Which one of the following statements best describes behaviorists two step theory of avoidance learning?

Test 1

Which one of the following statements is most accurate regarding THEORIES of learning?

They are often modified as new data emerge.

A PRINCIPLE of learning can best be characterized as:

A statement that describes how a particular factor affects learning

Three of the following illustrate various ways that learning might be reflected in a person's behavior. Which one of the following changes does NOT necessarily reflect learning?

Although it's a school night, Dean play video games until well past his usual bedtime. As he becomes more tired, he finds it increasingly difficult to concentrate on what he's doing.

A THEORY of learning can best be characterized as:

an explanation of the underlying processes through which learning occurs

___________ research examines learning in tightly controlled settings and ___________ research examines learning in real-world settings.

Theories are advantageous in several ways. Three of the following describe advantages of learning theories. Which one does NOT?

Theories enable objective, unbiased reporting of research findings.

Reynelds has trouble tracing a complex shape with a pencil when she is in kindergarten, but she can do it quite well by the time she is in second grade. Is this an instance of LEARNING?

Maybe, although the change may simply be due to physiological maturation.

Which of the following common sayings best reflects the basic premise underlying SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY?

As children grow older, many of their neurons begin to transmit messages more rapidly than they did in the early years of life, thanks to:

After a severe head injury, Mary has exceptional difficulty setting goals and in other ways planning her actions. Without knowing anything else about Mary's injury, you might reasonably conclude that it affected her:

Which one of the following research findings is most consistent with the concept of CORE KNOWLEDGE as described in the textbook?

Very young infants appear to have more knowledge of the physical world than they could have acquired from their own, limited experiences with objects.

Which one of the following best describes psychologists' current beliefs about the brain and learning?

Learning involves changes in synapses and possibly also involves the growth of new neurons and astrocytes.

According to the textbook, which one of the following conclusions is most true regarding factors that influence brain development?

Together, brain development is shaped by genetic and environmental factors throughout lifespan

Which one of the following best describes the growth of neurons during the prenatal period?

An overabundance of neurons emerges early in prenatal development, but about half of the neurons die before birth

Which one of the following best describes how NEURONS transmit messages to one another?

By sending chemical substances across a tiny gap between them

Three of the following statements are consistent with research finding about factors that influence brain development. Which statement has NOT been supported by research?

High levels of toxic substances (e.g., lead, pesticides) have their greatest negative impact after puberty.

David is addicted to a drug that increases his blood sugar level, temporarily giving him more energy. David always takes this drug in the bathroom. He finds that he becomes tired when he enters the bathroom and also that he needs more and more of the drug

Lowering blood sugar level to counteract the effect of the drug has become a conditioned response to the "bathroom" stimulus.

Which one of the following responses is most likely to be learned through classical conditioning?

Feeling anxious around horses

DeeDee is upset that she has been taken off the basketball team because of a failing grade in her history class. The consequence of DeeDee's failure in history is an example of:

Punishment II
(b/c taking away desired)

Warren has earned himself a reputation for being the class clown. His teacher, Ms. Washington tries to ignore Warren when he tells jokes in class. But sometimes Warren tells a joke so funny that Ms. Washington laughs in spite of herself. Rather than decre

At the dentist's office, Teresa has a painful experience that leaves her tense and fearful. The next time her mother brings her to the dentist's office, Teresa begins to get tense and anxious. In this situation, the dentist and dentist's office are _____;

Conditioned Stimuli; Unconditioned Response

Which one of the following is an example of NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT?

When Lucas complains about a classmate who is picking on him, his teacher allows him to come in from recess on bitterly cold days.
(b/c you're taking away the undesired)

Ivan Pavlov conducted a series of studies that led him to propose his theory of CLASSICAL CONDITIONING. In these studies, Pavlov observed how a dog learned to:

Salivate to a simple stimulus such as a light or bell

When behaviorists describe an organism as a "BLACK BOX," they mean that:

Learning processes within the organism cannot be studied scientifically.

Research indicates that mastery learning approaches are superior to traditional instruction in several ways. Which one of the following conclusions should not be drawn on the basis of research on mastery learning?

High-ability students are the primary beneficiaries of mastery learning approaches.

Vanessa frequently complains of getting terrible headaches and so ends up at the nurse's office several times a week. Yet two different physicians have been unable to find a cause for Vanessa's headaches, and Vanessa's parents report that their daughter r

In programmed instruction, a branching program is different from a linear program in that a branching program:

Provides remedial work for students who need it (ex: students experiencing learning difficulties)

Mr. Berk gives extra credit to each of his students who pick up 5 pieces of trash in the classroom before the bell rings at the end of the day. Despite the fact that most of the students pick up 5 pieces of trash before the end of the day, some students n

One reinforcer does not reinforce behavior for every learner

For which of the following students would behaviorist approaches to instruction be LEAST helpful?

Dana has always been one of the top students in her class

If you wanted to encourage kindergartners to delay gratification, research indicates that an effective strategy would be to:

Occasionally remind them that they will get a bigger reward if they wait for an hour or two

Which one of the following instances of learning can be explained more easily by social cognitive theory than by operant conditioning?

Playing the role of a German soldier in the school play, Andy says his lines using a German accent similar to one he's heard in the movies a few times.

Sharon knows that Kathy frequently completes her assignments long after they are due. She has noticed that their teacher willingly accepts Kathy's late assignments because Kathy always has a creative excuse for turning them in late. Sharon begins to do th

Modeling and vicarious reinforcement

A mother takes her daughter to the grocery store and slips a can of tuna into her purse, yet tells her daughter that she herself should never shoplift. Judging from what research tells us about "practicing versus preaching," is the daughter likely to shop

Which one of the following alternatives illustrates the impact of an EFFICACY EXPECTATION?

Christina knows that practice will make her a better softball player. Even so, she doesn't think she's coordinated enough to make the varsity softball team.

If we consider the concept of RECIPROCAL CAUSATION, we must conclude that students' experiences in the classroom are influenced:

Both by classroom events and by what the students do themselves

Listed below are four reasons why students might not want to take their schoolwork seriously or to try very hard to succeed at classroom tasks. Which one of these reasons is most clearly consistent with the concept of self-efficacy?

Carol doesn't believe she has the ability to do the work successfully

Which one of the following is an example of vicarious reinforcement?

Alice notices that her friend Ellen gets extra attention from the teacher when she acts helpless. Alice begins to act helpless as well.

Only one of the following definitely illustrates high self-efficacy. Which one?

Amy knows she is a good singer

Which one of the following statements best illustrates the concept of reciprocal causation?

The environment alters behavior, but behavior alters the environment as well

Several students in Mr. Samber's class have trouble keeping themselves on task during independent seatwork assignments. Mr. Samber gives each of these students a piece of paper on which they are to make a check mark every time they find themselves doing s

Which one of the following statements provides the most credible explanation for the fact that human beings seem to surpass all other animal species in their thinking and learning capacities?

Humans communicate regularly with one another and, in doing so, pass along what they've learned to future generations.

Behaviorists and cognitivists tend to focus on different aspects of learning. Which one of the following statements best describes this difference?

Behaviorism focuses on external behavioral changes; cognitivism focuses on internal mental changes.

Three of the following are principles of learning. Which one is a THEORY of learning rather than a principle?

People learn by making mental associations between new information and their existing knowledge.

Which of the following best exemplifies EXPERIENCE-EXPECTANT PLASTICITY?

Mastering one's native language.

During the elementary and secondary school years, much of the brain's development occurs in regions of the brain that are largely responsible for

In the human brain, a great deal of SYNAPTIC PRUNING occurs in early childhood. This pruning appears to be:

An adaptive process that allows children to deal more efficiently with their environment

Which of the following statements most accurately describes a neuron's THRESHOLD OF EXPECTATION?

A neuron fires only when its electrical charge reaches a particular level.

John is an adolescent who makes impulsive decisions (e.g., ditching school) and engages in risky behavior (e.g., driving well over the speed limit). His behavior can best be explained by which of the following?

Adolescents' pre-frontal cortices are still not fully developed and will not be until their late teens and early twenties.

Given the roles that the right hemisphere typically plays in language comprehensions, which one of the following tasks would rely most heavily on the right hemisphere?

Realizing that "That blonde is really hot" has at least two possible meanings

Which one of the following best illustrates Skinner's concept of SUPERSTITIOUS BEHAVIOR?

David usually struggles with his geography exams, but he recently got high scores on two occasions when he wore a Denver Broncos sweatshirt to school. He now wears his Broncos sweatshirt whenever a geography test is scheduled.

A ski instructor is teaching a class of beginning skiers how to do a snowplow turn. She first teaches her students to stand with the fronts of their skis together and the backs of their skis far apart. She then has her students bend their knees slightly a

Martin went to two or three school dances but felt uncomfortable and self-conscious at them. Martin no longer goes to school dances. His lack of attendance is an example of:

Passive Avoidance Learning

Which one of the following is a PRIMARY REINFORCER?

Bill's behaviors in Ms. Kennedy's class are really distracting to other students. For example, he whispers to the boy beside him when Ms. Kennedy is giving directions on how to do any assignment. He flings paper clips at a girl across the room. He makes s

Mr. Kennedy is positively reinforcing him for the distracting behaviors.

Which one of the following is the major reason why assigning extra schoolwork is not an appropriate punishment for classroom misbehavior?

It gives students the message that classwork is an unpleasant task.

Tracy enjoys reading mystery novels and reads at least two a week. Her mother wants to encourage Tracy's reading and so begins to pay her daughter one dollar for each completed mystery novel. Considering research the extrinsic reinforcement of intrinsical

Lower her rate of reading mystery novels

The major advantage of using Bloom's taxonomy in developing objectives is that the taxonomy:

Encourages educators to address higher-level skills as well as factual knowledge

The student will correctly point to the location of all fifty states." This statement is missing one of the three recommended components of behavioral objectives. Which component is missing?

The conditions under which the behavior should be exhibited

Three of the following are recommended practices when using punishment to reduce an inappropriate behavior. Which one is NOT recommended?

Punish frequently to get the point across

Three of the following alternatives depict situations in which a teacher is facilitating the RETENTION component of modeling. Which one does NOT depict such a situation?

Mr. Byers suggests, "Let's play some background music while I show you how to use the dipstick to measure your oil level.

Below are four situations in which a behavior is being imitated. Only one of them can be explained from an OPERANT CONDITIONING perspective. Which one?

Immediately after she watches her teacher demonstrate how to use a microscope, Debbie uses it correctly and is praised by her teacher for doing so.

SOCIAL COGNITIVE THEORY can best be characterized as being concerned with learning:

Through observations of others

According to SOCIAL COGNITIVE theorists, reinforcement affects learning because it:

Encourages the learner to pay attention

Jim has a high sense of SELF-EFFICACY regarding his ability to work with his hands. Based on this information, we would predict three of the following from social cognitive theory. Which one would we NOT necessarily predict?

Jim will be a bit careless when he works with his hands, so he will frequently make silly little mistakes.

In social cognitive theorists' conceptualization of reciprocal causation, which one of the following is the best example of a PERSON factor?

Alma expects to do well in science this year.

Pamela is an average-ability high school student who is having difficulty in her chemistry class. She is beginning to think she should cheat on the next chemistry exam. Four of Pamela's classmates give her advice. Judging from Bandura's findings on how pe

Amy, a girl of similar ability, tells her that a little cheating now and then is perfectly acceptable.

How do behaviorists define learning quizlet?

Behaviorism: Definition of Learning. defines learning as a relatively enduring change in observable behavior that occurs as a result of experience.

Which one of the following statements is most accurate statement regarding theories of learning?

Which one of the following statements is the most accurate statement regarding theories of learning? They are often modified as new data emerge. The textbook's perspective regarding various theories of learning is that: Different theories may be (more or less) applicable in different situations.

Which of the following statements best describes classical conditioning quizlet?

Which of the following statements best describes classical conditioning? It is a learning process in which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with an innately meaningful stimulus and acquires the capacity to elicit a similar response.

What is one key difference between the behaviorism and Cognitivism paradigms quizlet?

Behaviorism focuses on external behavioral changes; cognitivism focuses on internal mental changes. Three of the following describe methods that researchers commonly use to determine how the human brain probably functions.


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