What criterion is necessary for association claims?

An association claim must involve at least two variables and the variables are measured, not manipulated.

What are the big four Validities?

These four big validities–internal, external, construct, and statistical–are useful to keep in mind when both reading about other experiments and designing your own.

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