Which term refers to the overly restrictive use of words common among children just mastering spoken language quizlet?


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language the systematic, meaningful arrangement of symbols, which proves the basis for communication
prelinguistic communication communication through sounds, facial expressions, gestures, imitation, and other nonlinguistic means
babbling making speech like but meaningless soudns
holophrases one-word that stands for a whole phrase, whose meaning depends on the particular context in which they are used
telegraphic speech speech in which words not critical to the message are left out
underextension the overly restrictive use of words, common among children just mastering spoken language
overextension overly broad use of words, overgeneralizing their meaning
referential style style of language use in which language is used primarily to label objects
expressive style style of language use in which language is used primarily to express feeling and needs about oneself and other
syntax combing of words and phrases to form sentences
fast mapping process in which new words are associated with their meaning only after a brief encounter
grammar system of rules the determine how our thoughts can be expressed
private speech speech by children that is spoken and directed to themselves, performs and important function
pragmatics the aspect of language relating to communicating effectively and appropriately with others
social speech speech directed toward another person and meant to be understood by that person
metalinguistic awareness children's increasing understanding of their own use of language
learning theory approach theory the language acquisition follows the basic laws of reinforcement and conditioning (skinner)
nativist approach theory that a genetically determined, innate mechanism directs language development (Noam Chomsky)
universal grammar Noam Chomsky's theory that all the world's languages share a similar underlying structure
language-acquisition device a neural system of the brain hypothesized to permit understanding of language
linguistic-relativity hypothesis theory stating language shapes and, in fact, may determine the way people of a particle culture perceive and undress the world
infant-directed speech type of speech directed toward infants, characterized by short, simple sentences
bilingualism use of more than one language

Created by: bio

Which term refers to the overly restrictive use of words common among children just mastering spoken language?

underextension. the overly restrictive use of words, common among children just mastering spoken language.

Which term describes the overly broad use of words including Overgeneralizing their meaning?

overextension. the overly broad use of words, overgeneralizing their meaning.

What is the term for a style of language use in which language is used primarily to label objects group of answer choices?

Toddlers with a referential language style use vocabulary to refer to things. They label objects and people, and structure their speech with the goal of being understood.

What is the term for a style of language use in which language is used primarily to label objects quizlet?

referential style. a style of language use in which language is used primarily to label objects.


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