Which position on the political spectrum is likely to support the claim of peace through strength?

journal article

Peace through Cooperation or Peace through Strength? How to Achieve Peace in the Very Intractable Conflict Society

Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung

Vol. 44, No. 4 (170), Special Issue: Entrepreneurial Groups and Entrepreneurial Families (2019)

, pp. 269-292 (25 pages)

Published By: GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences


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The Korean War, having started on June 25, 1950, has never formally ended. As the two Koreas are technically still at war, the conflict on the Korean Peninsula has become intractable. The goal of this study is to explore the attitudes of South Koreans living in the intractable conflict about how to achieve peace. To fulfill this goal, we conducted a nation-wide survey to investigate attitudes toward militant and cooperative internationalism. We also measured various variables involved with the intractable conflict. Our results indicate that the value of international harmony and equality as well as attitudes toward peace are the best predictors of cooperative internationalism, while the value of international harmony and equality as well as the attitudes toward war were the strongest predictors of militant internationalism. Our results also suggest that the tendency to regard inter-Korean relations as zero-sum relations and the attitudes toward peace mediated the relationship between international harmony and cooperative internationalism, while the zero-sum perception and attitudes toward war on the Korean Peninsula mediated the same value factor and the cooperative internationalism. Possible implications are discussed.

Journal Information

Historical Social Research – Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) is a peer-reviewed international journal for the application of formal methods to history. Formal methods can be defined as all methods which are sufficiently intersubjective to be realized as an information science algorithm. Formalization means a variety of procedures that match descriptions of events, structures, and processes with explicit models of those events, structures, and processes. The applications of formal methods to history extend from quantitative and computer-assisted qualitative social research, historical sociology and social scientific history up to cliometrical research and historical information science. In a broader sense the field of Historical Social Research can be described as an inter-/ transdisciplinary paradigm.

Publisher Information

Historical Social Research – Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) is published by the GESIS -Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences. As the largest infrastructure facility in Germany, GESIS offers a variety of services related to the social sciences. Based on original research and experience, the scientific community finds a wide range of services, consultation, data, and information in all stations of the social scientific research cycle.

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Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung © 2019 GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
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