Which projection of the elbow best demonstrates the radial head and neck free of superimposition?

For the AP projection of the forearm, the hand should be ___. Pronation of the hand on the AP projection would cause ___ of the radius and ulna.

In AP projection of the forearm, ___ should be parallel to the IR.

The elbow is flexed ___ degrees for a lateral projection of the forearm. The distal radius and ulna are ___ by placing the hand laterally.

90 degrees. Superimposed.

For the AP projection of the elbow, the hand is in ___ position. The patient should lean laterally to place the anterior surface of the elbow and the humeral epicondyles ___ to the IR.

When the patient is unable to fully extend the elbow, two AP projections may be obtains with the elbow in partial ___.

The lateral (external) oblique projection of the elbow best demonstrates the ___. ____ is free of superimposition.

Capitulum of humerus. Radial head, neck & tuberosity.

The Schmidt method is a modification of the lateral oblique projection obtained by placing the elbow in ___ position and angling the CR ___ degrees to enter the medial aspect and exiting the lateral aspect of the elbow in an oblique direction. Demonstrates same structures as in LATERAL OBLIQUE PROJECTION.

AP, 45 degrees. (Radial head, neck & tuberosity).

For the medial (internal) oblique projection of the elbow, the hand should be ___ and the elbow joint rotated ___ degrees to the IR. What is well demonstrated? ____ is free of superimposition.

pronated, 45 degrees. Trochlea of humerus. Coronoid process of ulna. 

The elbow should be flexed ___ degrees for the lateral projection for routined studies for fracture. For soft tissue structures, the elbow should only be flexed about ___ degrees.

For the lateral projection of the elbow, the hand should be in the ___ position, and the humeral epicondyles should be ___ to the IR.

Lateral, perpendicular (superimposed).

The lateral projection of the elbow best demonstrates:

entire olecranon process & trochlear (semilunar) notch of the ulna. Anterior and posterior fat pads.

The AP projections of the elbow in acute flexion are obtained to demonstrate the ___ process of the ulna. The acute flexion method is also known as ____. For Distal Humerus, it is ___ projection, and for Proximal Forearm, it is ___ projection. It is used when:

Olecranon. Jones method. AP, PA. Fractures are so severe that elbow is in complete flexion.

The trauma axial lateral projection of the elbow is called ___. Used when:

Coyle method. Patient can't extend elbow for medial or lateral oblique projections.

In Coyle method for RADIAL HEAD, the elbow is flexed ___ degrees with the hand ___, and the CR angled 45 degrees ___ the shoulder.

90 degrees, pronated, towards.

In Coyle method for CORONOID PROCESS, the elbow is flexed ___ with the hand ___, and the CR angled 45 degrees ___ the shoulder.

80 degrees, pronated, away.

The 4 views to show the entire circumference (360 rotation) of the radial head are obtained with the elbow in ___ position. The 4 hand positions are:

Lateral. Eversion (supination), lateral, pronation & internal rotation (inversion).

For the AP projection of the humerus, the hand should be in the ___ position and the humeral epicondyles should be ___ to the IR. Top of IR is ___ inches above shoulder.

supine, parallel. 1 and half inches.

What is best demonstrated in AP projection of humerus?

Humeral head medially & greater tubercle laterally.

For the lateral projection of the humerus, the patient's arm is rotated to the lateral position until the humeral epicondyles are ___ in relation to the IR.

perpendicular (superimposed)

What is best demonstrated in lateral projection of humerus?

Lesser tubercle on medial aspect.

For trauma of the PROXIMAL humerus, the projections obtained are AP in _____ & ________.

Neutral rotation & transthoracic lateral.

For Elbow partial flexion views, distal humerus & proximal forearm is ___ to the IR. CR is perpendicular to ____.

For trauma of the DISTAL humerus, a ____ is taken.

A radiography of the elbow demonstrates the radius directly superimposed over the ulna and the coronoid process in profile. Solution: this indicates that the ____ projection of the elbow has been performed.

A radiograph of an AP OBLIQUE elbow with medial rotation reveals that the radial head is superimposed over part of the coronoid process. Solution: this indicates that the elbow has excessive _____ rotation.

A radiograph of an AP PROJECTION of the elbow reveals that there is complete separation of the proximal radius and ulna. What positioning error has been committed? Solution: the elbow is in excessive ___ rotation (humeral epicondyles not parallel to IR).

Leaned laterally. Lateral.

A patient enters the ER in severe pain with a possible dislocation of the elbow. The patient has the elbow flexed more than 90 degrees. Solution: the projections to be performed to confirm the diagnosis are:

AP's in partial flexion & limited lateral.

A patient enters the ER with an elbow injury. The partially flexed AP and lateral positions reveal a possible fracture of the coronoid process. The patient's elbow is partially flexed and he refuses to extend it further. Solution: the ___ method should be performed to confirm the coronoid process fracture. The elbow is flexed ___ degrees and the CR is angled _______.

Coyle. 80 degrees. 45 degrees AWAY from shoulder.

A young child comes to radiology with an elbow injury. The basic elbow projections demonstrate a possible nondisplaced fracture of the radial head. The patient's elbow is partially flexed and he is unable to extend it. Solution: the ____ method should be performed to confirm the radial head fracture. The elbow is flexed ___ degrees and the CR is angled ___ the shoulder.

Coyle. 90 degrees, toward the shoulder.

A radiograph of a transthoracic lateral projection revelas that is is difficult to visualize the proximal humerus due to the ribs and lung markings. The exposure was made on suspended respiration. Solution: using a ____ technique would improve the quality of the image.

A radiograph for AP projection with external rotation of the proximal humerus reveals that the greater tubercle is profiled laterally. Is a repeat exposure necessary?

A patient enters the ER with a midshaft humeral fracture. The AP projection taken on the stretcher demonstrates another fracture near the surgical neck of the humerus. The patient is UNABLE TO STAND OR ROTATE THE HUMERUS due to the extent of the trauma. What other projections should be taken for this patient? Solution: a ____ lateral projection of the humerus with a horizontal beam should be taken on this patient.

Transthoracic (cross table lateral).

Which projection of the elbow will demonstrate the radial head and neck free of superimposition?

Chapter 5.

What anatomy should be demonstrated free of superimposition on an AP oblique projection of the elbow in lateral rotation?

Term For a lateral projection of the hand, the central ray is directed to the:
Definition second digit MCP joint
Term Which of the following is demonstrated free of superimposition on an AP oblique projection of the elbow in lateral rotation?
Definition radial head and neck
Positioning Flashcards - Flashcard Machinewww.flashcardmachine.com › positioning4null

Which projection shows the coronoid process free of superimposition?

Olecranon process in the Olecranon fossa & Coronoid process free of superimposition. With patient seated at end of the x-ray table, elbow flexed 80 degrees, CR directed 45 degrees laterally from shoulder to elbow joint, which of the following will be demonstrated best...

Which structures are best demonstrated in the Lateromedial elbow projection?

Projection of the elbow that best demonstrates an elevated or visible posterior fat pad: Lateromedial. Radiograph of the elbow demonstrates the radius directly superimposed over the ulna and the coronoid process in profile: Medial Internal Oblique.


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